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Posts posted by DJVillain

  1. My guess is that the work was not done by the local police, but rather the equivalent of the Thai FBI. So, the best and the brightest were involved in this. Real "experts". And this is the best they could do. The nation needs to spend billions of dollars revamping and upgrading law enforcement here. Tens of billions. Maybe hundreds of billions. Dollars, not baht. Will it be done? In our lifetimes?

    You can't upgrade the ingrained culture... All that money would just be stolen by the people in charge... Its not like it hasn't happened every other time in Thai history someone gets cash for a project and it gets evaporated without much/any accountability

    Exactly... Which is why farang will never get a job in those upper echelons of society because these are jobs that only a Thai can do...

    A farang would never be able to comprehend the task of being so utterly corrupt

  2. Why am I not surprised! If ever they needed Western policing technic's it was with this case!

    If there was ever an excuse for 21st Century colonialism; this is it!

    Thailand loves to brag about how it was never colonised... but they are getting left far behind the rest of the world with that pride and not accepting help from countries with infrastructures that are vastly superior...

  3. "However, Prayuth ruled out working with U.S. investigators, insisting Thais can do the job." - ummmm...clearly they can't.

    I don't know mate...

    I think they can do the job....

    Of covering it all up, making up bulls**t stories and brushing it all under the carpet...

    The more this goes on, the more I think that this was a job done by the military government on their own people in an effort to make sure they can keep hold of power and scare the population into obedience...

    Why else would they refuse the help of the US?

    The only reason is because the US would do a damn sight better job and uncover all the things the Thais have tried to cover up...

  4. "OK Thailand, lets see the forensic evidence left behind by the bomb"

    "No have . We clean right away. Make like new. Tourist happy. OK?"

    "Well, the list of names associated with cellphones in use in the area"

    "No have. 16,000,000 not registered. We still let use. Everybody happy. OK?"

    "Video of suspect as he move through Bangkok?"

    "90% of camera not work. Need money for other things. Tourist think work, feel happy. OK?"

    "Photos of people entering Thailand at airports and from immigration?"

    "No have. Computer not work. Just act like camera work. Only for collect money. Make bad man happy. OK?"

    Please don't be so degenerating. Quite a lot of internationally wanted criminals have been arrested in the Kingdom thanks to the immigration pics. Surely there's much one can blame authorities for, but one cannot blame a country for not being on the level of western countries.

    Other countries are on the level of western countries and haven't had nearly the amount of tourism and exposure to western culture as Thailand have...

    The fact is that Thai authorities only want help when they can dripfeed the information they want to give away to the people helping...

    They want it to make it look like they are accepting help without actually accepting it

  5. I think in this situation Thailand should immediately deport ALL Uighurs to China to show that it does not obey blackmail

    A: There is no evidence yet pointing to Uighur involvement.

    B: Even if there is a connection the blame lies with the scum behind the bombing and no one else.

    C: anyone who advocates sending genuine refugees fleeing persecution back to face torture and execution ( in effect state sanctioned murder) is no better than those advocating terrorism in the name of a cause. Both are calling for violence against the innocent.

    no way. this leftist trick will not work. enforcing the law can't be compared with killing of innocent civilians for political goals.

    Thailand does not owe anything to Uighur so has the right to send them where thy came from. there came to Thailand without permission - broke the law of the country and should, in fact, be prosecuted like culprits. Thailand even didn't sign the UN convention on refugees. so simple deportation is a mercy for them.

    even if there is 100% no connection between Uighur and Bangkok attack they still must be deported. because they came here without permission. Nation of this country does not need them here.

    the law is the law, notwithstanding what some hysterical leftists think.

    Zieg Heil general!

    Someone should turn off his conputer and go for a walk...

    We should send back the ones fleeing the war in middle east too, right? Even if this war is caused by western countries, or is it ok for them?

    Hope your country won t turn nasty or you may need to flee and will not be able to use this argument anymore...

    Thats a typical diversion tactic...

    The Uighurs are not Thailand problem at all... End of... They could have picked any number of countries to have escaped to who are more tolerant to Islam and their ways of life and who did not have such strong ties to China...

    The whole idea about escaping persecution is about going to the first safe country you get to... Not picking and choosing... This is life-and-death... Not umming and arring because you don't like the climate...

