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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    Many moved to Cambodia, including 3 of my old friends.  It's cheaper there than Thailand, which ain't as cheap as it used to be.

    I first visited Thailand in 1985, and lived there from 1998-2018.

    Also in the last 10+ years Thailand has started tightening-up their visa rules. up until around 2010 it was very lax in that regard, an old American friend had a passport that was almost half-full of overstay stamps!☺️



    I don't think it is cheaper than Thailand, expats go there because they don't have the financial requirements to obtain a visa.


    They pay for a visa once a year and that is all. No reporting every 90 days etc and no money in the bank, however, those are the only advantages in my view.

  2. 15 hours ago, kwilco said:

    THere is a course the problem with British imperialist based racism. THis applies to US and EU as well but the British as in "brits" and "gammons" are the worst.

    Their perception of Thailand is based on an innate feeling of superiority over Thai people or ALL S.East Asians.

    Sweeping generalisations: - Expressions like "they". "thais" "third world" "they hate us" "Bad drivers" "Somchai" all come from a basic distain for Thai people their customs and their culture. The response is that many Thai people politely ignore Brit expats and avoid doing any form of business with them. THen the exoats suffer from confirmation bias and so the circle continues.



    Do you actually believe all the garbage that you write?

    • Like 2
  3. On 4/19/2024 at 4:27 PM, richard_smith237 said:


    There is no 'misleading' with the word easy....    getting a Driving Licence yourself is easy, simple, basic, hassle-free....   its just a matter of going from step to step.


    Getting a Thai Driving Licence is one of the simplest bureaucratic processes a foreigner can do in Thailand....   

    The Op suggesting bringing his wife along, the process is so easy there's no need for that even.



    The process itself is consistent across DLT's...  i.e. I'm not aware of any variation based on reports and peoples experiences in this forum other than whether or not the Yellow House Book is accepted as proof of address...


    Paying 2-3000 baht for an Agent is ridiculous...   and it really is 'hand holding' for something that can easily be done ourselves. 


    It can also be assumed that someone who wants a Thai Driving / Motorcycle licence has their own transport.




    I did my own a couple of weeks ago, it was a renewal only.


    I had all my correct documentation.


    I used an agent up in the sticks, but her job was to sit in the classroom for the video. She did nothing else. I paid what she asked for, 300 baht. 


    I don't know why she had to sit through the video in the classroom, but I certainly didn't. Maybe, just one of the idiosyncrasies of life in the sticks.


    The colour tests and reflex tests I did myself.

  4. 9 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Yes, but 'he wanted nothing to do with it.." is simply untrue.  He wants everything that a Royal title can provide.  If he wants rid of the Royal Family, then he should renounce all his titles and simply be known as Mr Harry Doormat, (US resident).





    He also wanted to pick and choose the events and charities he was involved in or required to be in.


    He laid out his proposals, leaving him with all the glitz, glamour and titles, but struck out anything he didn't want to do.


    HM Queen Elizabeth was the one who rejected his proposals outright and told him he could not represent the Royal family on a pick-and-choose or part-time basis.







  5. 1 hour ago, youreavinalaff said:

    The gutter press don't care what he's called.


    If he and his family changed their names and moved away to a far away land, the press would follow.



    If you are in an elevated position, you are there to be shot at.


    Harry and the US woman made themselves prime targets.


    The problem with those two is they WANT press, but only press that paints them in a good light.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, transam said:

    He/they, can make more money using the Royal connection as resident in the USA, the McTrump supporters will be falling all over each other for autographs....😂



    The interesting thing is, that TRUMP doesn't like them and considers Harry a disloyal wimp and did let his grandmother down. Trump was a big fan of Her Maj.


    Trump has said they will get no security on the US taxpayer's bill AND he would look at Harry's status for being in the US, especially with the class A drugs issues.


    Whether he follows through on this, if he becomes president, I don't have a clue.


    Trump also says many things to get publicity and then they quietly go away after getting the required soundbites.

  7. 2 hours ago, CharlieKo said:

    This is BS. There should be more safety concerns about staying in the US Than the UK. But glad if he stays in the US if it means we hear less about this idiot.


    The amazing thing is a couple who wanted their privacy are now prepared to go to the opening of an envelope to garner press and publicity.


    I've never seen such a pair of fakes and moneygrabbers.

    • Thanks 2
  8. 29 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    Yes, but 'he wanted nothing to do with it.." is simply untrue.  He wants everything that a Royal title can provide.  If he wants rid of the Royal Family, then he should renounce all his titles and simply be known as Mr Harry Doormat, (US resident).


    Yeah but without the titles he's a nondescript and neither of them could stand for that, no lucrative Netflix deals for telling lies about his family for sensationalism and CASH.

    • Thanks 1
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