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Posts posted by DJVillain

  1. 3 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    I believe the point was to inflict pain on the EX WIFE..taking her son away......selfish thais..:wai:

    Equally selfish of the mother to just walk away from an unhinged drunk without thinking to take her son with her...

    If she had any kind of motherly instincts, you'd have expected her to pack her childs things and get out of there to keep both of them safe...

  2. 1 minute ago, tomacht8 said:

    Have you ever had sex with a woman?
    If so, was it fun?
    We are talking about commercial sex and not about love.
    If you are a follower of the monogamous, lifelong, sworn bible marriage, that is ok.
    Then you should condemn any commercial sex, regardless of age.
    But you're pissed off, that older men have commercial sex with younger women.
    Then why is the sex, which is known to all of us as a lot of fun, done by old men dirty, and done by younger men not?

    Im not pissed off... Im having a whale of a time :D

  3. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    Well I am older than the guy the story is about, and it may come as surprise to you to know that Mrs.Trans and I still like to fool around..Why is that, because I/we can and desire...But you seem to have a problem with older folk "getting it on"....


    I think you have a problem....

    Where did I say I have a problem with older folk 'getting it on'?

  4. 2 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    Take it easy boy.
    I recommend, you go visit a zoo.
    There you should observe for one day the behavior of red ass monkeys.
    The old silver alpha backs dominate the monkey pack.
    All young female monkeys belong to their harem, until he falls in a power fight.
    And in the human world this power corresponds to the possession of money.
    And  many older men have a lot of money, because of their previous working life.
    If you have earned enough money, you can choose usually from a huge number of possible  copulating partners.
    I can understand your frustration, but that is nature.
    Think you must just wait for your turn.


    Oh I see...

    Remarkable how the colour of the ass of the monkeys has evolved to match the colour of the face of the man in the article, and how his tail has now gone between his legs instead of being used as an extra limb...

  5. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    So now physical afflictions comes into YOUR equation....Good grief chap....Bet you are tea total too.............

    Im not tea-total whatsoever

    Im comparing my father with this son of the chief exec that SaintLouisBlues was talking about with his 'as far as you know' statement...

    People on this forum are incredibly touchy as soon as the term 'Dirty old man' gets used aren't they?

  6. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    Do you know what your daughter gets up too....?

    (If you have one)

    And what will you be doing in your 60's, do you know....?

    (Perhaps you are in your 60's and the hormones have departed)...

    I don't have a daughter, so yes, I do know what she gets up to... Nothing

    And I can't see that far into the future, so I'll just pass judgement on what I see now...
    If that old codger was my father and I found out he was doing that, I'd kick seven shades of shit out of him...

  7. 6 hours ago, Essaybloke said:

    "the letcherous, balding old pervert"....Nah mate. Just a guy paying for a service provided by a working girl. The rest is your problem.  :angry:

    Doesn't stop him being a letcherous, balding old pervert though does it?
    He is in his 60s, the woman obviously much younger than him...

    Im sure you wouldnt be happy if it was your daughter...

  8. 11 hours ago, TheGhostWithin said:

    Why is that any business of anyone except for Granddad? Does a man no longer have a right to privacy?Yes, prostitution is legal in my country. I understand it is not in Thailand, however nowhere in the article did it confirm that Granddad had paid. She might have been beside him because he was a handsum man.


    Yes, of course thats why she is with the letcherous, balding old pervert who is sleeping with a girl young enough to be his granddaughter...
    Because he is a 'handsum man'...
    You're a hoot mate :D

  9. See. They will fight on the technicalies of the case.

    The new mantra.

    Maybe they are innocent.

    Maybe they are guilty.

    It doesn't matter [emoji5][emoji5]

    Protocol was not followed.


    Guilty as sin. even their own lawyers don't shout their innocence anymore.

    Would like to see the death sentence overturned. Other than that, right where they should be.

    Disgraceful comments why do you continue to embarress yourself.

