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Posts posted by DJVillain

  1. Over the past couple of days, in open forum, I have asked what a troll and a shill is/ are

    I now know the simple answer... Lucky 11... Hey.... How much does a shill make?

    You've given me two likes now. Can I conclude from that, that I'm not such a bad shill after all?

    I think that I'll try to put my points over in a little less of a confrontational manner in the future as I don't want to come over as being 'all nasty'.

    I shall still fight my corner though!! Whether it is against Yingluck or on the Koh Tao threads. I don't think you'd expect any different of me in this respect.

    Some people have called you a shill, an RTP apologist etc etc.

    I wont though...

    I will call you what any self respecting British person would...

    You're a <deleted>!

  2. “Jaktip Chaijinda, deputy head of national police, said a quick resolution of the case would result in a speedy recovery of tourist numbers.”

    He went on: “Today the case should be finished. We want to clear it up as soon as possible so our tourist industry can bounce back.”


    All governments would act the same. It's called damage limitation after a situation that reflects your country in a negative way.

    No they wouldn't.... Most governments with a hint of credibilty would talk first about their sympathy for the families, the tragic loss of life, how justice needed to be done and the proper criminals needed to be put to justice...

    Not every government in the world brushes that under the carpet to make sure everyone knows that getting money is more important...

    If anything, that makes it even more shady... They are willing to get tourists back into the country by any means necessary to make more money instead of find the people who actually did the crime.... because the people who actually did it paid them a shitload to find a pair of patsies!

  3. What's pathetic is the backpedaling, going from bands of thai thugs in Koh Tao preying on innocent young people with impunity to unespecified assaults, by unspecified people throughout an entire province without a mention of that going on with impunity.

    Though's farangs who have connections in KT don't have to worry, do they AleG..?

    Of course they don't...

    As long as the money and the fresh, dough eyed Farang ladies keep turning up, who care if one or two are killed by local butchers... Theres plenty of Burmese and Khymer to pin it on...

    And they are poor! So not only can they not defend themselves when they are stitched up.... but there are plenty more to take their place when they go...

    Right AleG?

  4. So you think that is OK to do unethical things to harm people because you think that some other people did something unethical?

    Wow... just wow.

    You seem to think its fine to torture poor people into confessing to heinous crimes so that tourists aren't scared to come and spend money on Koh Tao (I would think because you have business interests there)

    I think its perfectly fine to destablise the businesses and lives of people who believe that torture is acceptable in order to get the truth.

    If causing every single bar and dive school on Koh Tao to have to close down to make someone bleat and tell the truth (because someone on that goddamn island knows something), then so be it... I hope everyone there goes bankrupt and would happily see every business go under...

    The only difference between you and I is that I don't like the idea of seeing innocent people get put to death for the sake of my bank balance

    I don't think it's fine to torture people, and my bank balance has nothing to do with anything.

    You just make assumptions of guilt and then feel justified to punish the innocent and the assumed guilty alike; that has nothing to do with justice, not even retribution, it's just an expression of hatred.

    No... Its justice but by playing the same game that you are.

    Only problem is, when someone else plays by the same rules but against you, you don't like it.

    The Burmese have been set up by some rich, self serving bullies on the island who have bribed and threatened people into silence and people like you just go 'yep, no worries, as long as the tourists keep coming to Koh Tao, lets sail those two patsies down the river'

    That has nothing to do with justice...

  5. You think it's OK to attempt to ruin people's businesses and hurt their employees and their dependents based on unfounded accusations?

    As a matter of principles I don't; but apparently some people just can't understand the concept of principles and need to look for some ulterior motivations behind a person an ethical position... rolleyes.gif

    Why not?

    The Thai police do it to peoples lives in 'safe rooms' to get the answers they want; why can't it work the other way?

    So you think that is OK to do unethical things to harm people because you think that some other people did something unethical?

    Wow... just wow.

    You seem to think its fine to torture poor people into confessing to heinous crimes so that tourists aren't scared to come and spend money on Koh Tao (I would think because you have business interests there)

    I think its perfectly fine to destablise the businesses and lives of people who believe that torture is acceptable in order to get the truth.

    If causing every single bar and dive school on Koh Tao to have to close down to make someone bleat and tell the truth (because someone on that goddamn island knows something), then so be it... I hope everyone there goes bankrupt and would happily see every business go under...

    The only difference between you and I is that I don't like the idea of seeing innocent people get put to death for the sake of my bank balance

  6. You think it's OK to attempt to ruin people's businesses and hurt their employees and their dependents based on unfounded accusations?

