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Posts posted by DJVillain

  1. He did what people asked and volunteered for a test taken publicly and run in 4 different labs.


    People asked for tests conducted independently, i.e. not a Thai predetermined circus event.

    Do I really need to find all the posts asking for a test?

    Ok... Considering they are doing requests now... Let them do the same test, without daddy being present, without the media hustle like Man Utd had just signed Messi and without the sneering of the police chief...

    Just with the little runt, Scotland Yard and a DNA kit... and let a reliable and unbiased police force obtain some info...

  2. In any murder investigation in a civilized country, the prosecution would have to produce evidence which included something very, very important....MOTIVE

    Where was the motive in this case and please don't give the bullsh*t that the 2 Burmese were aroused by the actions of the victims.

    Now when the toxicology reports become public knowledge, if there was evidence of a date rate drug......we begin to see a motive.

    If the RTP had followed up earlier claims of Foreign female tourists rape claims on Koh Tao, maybe they would have caught the murderers before they had committed another crime.

    Why has the RTP not done any mobile phone investigation ie phone records, sms records...WHY? because they know they will lead to people who are untouchable

    The checks you describe may well have been done, but excluded from the case as they help the wrong side...

    Consider the presence of a third DNA trace, confirmed by a police pathologist - on national TV. But not part of the case...

    Also, still no explanation how Gen Panya could confirm seeing cctv evidence one day but deny it the next...

    I don't believe anything the RTP say now. This is more third world than Africa.

    "have been done "


    Another conspiracy theory.

    Were they done on live TV? So everyone can see? With photographers and every channels news team there to back it up? Like the RTP have wanted every other time to try and show they are doing a job and try and throw the two Burmese boys under the bus?

    Unless they have done that, then it still is just a 'may well have been done'...

    They've made this bed for themselves...

  3. LOL, he offered the 1million to prove he was Guilty..

    Bribing people to put you IN jail??


    Yeah... publically... Using the media of the newspaper/radio/television/carrier pigeon and smoke signals... Imagine how much he was offering under the table to the police to keep him and his family out...

    A pretty sight more than 1 million I would bet... In fact, I would bet that the 1 million bribe was there to fish out the non-police and government types who would rat on him so then he knew who to put in his sights next...

  4. The second full autopsy is unlikely because -- have you ever seen a corpse after an autopsy? Then the body would have been embalmed prior to repatriation via commercial flight.

    I have seen this mentioned a number of times on this forum. Can someone explain how the Quebec coroner was able to perform an autopsy on the Belanger sisters if all bodies are embalmed before repatriation?

    There have been many posts implying that a prior autopsy and/or embalming makes a subsequent autopsy valueless. The fact is that certain methods of embalming (not all) make extraction of DNA evidence less likely, but never impossible. Most kinds of evidence possible from an initial post-mortem remain capable of being extracted from a subsequent examinations.

    After a full autopsy foreign DNA is not likely to be present then adding in embalming makes it extremely unlikely. You can almost always get the corpse' DNA.

    what is your explanation of the son not giving his DNA?

    He is not a suspect. He is not in custody. He doesn't have to.

    So what?

    He was told to provide a DNA sample to remove himself from questioning... He didn't... Surely alarm bells should have been ringing? Surely by not providing a sample, he is hindering any progress... In other countries, hindering the progress of an investigation (not even mentioning of this magnitude) is known as 'perverting the course of justice' which in itself is a criminal offence... Why is it that the whole island gave samples, but not him?

    Im starting to believe your previous post that you have 'friends' on Koh Tao... It just worries me exactly how connected your friends might be that you seem to be supporting the RTP so adamantly...

    • Like 1
  5. Undercover Brit police on KT from week one, where did you get that one from ?

    Overseas enquiries tend to be given to experienced officers who are and probably look mature. So a couple of ' older ' tourists arrive on KT and do what ?

    Are they fluent Thai speakers who can tune in to what's being said or do they do the obvious and give themselves away by asking questions which set alarm bells off ?

    At best they might be taken for reporters which would attract official flak, improper visa, no work permit BUT if identified as police officers ... !

    " Oh just on holiday and curious " !

    This is real life not your television fantasy.

    You really do not like the British do you?

    To quote Millwall fans:

    'No one likes us and we don't care'

    The Brits are the dogs <deleted> at taking the piss; and if you know someone in your midst is talking shit, you love calling them out on it to embarrass them in front of your pals and theirs... Now imagine that away from the bar stool and on an international level instead...

  6. My apologies if anyone finds this offensive....I am sick to death regarding this saving face BS...how about justice for the two young people who's parents can no longer gaze upon theirs!!