    He can't help himself, The phrase Village idiot comes to mind!

    Maybe not Village idiot but vested interests?


    All of this talk of the murderer still on the loose has probably hurt business...

    Can't wait for it all to be brushed under the carpet so the young, drunk diving students come back and the good times roll again...

    Until one of them decides to say 'no' to a spoilt rich brats advances...

  10. Hi ladies and gents

    I have a work permit and have been told by my employer that this law is being enforced quite strictly now.
    I live in a block of rented condos with my girlfriend and her daughter.
    Our condo is in my girlfriends name but it is rented off of a landlady who knows I also live there.
    My 90 day check in runs out on April 27th and I just need to know what it is I need to take to my local immigration centre to get this whole mess sorted out in one fell swoop instead of running around like a blue arsed fly all around Samut Prakan.

    I have heard conflicting opinions;
    Some people say I need the landlady to fill out a form but others say I need my girlfriend to do is as I am technically not renting off of he landlady, I am just staying with the tenant who is.

    Any help would be really appreciated.

  11. To all you who came up with the same old shit about me being a pimp and if it was my daughter yada yada yada,stop acting like a load of tarts and get real.What was the reasons you sad lot came over here for in the first place.All you sanctimonious, holier than thou,Hippocrates.yeah! i did it and i made a bundle of money out of it,some of it probably yours.Prostitution is a way of life here 'cos poor uneducated girls have got f##k all else,their government gives them sod all.I never made one girl do anything she didn't want to,and most of them ended up with probably more money than you sorry lot. So, all you fine fellows who go off for your sneaky little massages once a week,telling the little woman you'r just nipping down to soi Bukhaouw market on a Sunday,i'm on to you.Ive known people like you all my life.This is Thailand my anal friends,live with it.At least i had the balls to get up off my arse and make some money in this country.

    Me thinks you all doth protest too much.

    Im not from Greece and I am not the father of modern medical practices thank you very much.

    I didn't come here for prostitution or to take advantage of people with less money either...

    Scumbag... Why don't you get a proper job instead of using people for your own ends

  12. A woman with a business degree informed me that the "Thai military can do anything they want "

    Yes.... Just like they did when a vastly superior Japanese army said they wanted to move freely through Thailand...

    The military 'invited them in'

    Because if they hadn't, they would have had the unholy shit shelled out of them...

    F**king cowards...

    Why don't they just lie down and face it... Nobody respects their army... They are better off just opening their borders and land ownership to a superior power...

    Like the British!

  13. I know a guy who build a house. his friends told him he can not own land. he didn't care, he was not listening , he said he know how to do it (Grey area of the law)and a lady was taking care of everything. To me, it sounded strange. I asked him why he didn't buy a condo instead. he said he wanted a big house to invite his farang friends and retire in his house.

    2 years later I see him, and he said "I have been scammed "

    you think he would have learned? he told me recently that there is a way to own land in Thailand and if he had the money he would buy a house....again...!

    The problem being stupid people don't know they are stupid, and you can't tell them either.

    Unfortunately... stupidity isn't cripplingly painful

    In this day and age, it seems to be rewarded...

  14. The teenagers "did wrong" and. so did the game designers and distributors.

    Q: What kind of people design games that include violence?

    A: Those that consider violence a game! A bunch of sickos.

    What about board games like Dungeons and Dragons? Warhammer? Battlestar Galactica?

    These include elements of violence and roleplay in fantasy and sci fi settings; but level headed people understand they are just games and what happens on a tabletop or video screen is not an indication of how you should conduct yourself in real life...

    I liked Super Mario when I was a kid... I didn't go around jumping on reptiles and kicking their shells down the road...

    I also liked Sonic the Hedgehog... Didn't steal gold rings from boxes, paint myself blue, cover myself with spikes and run really fast at people either...

    I did play Pacman though... and when I was at university I had a tendency to wander around dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music...

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