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Posts posted by DJVillain

  1. Dogmatix, on 17 Nov 2014 - 06:35, said:

    I spotted an interesting article in Thai Rath over the week end, the gist of which I summarize below for the benefit of those who cannot read Thai.

    "After the Koh Tao murders a crazy conspiracy developed with a view to making Thai people bitterly hate Thai police. They have repeatedly incited their friends to believe that Thai police looked for Burmese scapegoats to get forced confessions. After the dust had settled and the social media idiots all returned to America, it turned out after 3 DNA tests that the police were right.

    Scotland Yard and the British Ambassador, who spent a long time engrossed in the case, asked to see all the details of the DNA tests of 300 people on Koh Tao and the taking of samples. All the Scotland Yard aunties and the British ambassador were so impressed that they asked the Thai police to come to the UK to train their own police. Even more important than the praise heaped on Thai police by the Brits was their admission that the Thai police used more advanced equipment and techniques in the investigation than their own.

    Once the imaginative fantasies are over, hopefully people will stop criticizing Thai police."

    The second paragraph - honestly, is this a joke? My blood pressure has reached boiling point!

    The Thais will eat just about any part from any animal...

    Duck beak

    Egg with half grown foetus inside

    Chicken feet

    Live shrimp

    Raw beef and blood...

    And a lot of that stuff is damned tasty...

    But if the general public swallow that tripe/horse shit about the British police bowing down and lauding the Thai police and their technology; I am sorry but that crosses into whole new dimensions of idiocy, naivety and stupidity...

    • Like 2
  2. I'm immune to the law. well son tell that to my bullet next time you try that and I'm around, Because I'm old don't give a damn and I'll pop a cap in you in a heartbeat. Tried of these lowlife hiso's doing as they please time to clean up dodge cowboy style. Make Thailand fit to live in again.

    "well son tell that to my bullet next time you try that and I'm around, Because I'm old don't give a damn and I'll pop a cap in you in a heartbeat."

    Wanna-be hard man's idiotic post of the day.

    Don't know about yourself but I was utterly terrified...

    Positively pissing in my pants I was...

  3. There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

    It's amazing that you can write that sentence without your mind immediately progressing to the next logical step.

    Prostitutes are hated by Society's women for being "too cheap" and "too easy" -- take a moment to consider the insanity of that reality -- women who force men to pay to pleasure them are "too cheap" and "too easy". It's madness. When even prostitutes turn up their noses at men who've worked their entire lives, always paid their taxes, always obeyed the law, fought for their country (rightly or wrongly), protected children, respected women; when men who've been violently compelled to suffer to please women from the age of toddlers are told their lives of contribution / money are not good enough for common whores (exclusive courtesans are as far out of their reach as the moon) -- the problem is partly solved by choosing to live a life of peace. They're not sex tourists, they're sex refugees.

    I can tell you what the alternative looks like: Rape of Nanking.

    If you knew what women did to secure their illegitimate power (to force men to pay to pleasure them), you would not call many men "lowlives". They may be lowlife men but there are much -- much -- lower lives.

    Ok, let me fill you in on a prime example.

    I lived up in north Isaan where I was working.

    Met this 72 year old chap from England who had 2 kids (both in their 30s who lived in England) and grand kids too...

    Got chatting to him and he was mentioning his wife and kid... Turns out, the wife and kid he was talking about was his wife and kid in Thailand... Wife being 30 (younger than both of his kids back home) and kid being 2....

    Yes... 2... a 72 year old man has a 2 year old child with a woman of 30... and he has kids and grand kids back home...

    His grand children are older than their uncle/aunt...

    Some people have said to me 'I hope you grow old'... And so do I... So I can watch my family grow up and I can hand something down to them and spend time with them... Not so I can die 1000's of miles away from them with some new wife who I have signed over my life savings to and be forever thought of by my flesh and blood as a desperate old pervert...

    so he lives in a relationship has a two year old child whom he looks after and he is in your eyes a pervert, can't quite follow your reasoning here, ooh the age difference, now i get it, can't have that can we.