    This is exactly the same type of crap that gets thrown at Britain because we refuse asylum to people from Africa and the Middle East who, despite having already escaped the persecution and arrived in the first safe country of asylum, STILL aren't happy with France, Spain, Italy et al and would much rather pick Britain...

  6. . . .

    Second, the police have not officially revealed that they have identified the bomber, and have accessed his facebook and instagram accounts. There are pictures of our friendly neighborhood bomber in military fatigues holding a gun on those websites and the media has accessed these as well. Somyet should keep his mouth shut until the investigation is complete (which of course he is not doing, and why hasn't he been sacked yet?). But the media has every right to be taking a hard look at the Uighurs and is not off-base by focusing the public's attention on them.

    Well, let's consider Thai culture for a moment: One cannot be seen as not having the answers and it is better to say something (anything) than admit to not know.

    Now, combine the cultural aspects of not wanting to lose face with the questionable translations being published verbatim by English media sources and we end up in a situation with much confusion for us non-Thai speakers. Remember, none of these quotes are directly from the horse's mouth.

    With that being said though, isn't it better for police to take a leaf out of the books of other countries forces when it comes to speaking to the media and say:

    'The investigation is on going', 'We are following leads' et al. instead of the cock and bull story that they always churn out?

  7. Manhunt?! This guy is long gone! They didn't lockdown the city and the airports after the attack! These chumps couldn't catch a cold!

    Anyone have the number for the Keystone Cops? They could do a better job!


    The suspect was caught on camera putting the bag down, and the only video evidence of the explosion was from the dashboard of a car...

    Surely, if it was the suspect and the bag he put down was the bomb, there would be a video right there showing it going off and he wouldn't be a suspect anymore... He would be the culprit!

    If it was him, and he got away, whoever was directing him has probably had him killed anyway to stop it getting back to them...

  8. ...and as for those who think by using expressions like "no concept of awareness" or "spatial awareness" they are making a some valid point as if inserting some pseudo-scientific phrases gives it some kind of gravitas when it has no real meaning at all...come on! Why not learn something about what you are posting on before writing total nonsense?

    (you can almost hear them running to google now!)

    PS - "proceed cautiously at traffic lights - well what would you do in other countries?? Just blithely drive on without a care in the world? You need to review your driving skills...and pronto.

    There was no pseudo science in what I posted pal... None at all...

    Bottom line is that the swerving between lanes without checking surroundings, no use of the indicators to let other people know what they are doing, packing too many people into a car or minibus to make more money/save time, cramming cars onto an intersection when the lights go red even if they aren't turning right (which then just means nobody else can move) and running red lights are ALL prime examples of discourteous behaviour towards other road users.

    If Thailand didn't hand out driving licenses like candy and people had to actually pass a test... a proper test after lessons where you are taught to open your eyes, survey your surroundings and give a shit about what other people are doing, show courtesy to other road users and have common sense, then maybe accidents like the one in the article wouldn't have happened...

    "fgrad it is - you don't even understand spatial awareness and are applying it incorrectly.

    However this comes as no surprise.

    Further testament to your lack or scientific thinking is your apparent belief that the plural of anecdote is data.......On a par with most of the nonsense posted on this thread.

    Where did I use the words anecdote or data?? I think you may have me confused with another poster...

    Being spatially aware is the state of knowing your surroundings and where they are exactly....

    So, what is the cause for the poor standard of driving in Thailand?

    Is it a general lack of courtesy for other road users? or a lack of spacial awareness?

    To be fair, its not even just the drivers, pedestrians do it too... Walking 10-abreast down a street at a snails pace blocking people from walking past...

  9. ...and as for those who think by using expressions like "no concept of awareness" or "spatial awareness" they are making a some valid point as if inserting some pseudo-scientific phrases gives it some kind of gravitas when it has no real meaning at all...come on! Why not learn something about what you are posting on before writing total nonsense?

    (you can almost hear them running to google now!)

    PS - "proceed cautiously at traffic lights - well what would you do in other countries?? Just blithely drive on without a care in the world? You need to review your driving skills...and pronto.

    There was no pseudo science in what I posted pal... None at all...