    Don't find it offensive at all...

    Unfortunately, those in positions of power see David, Hannah and their families as 'just Farang'...

    And as far as the powers at be are concerned, a farang doesn't have a face and if it did, it would never be worth saving over that of a Thai...

    I haven't brought this up yet but the crime scene specifically Hannah looks like a statement was being made by killing her so savagely. And the killer basically destroyed her face, maybe because she'd made him lose his.

    Yeah, I figured the same thing... Then again, she was a beautiful young girl who may have been genuinely a nice person who just wasn't into this Neanderthal who believed that he had the god given right to everything he laid his eyes on because nobody ever said no to him before because his family was the mafia...

    She didn't make him lose face... He made him lose his own face...

  7. My apologies if anyone finds this offensive....I am sick to death regarding this saving face BS...how about justice for the two young people who's parents can no longer gaze upon theirs!!

    Don't find it offensive at all...

    Unfortunately, those in positions of power see David, Hannah and their families as 'just Farang'...

    And as far as the powers at be are concerned, a farang doesn't have a face and if it did, it would never be worth saving over that of a Thai...

    • Like 2
  8. OH YEAA

    This is what we wanted all along, objective reached.

    BIG thanks to everyone who made a fuss and helped get the word out.

    For once its one up to the good guys. clap2.gif

    It's not over till the fat lady sings!

    She'll sing. Whether it will be the "the family did it!" song or "how corrupt was that?" song only time will tell.

    Adele and Susan Boyle are lining up for a duet...

  9. Thai degree is much better than Farang degree.

    Farang don't study much in university, wear no uniform, no 8am oath and no discipline.

    Thai students must study very hard, a lot of homework, a lot of test that needs memorizing long equations and do difficult mathematics with a calculator (calculator not allowed in exam hall to prevent cheating).

    Farang student depend on calculator so much, they did not think know that pi = 22/7, or sin 30 = 0.5.

    Don't know if joking or not...

    Im laughing either way...

  10. It is natural for the police to deny it.

    Just as it is natural for many Falong's to admit the police did any thing rite.

    Back home we would call it a Mexican stand off.

    Except this time the police have DNA.

    the sad part about the whole thing is the continues publication of it to just further the sorrow of those who knew them and loved them.

    It happens all over the world. Just occasionally the media picks it up and keeps waving it in the face of the people who have lost loved ones.

    What's a "falong" ?

    Its a dress made of sausages...

  11. If this is all true then it's great news for the families to these scumbags finally arrested and give at least some closure for them.

    There's a lot of unsolved all around the world that will never be solved and the Thai police were under the pump from day one with such a high profile case.

    Let's hope that all the authorities involved in this case will learn from this including procedures and press statements in future cases.

    18 days is excellent work considering the amount of suspects they had to deal with.

    Well done despite the press gaffs along the way!

    Agree completely with you. As I mentioned in another thread, not exactly textbook criminal investigating, but, it now appears certain the RTP have found the culprits.

    The way the families of David and Hannah have conducted themselves throughout this ordeal is a real credit to them. I am also extremely proud of the RTP for sticking to their guns and investigating they way they deemed most appropriate.

    I believe this outcome will surely go some way to restoring people's faith in not only the RTP, but also in Thailand as a holiday destination.

    Stay safe guys, use common sense and let's all stop with the silly conspiracy theories and get on with the healing process for all involved.

    Meanwhile the real killers are sitting somewhere laughing and joking. Does that sit easy with you in cloud cuckoo land?

    Too many on here are unwilling to accept any outcome other than a Hi So Thai.

    They themselves are as bad as they claim the RTP to be. Only interesded if evidence points to Hi So.

    Well... When the government and police are unwilling to accept any outcome other than 'its not a Thai'; what do you expect?

  12. Can someone please have a word with these people, honestly,,,

    Investing the money themselves will bring in more tourists as the safety of the island will be improved, therefore it will pay for itself. It makes absolutely no sense at all to ask the tourists themselves to pay for their own protection when this is something that the island should be doing anyway.

    Unless of course it's just another Thai scam aimed at parting tourists with there hard earned cash.

    In every country you pay big taxes but in thailand you don't.

    Tourists benefit by not pay to much expense for good and services on the island and in thailand.

    So if tourists want more protection they should pay.

    Its simple.

    Thais don't need the protection.

    You really don't see the big issue here do you? People will not go somewhere that is unsafe and corrupt and as for your statement that Thailand is a cheap destination that is fast becoming a fiction.

