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Everything posted by drgoon

  1. The Hub of Asian Tech Ecosystems... gotta have dreams
  2. The dunny, sh1tter, Aussie spa pool....
  3. 5555555555555 here they go again. The Hub of Hubs. The Hub of the Universe next. What a bunch of dreamers...
  4. The Hub of Hubs next
  5. Much the same at home in NZ. Lost count of the times young people in particular are unable to do basic math calculations in their head. The digital age is well and truelly entrenched.
  6. Next thing we know, they will be the International Hub of Astronomics
  7. They should also concentrate on the crop burnoff. That's a massive contributor to pollution.
  8. Annual test 😂 15 years here and never known anyone to have a test or be ordered to have one. Same as dumping rubbish, trucks dumping unused concrete, waste of any sort on the road side, nobody really gives a <deleted>. I agree about the pickups, I like to ride bikes but the over fueling of diesels is a big pain in the lungs
  9. He's started a chicken farm lol
  10. Wellllllll.... let me tell you a story. To the left is a drunk who is a right pain in the arse. He often used to accuse me of all sorts of <deleted> which I politely ignored until on one occasion he go real close to me and spat in my face. My wife, a very attractive and petite lass of 42 started yelling at him, which is very unlike her, walked up to him and punched him in the side of his noggin. He collapsed, unconscious, and cracked his head on the pavement as he hit the deck. Long story short, he ended up in hospital, the Police came around, the neighbours backed the wife. Pisshead came home from hospital and moved away some time after. To the right, is an attractive woman, single, who flirts with me all the time. My wife told me if I go near her she will 'cut for duck' making a scissors sign with her fingers and pointing at my crotch. I often think about what may happen between us but the fear of losing my favourite appendage prohibits me acting out my fantasies. Across the soi is an amiable couple, mid 50s. He's always asking me to get on the piss with him but he drinks that foul 'whiskey'. Of course, being a good neighbour I oblige although more than one usually ends with me getting farked up and feeling like <deleted> the next day. I usually overcome this trend buy drinking lots of water or beer instead. Behind us is a couple, 40s, who grow amazing cannabis. They are active in the community and grow vegetable in their plot and use composting and organic processes as much as is possible here in this land that is so endered of chemical intervention. The local Police have visited in the past and admired their cannabis plants. I must say, they look fantastic and have a very strong smell when they are due for harvest. The sister in law lives up the road, an extremely attractive single lass of mid 30s. I think she's lesbian although I haven't seen anything to confirm this other than not seeing her with a male companion. She is the cause of the occasional erection wen I'm in bed with my lovely wife.
  11. OP sounds a bit sour grapes. I'm in a relationship with a Thai woman 25 years my junior. She was interested in me for my humour, consideration of others and I'm in no doubt that I was a more attractive prospect than most local men. Our relationship has stood the test of time and extended periods apart for 7 years. We had a daughter 8 years ago. Got married February this year. I paid sinsod, not a large amount. A token. I guess It will keep the MIL in food for maybe 6 months. Am I a fool, some of you will say yes. Fair enough. I'm confident in our relationship that we, my wife and I, will share our assets and the survivors, probably her and our daughter will be the beneficiaries. Good on us
  12. Yes, I thought that a rather strange start to the story lol
  13. Sad that the Thai minimum wage, which I presume they would be getting paid, is more attractive than what they may get at home.
  14. Come on guys, don't be so harsh. There's a market for + size women
  15. To admit that the issues are actually themselves would be a loss of face. The 'problems' will never be themselves, always someone else unless there is damning evidence to the contrary.
  16. You're the one getting bitter, look at your a s shole reply. Typical of a sour old man with nothing better to do than whinge like all your mates on this site
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