    As a matter of principles I don't; but apparently some people just can't understand the concept of principles and need to look for some ulterior motivations behind a person an ethical position... rolleyes.gif

    Why not?

    The Thai police do it to peoples lives in 'safe rooms' to get the answers they want; why can't it work the other way?

    So you think that is OK to do unethical things to harm people because you think that some other people did something unethical?

    Wow... just wow.

    When in Rome!

  7. "He has organized campaigns to ruin businesses in Koh Tao"

    And that really hits a raw nerve, doesn't it?


    A lot of these guys who are happy with the verdict have vested interests in keeping the status quo the way is it on Koh Tao and not having the boat rocked.

    So what if two young lads who had nothing to do with it go to prison and get the death penalty... As long as the money keeps rolling in...

    Despicable people

  8. So, RTP- fanboys: you suggest, that there is evidence, that we haven't seen or heard about?!

    Evidence, only some inner circle members (and the Miller- family) know about?!

    Why exactly, would that be so?

    Even the judge, who handed down the judgement said, that the case is flawed, but the DNA- evidence was the most compelling part (which means, in my reading: even that was flawed!).

    So we have seen all the failures and fumbles, all the mistakes, all the "I don't know" and "it is used up".

    We have seen the case been sent back a total of 3 times and we all have heard all the questions and all the doubts!

    All that has been made public...but the ONE "evidence", that links the B2 to the crime without any doubt and so clear, that a death -sentence has been spoken...THAT part of evidence, is the only thing, that has been kept a secret?!

    On what planet does that make ANY sense?

    If the semen found inside Hannah's body was that of the B2 then that trumps EVERYTHING else. Nothing else matters, unless you think that they raped Hannah and then somebody else murdered them, which wouldn't actually make that much sense!!

    Despite the argument put forth by some defenders of the Burmese that the presence of their semen on the victim's body does not prove murder, I tend to believe that it would go a long way towards convincing most reasonable folks of their guilt. The problem is that, as many have already pointed out, there has been no CREDIBLE presentation by the prosecutors of ANY evidence,

    other than what amounts to a weaker version of "the dog ate my homework" by the RTP.

    It was hardly what any self respecting court anywhere in the world could call "rock-solid DNA evidence."

    Apparently, rock solid enough!!

    Ok Lucky

    Tell you what... Give me a sample of the semen from the body and I can do a DNA test on it...

    Then give me a sample of your sperm, and I will match that with the DNA from the body flawlessly...

    How you ask?

    Why my good man, its very simple... I switch the labels and tell everyone who is involved and that may have a conscience to shut their mouths 'or else' because its 'just some person called Lucky' and not a rich and powerful gangsters son...

    DJVillain. You watch too much telly...have a break, think a little more about what you just said. Samples are always separated and one, at least, can be independently tested. Otherwise, don't give up your day job...

    'Samples are always...' - When? Where? In a western country with a jury? Where people are innocent until proven guilty? Where corruption isn't so blatant?

    'can be independently tested' - Yes... Can be... but were they? and by an organisation and/or agency that would provide 100% accurate data that didn't favour the party with the most face to lose/most money?

  9. Amnesty International have called for an independent investigation into the trial (good luck with that!) and the UK newspapers have also highlighted in their reports that Thailand is known to use torture to extract confessions from the innocent. None of this will make any difference to the Thai authorities. Even my Thai wife is disgusted!

    The courts ignored the confessions made by the B2 so an enquiry into that is irrelevant- if you want to know who the experts at torture are can I just say Guantanamo Bay and water boarding, plus stripping people naked and photographing them lying together on top of each other in piles (I won't tell you what this reminded me of as it is too grotesque to mention) for the amusement of the guards!!! I believe they also put bags over their heads and cocked a gun plus an assortment of other abuses. How does what they SUPPOSEDLY did compare to this?

    They weren't tortured, it's standard practice for those in custody to claim this and standard practice for these human rights people to encourage them to proclaim that it happened. Did anyone notice that has soon as the HR jumped in they retracted their confessions and not before, a coincidence? I don't think so!!

    I don't even know why I have brought this up actually, as it played no part in the trial.

    If I was innocent they would have had to beat me up beyond recognition to make a confession...

    Or put a flannel over your face and pour gasoline on your head for hours on end whilst letting you listen to the sound of someone playing with a lighter...