    Yeah, I do think he is a pervert... He has already got kids, and now grand kids who he should be cherishing spending his life with and seeing grow up, graduating university, getting married etc etc instead of concentrating on getting his end away and making more children who will have an 80 year old father when they are 10... That'll make for interesting days out to the funfair, down the park etc won't it?

    • Like 1
  4. There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

    It's amazing that you can write that sentence without your mind immediately progressing to the next logical step.

    Prostitutes are hated by Society's women for being "too cheap" and "too easy" -- take a moment to consider the insanity of that reality -- women who force men to pay to pleasure them are "too cheap" and "too easy". It's madness. When even prostitutes turn up their noses at men who've worked their entire lives, always paid their taxes, always obeyed the law, fought for their country (rightly or wrongly), protected children, respected women; when men who've been violently compelled to suffer to please women from the age of toddlers are told their lives of contribution / money are not good enough for common whores (exclusive courtesans are as far out of their reach as the moon) -- the problem is partly solved by choosing to live a life of peace. They're not sex tourists, they're sex refugees.

    I can tell you what the alternative looks like: Rape of Nanking.

    If you knew what women did to secure their illegitimate power (to force men to pay to pleasure them), you would not call many men "lowlives". They may be lowlife men but there are much -- much -- lower lives.

    Ok, let me fill you in on a prime example.

    I lived up in north Isaan where I was working.

    Met this 72 year old chap from England who had 2 kids (both in their 30s who lived in England) and grand kids too...

    Got chatting to him and he was mentioning his wife and kid... Turns out, the wife and kid he was talking about was his wife and kid in Thailand... Wife being 30 (younger than both of his kids back home) and kid being 2....

    Yes... 2... a 72 year old man has a 2 year old child with a woman of 30... and he has kids and grand kids back home...

    His grand children are older than their uncle/aunt...

    Some people have said to me 'I hope you grow old'... And so do I... So I can watch my family grow up and I can hand something down to them and spend time with them... Not so I can die 1000's of miles away from them with some new wife who I have signed over my life savings to and be forever thought of by my flesh and blood as a desperate old pervert...

  5. Nope... Sick of this rethoric...

    If its being pushed in your face and you have to see it every day, it is your business...

    I think its bloody awful that the girls have to lower themselves that much that they actually pleasure these (delete where appropriate) old/saggy/bald/overweight/bloated/pale/odorous/perverse...

    Not being funny, but I think, considering their circumstances it would be much better for them (and much funnier) if they just robbed the bastards...

    There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

    And lets face it... The old ones who probably have kids in their 30s and grandkids should know better...

    So in your opinion ugly people are not entitled to have sex?

    Didn't say that.

    I just said that I feel bad for the girls who feel that having to do that with the aforementioned.

    How would you feel if it was your daughter?

  6. agree with beammeup to a point. But no one is holding a gun to the girls head. Having said that i pity some of them with the foreigners they have to deal with. Drunk a good part of the time , common scum balls that no woman in any country would want to deal with. Saw one just tonight with bar girl in tow. She looked miserable and the guy with beer in hand made my skin CRAWL! And this sadly is a common sight. CREEPY !

    None of your business!!

    Live and let live!!

    Nope... Sick of this rethoric...

    If its being pushed in your face and you have to see it every day, it is your business...

    I think its bloody awful that the girls have to lower themselves that much that they actually pleasure these (delete where appropriate) old/saggy/bald/overweight/bloated/pale/odorous/perverse...

    Not being funny, but I think, considering their circumstances it would be much better for them (and much funnier) if they just robbed the bastards...

    There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

    And lets face it... The old ones who probably have kids in their 30s and grandkids should know better...

  7. Its fraud and she should be prosecuted , Otherwise this is a very morally sick country.

    Having the quicker, better wit is not considered fraud anywhere. Though elsewhere nanny states have laws that protect those with lesser wit against the ruthless. Remember the US quote: a sucker is born every day? Or remember legalized stealing such as Enron that left many of their employees stranded.

    There is a difference between being 'witty' and being a lying thief

  8. Absolutely not...

    I don't have kids yet, but I would certainly want my child/children to have a better quality, internationally recognised education from my home country than one that can be paid for and that they can't fail. I would take my kid back home to the UK for free education where they have to earn their place. They could continue to learn Thai from their mother and when the child is old enough, if he/she wants, we can come back to Thailand.