    Bottom line is that the swerving between lanes without checking surroundings, no use of the indicators to let other people know what they are doing, packing too many people into a car or minibus to make more money/save time, cramming cars onto an intersection when the lights go red even if they aren't turning right (which then just means nobody else can move) and running red lights are ALL prime examples of discourteous behaviour towards other road users.

    If Thailand didn't hand out driving licenses like candy and people had to actually pass a test... a proper test after lessons where you are taught to open your eyes, survey your surroundings and give a shit about what other people are doing, show courtesy to other road users and have common sense, then maybe accidents like the one in the article wouldn't have happened...

  10. Thai drivers go through red lights often. It's so bad, that sometimes when I'm approaching (or starting at) a green light, I have to honk, and proceed cautiously. 1,2,3,4 or more seconds after the light turns red, mai pen rai - if you're Thai you can justify speeding up to go through the intersection - rather than having to stop and wait for a minute or two.

    So true...

    Just no concept of spacial awareness or other peoples safety...

    Both this attitude and a multitude of others are why this is my last year in Thailand... I am becoming jaded by the place...

  11. Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

    This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

    All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

    The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

    I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

    I just smile.

    Listen man, you don't understand what its like!

    Us honky crackers get profiled every day in the land of smiles. It isn't fair... How many years do we have to put up with this oppression in this country which isn't ours in any way shape or form and where we clearly didn't originate from?!?

    Prices marked up for stuff because of the colour of our skin, people treating us like we have the word ATM stamped on our foreheads, people thinking our girlfriends have been picked up from a bar when, in fact, it was a bistro!

    It hurts...

    And if you have a problem with me using the racial slurs 'honky' and 'cracker'... its OK... because I am white... and as a proud white man suffering from discrimination, I am reclaiming the words from the people that used them to abuse myself and my white brothers and sisters for decades...

  12. Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

    This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

    All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

    The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

    I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

    I just smile.

    Listen man, you don't understand what its like!

    Us honky crackers get profiled every day in the land of smiles. It isn't fair... How many years do we have to put up with this oppression in this country which isn't ours in any way shape or form and where we clearly didn't originate from?!?

    Prices marked up for stuff because of the colour of our skin, people treating us like we have the word ATM stamped on our foreheads, people thinking our girlfriends have been picked up from a bar when, in fact, it was a bistro!

    It hurts...

  13. I cordially invite all who want to come to England and walk down the street calling people "coloureds". I know I won't have to buy you a return ticket.

    What would you call them? What name/ title is in preference this year?

    Knowing the way that the British government has gone down the tubes in years gone by, I wouldn't be surprised if we had to refer to 'people of colour' as 'massa'...

    Because, obviously, we need to make up for years of stuff that happened centuries ago that had nothing to do with us, our parents or our grandparents...

  14. Many people on here are very confused. First not all African's are black, I am an African by birth but are lilly white. Secondly these people will not operate in BKK if they don't have police protection, if anyone doubt it, go and stand on a street corner selling sweets and see how fast you get deported for working without a WP. Thirdly political correctness isn't an issue for Thai's so they can call a spade by its name. Fourthly Nigerians are involved in crimes throughout the world and they have brought the bad name on themselves. If anyone of any race breaks the law in the country they should be dealt with according to the law and if they are targeted according to race so be it.

    You've hit the nail on the head with your third point...

    The Thais (and East Asians in general) haven't had the 'foie gras' of white guilt and affirmative action that people in the West have had for the last 30 years... They can say and do what they like...

    Was working in Nong Khai and filtering through job applications in a school when 4 Cameroonian men came marching through the door demanding job interviews because they had sent us applications but we didn't reply (The applications were shit by the way).

    According to the men in question, we didn't give them a chance because they were black, being a natural English speaker doesn't matter when being an English teacher and 'even though (their) CVs is not very good (they) are still really good teachers'... They then went on to insult one of our Thai staff, ask her how she spoke English so well and then call her a liar when she said she was Thai and not a Filipino.

    So its not just the Nigerian drug dealers being a pain in the arse to people either...

  15. It didn't take long for the apologists to stick their heads up.

    It may come as a surprise to you that many tourists don't find an endless round of similar looking temples and buffaloes or watching water fall over a cliff or rice growing to be their idea of a holiday.