  10. So, RTP- fanboys: you suggest, that there is evidence, that we haven't seen or heard about?!

    Evidence, only some inner circle members (and the Miller- family) know about?!

    Why exactly, would that be so?

    Even the judge, who handed down the judgement said, that the case is flawed, but the DNA- evidence was the most compelling part (which means, in my reading: even that was flawed!).

    So we have seen all the failures and fumbles, all the mistakes, all the "I don't know" and "it is used up".

    We have seen the case been sent back a total of 3 times and we all have heard all the questions and all the doubts!

    All that has been made public...but the ONE "evidence", that links the B2 to the crime without any doubt and so clear, that a death -sentence has been spoken...THAT part of evidence, is the only thing, that has been kept a secret?!

    On what planet does that make ANY sense?

    If the semen found inside Hannah's body was that of the B2 then that trumps EVERYTHING else. Nothing else matters, unless you think that they raped Hannah and then somebody else murdered them, which wouldn't actually make that much sense!!

    Despite the argument put forth by some defenders of the Burmese that the presence of their semen on the victim's body does not prove murder, I tend to believe that it would go a long way towards convincing most reasonable folks of their guilt. The problem is that, as many have already pointed out, there has been no CREDIBLE presentation by the prosecutors of ANY evidence,

    other than what amounts to a weaker version of "the dog ate my homework" by the RTP.

    It was hardly what any self respecting court anywhere in the world could call "rock-solid DNA evidence."

    Apparently, rock solid enough!!

    Ok Lucky

    Tell you what... Give me a sample of the semen from the body and I can do a DNA test on it...

    Then give me a sample of your sperm, and I will match that with the DNA from the body flawlessly...

    How you ask?

    Why my good man, its very simple... I switch the labels and tell everyone who is involved and that may have a conscience to shut their mouths 'or else' because its 'just some person called Lucky' and not a rich and powerful gangsters son...

  11. Follow

    Zaw Lin/Wai Phyo asked our team to give the following messages to the general public today during our prison visit...

    'Thank you everyone who has supported us. We are innocent and we were not involved in this horrific crime, we didn't kill. We want freedom.'

    • 'We are confident the truth of this case will come out during the appeals and we are confident we will eventually be released on appeal.'

    You didn't expect they would tweet something in the line of, thanks for your support but the evidence against us caught up on our story, did you?

    Lots of different colour rectangles of paper with the king of Thailands head on it in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 would not count as 'evidence' in any other country...

  12. I'll never understand why people pay any attention to the uninformed, clueless Trolls. (Some who may have a vested interest.)


    I remember the last time around, before the trial, two of them were outed as diving instructors on Koh Tao.

    Never heard from them again.

    Unless of course, they have changed their screen name...


    So, they were diving instructors on Koh Tao. What is the relevance of this can I ask. Is it a crime to be a diving instructor on the same Island that a double murder was carried out?

    It's a crime to work in this country without a work permit is it not?

    In any other country, withholding information about a criminal case for personal gain is either a) aiding and abetting or B) perverting the course of justice...

    Maybe the two former dive instructing posters didn't know anything... but someone on that stinking island does...

    Its the worst kept secret in the world

  13. I'll never understand why people pay any attention to the uninformed, clueless Trolls. (Some who may have a vested interest.)


    I remember the last time around, before the trial, two of them were outed as diving instructors on Koh Tao.

    Never heard from them again.

    Unless of course, they have changed their screen name...


    So, they were diving instructors on Koh Tao. What is the relevance of this can I ask. Is it a crime to be a diving instructor on the same Island that a double murder was carried out?

    That they had a vested interest in keeping people coming, making the island seem safe and organised crime free and keeping money flowing into their pockets from people who may have been put off...

  14. These guys were as innocent as they come. And most of us know who committed the crime. And he is free as a jaybird. Want to take wagers on how long it is until his next victims will fall?

    I won't be one of them as I shall never again set foot on that wretched island.

    My heart goes out to those two youngsters for whatever little it is worth.

    They've got a history for bragging about murders on that very same, fairly small island. The Banns murder didn't save any time bragging about it. It's a shame as it's a nice spot, but as the place gets built up more, and they do things like this, there will come a time when it's totally deserted, with litter everywhere and not a fish in sight.

    I think this obvious travesty demonstrates how different people are from where most of us are from---i.e. better. I really do think they could destroy their country if they keep doing idiotic things as it's excellent for propaganda and if someone decides to invade and steal everything, they'll have infinite pretexts, which will be used to manufacture support of the public. I can't see their military putting up any fight what so ever when at some stage this happens.