    The refusal to acknowledge failure and/or stupidity is the main problem with the Thai education system... Nobody fails and stupid kids get lumped in the same class with the genuinely bright kids who actively try to learn, want to be there and actually deserve to be there through merit, not just daddies bank balance...

    Many kids in my school are not in the EP, but have better understanding of the English language than kids that are... Those kids should be in EP on merit... but of course, hard work earns dick all in Thailand when money is involved...

  9. The main difference between Thailand and Malaysia/Singapore is that the latter two had the good sense to open doors to the British and learn how to do things properly, with some common sense, by the book, and make progress...

    Good thinking Malaysia and Singapore...

    Silly silly Thailand... But you keep thinking you'll ever be able to rival those two and be a commercial hub

    Oscar Pistorius will be president of South Africa sooner than that...

  10. I've had this conversation before with a few Thai People, and 99 percent of them, don't want Foreigners to own anything, ??? But they are happy to own stuff abroad if they live in that Country.

    I explained to them that , that was the same, but they could not see it ???

    For me, it would be a Great start if they could move into the 21st Century and clean the place up, in all respects....

    In the '90s my first landlady in Bkk was very rich, had a royal title and I learned from the estate agent she only rented to foreigners.

    When I met her to get the seal of approval she made it clear that renting was all foreigners should ever be permitted to do but later in the conversation spoke of the property and bank account she had in the London area. i discreetly suggested the situation should be more balanced and her attitude was if foreign govts permit it should be taken advantage of but it must never happen in LoS.

    Says it all really.

    Its quite simple then...

    Breed with them.... Spread your seed.... Mix genetics and ethnicities.... Then take your children back to your country of origin for a better level of education and healthcare until they come of age to get a Thai passport (whilst secretly keeping there other one)... and then have your child do everything as a Thai... Slowly but surely, after many generations, your family and birthright can take Thailand from under the feet of the sneaky Thais....


  11. attachicon.gif63955_823889991008340_5743071132398685628_n.jpg

    In the video this still is grabbed from, which you can easily find on the internet, you can see the running man's hair is very straight and floppy, so that it bounces up to its full length when he runs. Of the 2B one had quite short hair and the other had longish but wavy hair that would not bounce up in such a flowing way at the time of their arrests 9 days after the murders.

    No doubt the BiB reviewed this piece of evidence carefully before eliminating other suspects and closing in on the 2B

    Lets hope they are more professional than that! Finding suspects on haircuts??rolleyes.gif Like people cant get a haircut!

    Thats from the Scooby-Doo book of policing isn't it?!

  12. Head man of the village?? Maby few years ago that was.u all are so clever and shure about everything . Why dont ya all sort peace to world also,while at it.

    Seem like bunch of experts. If you all could be replace police.

    All this would be sorted allready.

    Getting boring now.

    Yeah, but this is Thailand....

    Farangs aren't allowed to do a job that a Thai can SHOULD BE ABLE to do...

    Just a shame that the Thais dont seem to realise that they are lousy at the whole police thing... As far as keeping law abiding people safe at least...

    The whole taking fines, backhanders and protecting people who can fill their wallets they are really good at though...

    P.S. I really hope you didn't move to Thailand to be a language teacher...

  13. Again, some people are convicting and defaming people with zero proof.

    Awwww... Diddums...

    Never mind; I am sure they are rich enough not to give a monkeys about what we say or think... They've shown their contempt for everything and everybody through their media show boating...

    If there was so much glaring proof it was the two poor (poor being the main word here... both as in bad fortune and also not economically blessed) Burmese lads, then the prosecution could and would have taken the case by now...

    But that doesn't matter to you does it... As long as we don't make the RTP 'sad' and as long as high society types aren't being dragged through the mud which they decided to go playing in in the first place...

    You think a village headman is hi-speed? LOL

    Where did I use the term high-speed? I've re-read what I typed about 15 times now... just to make sure there was no typo... Nope... I didn't even use the word 'speed' whatsoever... So how you got to me making an assumption or comment like that I will never know...