    Actually your attitude really sucks.

    Tourist should be safe wherever they go the same as any other person and more so when patronising an establishment that caters predominantly to tourists.

    Obviously to confusing for hanno

    The story clearly says the gun was planted on the Turk.

    Quality Hosts. wai2.gifwai.gif

    "The clip showed the man crawling out and Kabin walking to him and shooting him at close range."

    All those islands are ruled by thugs.

    Yep... They are... But maybe if the quality of the tourist was better, the quality of the host would be better too...

    If the tourists went to somewhere off the beaten track instead of the 'party islands', Phuket or Pattaya... They would see good quality and welcoming Thai hospitality...

    Want to go to a place crawling with overweight perverts and act the thug? Expect the locals to act the thug back...

    Som nam nah

    Probably been to nakon si nowhere a couple of times and think all the stupid inane grinning is because they like him.

    Nope, spent a year teaching in Nong Khai; was invited on school trips to plenty of places around the country and it opened my eyes a lot more than go-go bars and brothels on an overpriced island ever would.

    While I was in Nong Khai, I was treated like an equal and was never once jumped on for my money. Unlike the party islands, Pattaya and Phuket where money, greed and the printing of the letters ATM on a foreigners forehead is pretty much mandatory.

    Been in Thailand quite a long time and never had a gun pulled on me... Been to the island in question where this Turkish fellow was killed and never been attacked...

    But then again, I treat the place and the people with respect and not like one big brothel where I can turn up, jump into bed with a teenage bar girl and then bugger off home again...

  16. Quality Hosts. wai2.gifwai.gif

    "The clip showed the man crawling out and Kabin walking to him and shooting him at close range."

    All those islands are ruled by thugs.

    Yep... They are... But maybe if the quality of the tourist was better, the quality of the host would be better too...

    If the tourists went to somewhere off the beaten track instead of the 'party islands', Phuket or Pattaya... They would see good quality and welcoming Thai hospitality...

    Want to go to a place crawling with overweight perverts and act the thug? Expect the locals to act the thug back...

    Som nam nah

  17. Arrogance of a third world country is astounding.

    Arrogance has never been the issue. It is stupidity and greed.

    "It is stupidity and greed."

    Interesting comment on a forum visited by economic refugees many of whom can't afford to live in their own countries because they didn't plan well for their retirement or who are unqualified and/or unable to find employment in those same countries that are collapsing under debt used to pay for things they were unwilling or unable to fund out of pocket.

    If something is priced too high for you, don't use it or buy it. Time for some of the economic refugees from Farang Utopia to move on or stay away ... one more reason to raise prices.

    As far as arrogance is concerned, there's plenty of that in Farang Land. Why anyone should expect "third world" counties to bend over and spread their legs to cater to Khun Farang being an excellent example of the vestiges of colonial arrogant mentality.

    Why change what was working so well though?

    The country and its residents had gotten very good at bending over and spreading its legs for Khun Farang... Hey, its why a lot of the people on this message board came here in the first place...

    We people from Farangland expect it of Third World countries because Third World countries brought it upon themselves...

    Now stop thinking for yourselves, assume the position and get back to what you were good at in the first place


  18. I like the bit where he talks about 'Western style democracy'...

    There is no such thing as a 'style' of democracy... Its either a democracy or its not...

    I love this country and I love the majority of the Thai people but my good gracious, their stupidity/pig-headedness/belligerence/twisting-of-the-facts <delete as appropriate> drives me up the wall sometimes...

  19. I went when I was 22 and it was just plain awful. People off their heads on drugs. People pissing in the sea 'cos they were too lazy to go to toilet or didn't wanna pay the 5 Baht fee.

    When younger people I know visit and ask if it's any good, I tell them not to bother unless they enjoy making <deleted> of themselves. I've never liked the whole backpacker scene. Being tight with your cash I get. Dressing like a hobo and stinking of BO does not endear you to the locals. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? If there are any locals who look and smell like many backpackers, it's not through <deleted> choice! It's actually just offensive and ignorant.

    Oh, and when did being the loudest, craziest and most inconsiderate prick become cool?

    To each their own. Rant over.

    Agree with much of this.