    "If tourists want protection they should pay" = are you really that stupid? Have you ever traveled anywhere outside your miserable area? I am speechless at the stupidity and lack of intellect of so many of your people.

    Yeah.... Thais don't need protection... Unless they are committing crimes against Farang that urgently need covering up... Then they need protection from corrupt police to find someone else to take the blame... Usually takes around three weeks to build up a case or alibi or to give the offending party just enough time to get away/raise 'police dinner money'

  13. helping non Thaischeesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Did your studies abroad tell you what happens when a country loses 10% of GDP

    Its economy contracts. Which will not be a problem if we also don't have to pay for all the non-thai fake tourists using up public resources.

    Look at the German man with the swollen leg. Just 1 example.

    Since the economy will contract with very high unemployment you wont need all the farang based technology, like cars, computers,iphones, air travel, medicines, medical equipment, all types of production machines, tractors,televisions,motorbikes,etc. because you wont be able to afford them, never mind, i'm sure you will be able to produce your own ya ba and not have to import it from Burma. The world wont care anymore about corruption, cheating,murders and rapes because you will be doing it to yourselves.

    Farang Based technology, that is funny. Where is it all made? In Asia, so I think we will survive.

    LEGO was originally made in Denmark...

    But 3 year olds around the world are still able to build 'The Millennium Falcon'

    The parts never equal the whole...

  14. Yes I have been there its a beautiful place to go.

    Its cheap in relation to other western countries.

    I have studied abroad and I pay more for everything in western countries in comparison to Thailand. So in paying more I also pay more for services. Including public safety. But even in a lot of your home countries very bad murders and rapes happen all the time.

    I am Thai and to be honest I don't care for the type of tourist that comes to Thailand. Sorry but I am being blunt and rude also. The 10% you say in GDP we can do without more then the tourists can do without Thailand.

    What about all the NES teachers that Thailand has been gagging for to keep up with Asean so they dont fall behind such rich and well known tourist locations as Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar (no disrespect to those three countries by the way... just making a point from what is a stereotypical Thai point of view)...

    Thailand wont be better off... They will be worse off... Massively....

    And do you honestly believe that Thais help eachother out that much?? They have had coups for the best part of forever and the hi-so society of Bangkok seem to think that the people of Isaan shouldnt be allowed to vote (at all!!) just because 'they are poor' which (apparently )equates to 'they are stupid'... Where is the helping of other people there...

    • Like 1
  15. What a novel idea!
    I know, what about this...

    How about, and this may seem a *touch* radical... but hear me out...

    Stop your police (who are meant to be protecting and serving the innocent) taking bribes off of bloodthirsty murderers, rapists and gangsters and pinning the crime on anyone but the culprits so then people feel safe in the country... Hotels have business cards... Thats why they leave them on the front counter... So people can use them to find their way back again... Its kind of the point... If they didn't want to get back there, they wouldn't take a business card!

    No need to attach a electronic tag, bracelet or leper bell onto anyone... and no need to stick everyone into a paddock with armed guards just so you don't have to make your utterly bent cops do their job properly!

  16. I think the police have turned over a new leaf and are going to pursue this case, no matter where or who it leads to. I believe it is because the army has their back; both to support them and to keep them on the straight and narrow path of righteousness.

    If they can bring in the guilty parties and make a credible case against them (no matter who is their father), it will go a long way to restoring respect and confidence in the RTP.

    You say the police have turned a new leaf regarding the case? Sure after nearly 2 weeks of trying to set people up, ignore the fact Thais could be involved, local enforcement probably covering things up, ignoring help from outside such as the FBI and having the entire world breaking their balls, good on them... thumbsup.gif

    Sorry but I have no respect for them whatsoever, they handled this in a typical Thai manner, it was a circus and laughing stock, horrific images were leaked, the crime scene was a shambles with regards to how it was fenced off and investigated, the GENERAL and his outstanding bikini comment and who can forget blaming the victims friend on the grounds he was a potential homosexual. Yep, looks like Koh Tao and the rest of Thailand has a booming future

    The FBI!! No self respecting country would allow a foreign governments police force to meddle in their internal investigations. And the whole world is not breaking their balls. The world consists of more than the UK and US....The PM made an error due to his lack of experience with foreign media. The Thai police are doing their best. And yes. Koh Tao and Thailand has a booming future ahead of them......Heinous crimes happen everywhere not just in Thai.....

    Really cant tell if you are joking or not...

    Doing their best? It took days before forensics arrived... Everything that has been said is public knowledge... They have given the rotters who did it time to scarper... and they are doing their best???

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