    So... back to your original post... You and others have seemed dead set on convicting and defaming the Burmese lads... Is that alright is it? Because they are poor and cant give people money to help save them? Or they don't know whats going on and have been set up with a pancake selling police 'interpreter' and threatened to have 7 shades of cack kicked out of them if they don't confess?

    Seems a little bit sick to think its perfectly fine to point the finger and slander someone who can't defend themselves but back someone up who has enough money to buy an entire court case, alibi and silence anyone that dare speak against them...

    Like the kind of kid that used to stand behind the big bully at school...

    Big Bully: Gimme all your lunch money or ill punch your lights out

    THAT KID: Yeaaah!

  14. Again, some people are convicting and defaming people with zero proof.

    Awwww... Diddums...

    Never mind; I am sure they are rich enough not to give a monkeys about what we say or think... They've shown their contempt for everything and everybody through their media show boating...

    If there was so much glaring proof it was the two poor (poor being the main word here... both as in bad fortune and also not economically blessed) Burmese lads, then the prosecution could and would have taken the case by now...

    But that doesn't matter to you does it... As long as we don't make the RTP 'sad' and as long as high society types aren't being dragged through the mud which they decided to go playing in in the first place...

    • Like 1
  15. @t chilli .

    Honestly i dont know know.

    Like everyone else here dont want innocent to be sentenced if they are inocent .

    but i must say it sickens me that also innocent young man is been slandered and publicly&falsely accused & judged and nothing what been said proven will not help just bcase he happens to be from wealthy backround and proud family.

    And bcase this is thailand, case has to be rigged and cover up no matter what one says..


    Serves him and his old man right for trying to use the whole 'flash the cash' tactic to prove innocence then doesn't it?

    Serves him and his old man right for his old man constantly being at the side of the coppers in every photo of the crime scene doesn't it?

    Serves him and his old man right for making a massive song and dance on TV and in the newspapers about the DNA test that should have been done a month earlier but that he had the God-given right to refuse when it would have just been easier to do it at the time... Doesn't it?

    If you live by the sword (in this case, money and wealth), you die by the sword (in this case, being fingered for corruption, bribery and trying to use the money to get you out of a situation)

    • Like 2
  16. Busy body tony. Thai have democracy the thai way. Nothing to do with farang; especially British.

    Democracy the Thai way?

    You mean democracy done wrong then... Right?

    Basically the kind of democracy that isn't democracy whatsoever... at all...

    A DEMOCRACY is where every man and woman regardless of education, employment status or average income is allowed a vote on who can be in charge of a countries politics?

    This is not what Thailand has... Thailand has a smiling dictatorship...

  17. This is where the problem is and the police making statements like this thinking that they are talking to an uneducated audience.

    The simple fact is Thailand police have a very bad record for being corrupt.

    How the hell can the tests be verified without The uk confirming whose DNA is actually on the bodies or how was put on there .

    and if it is DNA from the 2 burmese is it possible that dna was put on another way or forciblly.

    What was a person that was accused doing on the crime scene ?

    What was a general practioner doctor doing on the crime scene with gloves on what did he touch ?

    To many questions because of one reason only Corruption and most people like my self want to be certain before these young boys are innocent or guilty before being jailed for life.

    The uk must get involved and fully invesigate the DNA .

    Although I agree with the last sentence, I'm not sure about using the word 'must'. Thailand is a sovereign state and there is only one way that the UK could 'force' the issue.

    It would involve a fleet of Her Majesty's Destroyers, Frigates, Submarines and Armoured Landing Craft. Air support from the RAF Eurofighters and Tornadoes would be critical for this to take place and several units of Royal Marines and Paratroopers would be required.

    It would be interesting to see the shock on the General's face when confronted with actually having to do his 'real' job, instead of getting himself and his mates to feed at the trough. However, I don't think that a UK invasion will ever happen of course and nor would I want it to.

    Only problem with that is that big brother China would get involved... Then America might pipe up...

    And then Russia might chip in...

    Then World War 3 kicks off....

    And Thailand gets away with it all because finally, something comes along that takes peoples attention away from what happened that September night in Koh Tao...

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