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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 18 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Maybe. I very much doubt though that he attempted to force sex upon her in daylight at a busy station. You know, with people around and likely to pass by at any moment.



    He was already masturbating when she came up the escalator. He pulled her to the floor and was high as a kite on drugs.

  2. 30 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

    Maybe I'm different, but I paid particular attention to the guy who came up the escalator and probably saw the girl assaulted lying on the floor and the creep running the wrong way down the escalator with her handbag, and did absolutely nothing.



    As is often the case because of the ' not my business ' attitude!


    Or maybe a placid young man that thought better to stay away from a drug crazed lunatic for someone he doesn't know.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 50 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    The fourth was the lucky one.



    I should say so.


    I know about Thai prisons but not Cambodian ones, but many stories coming out of there are that they are a lot harsher in quality of facilities, sleeping, medical etc than Thailand.


    Inadequate budgets to spend on jails and overcrowding alongside lousy wages for guards leads to a miserable time for inmates.

    • Like 2
  4. I like many others, have been unsuccessful doing the 90-day report online and have been rejected three times even though I was in the required time limits.


    I then sent by registered post my application with a SAE, and it was received on April 29th.


    Furthermore, I still have not received my confirmation slip, but I have proof it was collected by Immigration security. Track and Trace at Thailand Post.


    Do I just forget it and show them the proof in late June when I renew by annual extension, or is it a drive to immigration, to avoid a fine for nothing?


    They are not picking up the phone, by the way, it is permanently engaged.




    • Agree 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Celsius said:


    Nothing judgemental.


    Here we have someone yet again claiming villages are real Thailand where women are friendlier.


    People in big cities are mostly on the clock. God forbid they get out of their way, forget their daily worries just so you can get a fake smile.




    Pathetically trying to justify your rude previous post.


    You haven't succeeded

  6. 2 hours ago, Celsius said:


    My wife's big boss is Japanese. They work hard and play harder. She is constantly invited to dinners with top brass, but that is because they respect her as she is a hard worker. Perhaps they don't want to do anything to do with you because you do nothing and are just oogling women from poor countries which pretend to be friendly to you.







    Wrong again.


    I neither go to girly or go go bars nor ogle women and have been with my current partner happily for 27 years.


    So perhaps you keep your judgemental posts to yourself when you know absolutely nothing.


    Have you been drinking on an empty head?


    You should stay off the computer until you have something sensible to say if that's the case.

    • Sad 2
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  7. Back on topic,


    I have found Cambodians to be very friendly and wanting little in return.


    The Vietnamese are great once you get past the language barrier and know them for a few months or visit regularly,( Google Translate and plenty of joking warms them, or capturing their interest) otherwise they are polite and formal, which can come across as cold.


    Thais on the streets are OK, far better up in the sticks, where they are more genuine, anybody in a tourist hotspot is treated as a potential mark/client/customer and the smiles are false.


    Singaporeans run around speaking American dialects and have a generally superior and formal attitude, and 90% seem to be short or long-sighted as they all wear spectacles, (must be in the genes).


    Malaysians can be hit-and-miss as there are so many different types of Malaysian, the Sino Malay, Indian Malay etc.


    The Nepalese that I have had limited encounters with, have been very nice to deal with.


    Japanese people, I have never got past being addressed and responding formally.


    Chinese, I may have met the wrong ones, I'll leave it at that.

  8. On 5/5/2024 at 9:31 AM, hwas said:

    Do you speak Thai or is your communicating with Thais related to bar girls speaking broken English?  Do you have normal, middle to upper class Thai friends?  If you cannot speak Thai, how do you know whether they have a sense of humor?  I have found Thais to have a great sense of humor, however, I am able to joke with them in Thai





    So, you can speak, understand and joke in Thai, as well as having upper class Thai friends who you converse with in Thai?




    I am constantly in awe of this board and its members, by the amount of Thai speakers married to upper class Thais, who also have great jobs, usually running hospitals, (maybe owning them) and have brothers that are Generals in the military or police.


    Imagine that, all that influence and power from a tiny nondescript AN forum, who would have thought it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 4 hours ago, webfact said:



    Pichit Chuenban, a highly trusted lawyer for the Shinawatra family, now joins Thailand's Pheu Thai-led government as a minister in the Prime Minister's Office. His appointment comes amidst stern criticism on his eligibility due to a six-month prison sentence he served for contempt of court in 2008.


    Critics argue the 65-year-old lawyer's past behavior doesn't meet constitutional requirements of lawmakers' integrity and adherence to ethical standards. The constitution also disallows individuals with prison records, barring minor offences, from holding ministerial positions.


    Defending his appointment, Pichit maintains that his sentence was due to court order and not a conviction, hence it's not an actual criminal offence. He was among the 13 new cabinet ministers sworn in before King Vajiralongkorn, led by Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin.


    In 2008, Pichit and two other lawyers were charged with attempting to bribe court officials while representing ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a corruption case. Upon completing their sentences, the bribery charges were dropped, but Pichit lost his practicing license which remains unrenewed.



    File photo : Pichit Chuenban



    -- 2024-05-06

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    I wonder if he was involved in the ' box of chocolates affair? "


    How many remember that one?....😆

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