    Just to add that when I was back packing 5 years ago, most back packers I met weren't slumming it, not even close (an I inlcude myself in that). Most had their laptops, Mac books, iPhones, expensive cameras, etc.

    It quickly became apparent to me that most backpackers think that slumming it is staying in a guesthouse which doesn't have a Wi-Fi connection.

    Most of these beach bungalows that backpackers are so eager to stay in and which they class as being at the lower end of the accomodation scale in Thailand actually have air con and a maid cleaning them everyday, hardly slumming it.

    After living in Thailand for a few years now, experience has taught me that backpackers must spend an absolute fortune here. They end up paying 150Baht for stuff like Pad Thai, fried rice or banana pancakes just because they don't know any better and still think they're getting a good deal having only ever eaten Pad Thai at double the price at some Thai restaurant in their home country.

    They must be easy pickings for the rip-off merchants and mafia parasites on places like Koh Tao. Easy pickings.

    You guys are all missing the real fun of the backpackers (and old letches in go-go bars)

    When you get talking to them, and they ask you to help them learn some Thai, teach them something completely different instead...

    For instance, a 60-odd year old guy in Udon Thani once started talking to me in a bar; he had been living in Thailand for 25 years (ive been here 2 1/2) and he admitted that he 'can't even say a sentence in Thai' and asked me what to say to a particular girl at the bar who he thought was beautiful... Looking at the girl (who was easily between 18-23) I did the right thing and helped him and told him to say:

    'Pom chawp deurm nam asoojee katouey'.

    Hilarity ensued as the clueless old duffer then proudly admitted to the whole bar, with his brand new vocabulary, that he likes to drink ladyboy semen...

    See... So much fun to be had!

    So you use that sentence alot DJ? wink.png

    Every now and then, I also like to get people to saw 'Chawp chuck wow kwaii' (I like to wank off buffalo)...

    Depends who I am talking to and how mischievous/belligerent I am feeling at the time :D

  20. I went when I was 22 and it was just plain awful. People off their heads on drugs. People pissing in the sea 'cos they were too lazy to go to toilet or didn't wanna pay the 5 Baht fee.

    When younger people I know visit and ask if it's any good, I tell them not to bother unless they enjoy making <deleted> of themselves. I've never liked the whole backpacker scene. Being tight with your cash I get. Dressing like a hobo and stinking of BO does not endear you to the locals. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? If there are any locals who look and smell like many backpackers, it's not through <deleted> choice! It's actually just offensive and ignorant.

    Oh, and when did being the loudest, craziest and most inconsiderate prick become cool?

    To each their own. Rant over.

    Agree with much of this.

    Just to add that when I was back packing 5 years ago, most back packers I met weren't slumming it, not even close (an I inlcude myself in that). Most had their laptops, Mac books, iPhones, expensive cameras, etc.

    It quickly became apparent to me that most backpackers think that slumming it is staying in a guesthouse which doesn't have a Wi-Fi connection.

    Most of these beach bungalows that backpackers are so eager to stay in and which they class as being at the lower end of the accomodation scale in Thailand actually have air con and a maid cleaning them everyday, hardly slumming it.

    After living in Thailand for a few years now, experience has taught me that backpackers must spend an absolute fortune here. They end up paying 150Baht for stuff like Pad Thai, fried rice or banana pancakes just because they don't know any better and still think they're getting a good deal having only ever eaten Pad Thai at double the price at some Thai restaurant in their home country.

    They must be easy pickings for the rip-off merchants and mafia parasites on places like Koh Tao. Easy pickings.

    You guys are all missing the real fun of the backpackers (and old letches in go-go bars)

    When you get talking to them, and they ask you to help them learn some Thai, teach them something completely different instead...

    For instance, a 60-odd year old guy in Udon Thani once started talking to me in a bar; he had been living in Thailand for 25 years (ive been here 2 1/2) and he admitted that he 'can't even say a sentence in Thai' and asked me what to say to a particular girl at the bar who he thought was beautiful... Looking at the girl (who was easily between 18-23) I did the right thing and helped him and told him to say:

    'Pom chawp deurm nam asoojee katouey'.

    Hilarity ensued as the clueless old duffer then proudly admitted to the whole bar, with his brand new vocabulary, that he likes to drink ladyboy semen...

    See... So much fun to be had!

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