    Does anyone recall the battle of Prachuap? It started at 3am, and the Thais surrendered by noon. It would be a piece of cake for any country with any power to take over quickly.

    At about 03:00 on 8 December 1941, the 2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment, 55th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, under the command of Major Kisoyoshi Utsunomiya, began landing troops at Prachuab Khiri Khan. When informed of invasion, Wing Commander Mom Luang Prawat Chumsai of Kong Bin Noi (Squadron) 5 immediately gave orders to resist.[1]

    The units on the airfield were equipped with six heavy and two light machine guns, which they immediately turned against the Japanese troops trying to surround the airfield. The small garrison of pilots and ground crew was reinforced by members of the constabulary and the Yuwachon Thaharn (a quasi-military teenage auxiliary) who had managed to escape from the town of Prachuap Khiri Khan after the Japanese had captured the telegraph office and the police station.

    In regard to Dark Tao, I will never set foot on that island again, and I encourage everyone I talk to to do the same. I will not provide one baht of support to those five creepy families that run the island, and have gained hundreds of millions of dollars from the sale of land, with fake deeds. It is all so sordid, and ugly. It is a beautiful place. But, the place reminds me of some very gorgeous women I have known. Once they showed me who they really were, they did not appear to be all that attractive to me anymore.


    This.... One million times over!

    I used to love Koh Tao... The last time I was there was August 2014 and I had a great time... One month later, two innocent tourists were butchered and two patsies were set up to protect the rich and powerful...

    I would never recommend going there to anyone... Shame on the rest of the people on that island who know what happened and do not say anything about it... To the dive schools who cash in, to the bar owners... Every damn one of them...

  15. I did read all about this last year and I've read articles from The Telegraph and The Guardian today. The Thai mafia/local kids is hearsay and hasn't been backed up. Without witnesses, this case was always going to be difficult to prove, but the forensics seem to suggest the Burmese are guilty, case over and goodbye!

    Forensics taken by a massively incapable Thai police force...

    Who is to say that they didn't just swapped the labels on the jars to implicate the Burmese lads?

    If you truly believe that the two lads who were sent down yesterday did it and deserve this, I hope you choke on whatever you are eating for Xmas dinner...

  16. Thailand is not able to improve the education system, because.....

    1. Parent cannot control there kids. That means when the kidscome homefrome school, they play all day long with theirsmartphone. So the information the brain got in the morning will not be saved in the brain. FAKT!

    2. As I have given the order from all kind of different school, not to let fail any student, even to give them ascore of at least 75 %. That means they are unable to face there real score, or to fail and repeat a school year. FAKT!

    3. The government does like to take advice from foreigners or from foreign education organisations. So it is difficult to find the right way and make the right improvements. FAKT!

    4. There are still too many Thai English teacher, who are teaching English but do not have the stills and knowledge. Fakt!

    If Thailand wants to make a better education system, they have to change these things. Starting with let lazy students failand repeat a school year.

    What is a fakt?

    Were/are you teaching in Thailand???

  17. Why is it Pattaya gets all the quality tourists !! whistling.gif

    When you cater to people who need to pay for sex, you get a lot of tourist who need to pay for sex.

    Maybe that is why???

    Or may be because people with money go to fun places, instead of farms in the middle of the jungle

    and the more scumbags that turn up with putrid sperm leaking out of their bodies; the worse these places get...

    Thus... The city sized petri dish that is Pattaya!

  18. Look at him, look at her.

    Everyone can see what's gonna happen ........ except him.

    Question from interviewer, "What would you say to people that want to come here?"

    Answer from me, "Don't marry a woman 1/3 your weight and 1/2 your age and expect her to love you or be trustworthy"

    This isn't rocket science.

    How the hell would you know what has happened it has not one thing to do with his age ok it can happen anywhere you are just one of the meany brian dead dick heads who thinks you no all about thailand

    oooh.... bit touchy about your age are we mate?

  19. The police say they have to use their imagination, wow that dont sound to good, not so long ago the BIB said that if you found a dummies or not working camera they would pay 1000 baht, doe's that count for the dummies in blue as well, i guess that was crap.

    Christ... Really??

    I have taught Thai kids for the past 3 years and getting them to use their imagination leaves them dumbfounded!!!

    9 times out of 10 they need to be forcefed the answers so they can copy... Independent, imaginative thought is a concept that they, in my experience, struggle with!

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