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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 5 hours ago, BigBruv said:


    Western women have cold hard cash esp. with positive(?) discrimination.


    Boomers are a unique generation who reallly did have the rub of the green.

    Single earners with low level jobs were paid enough for large (by todays standards) properties that can be rented out for loads of money to fund decent retirements in low cost countries.  It's different for zoomers and millenials now so probably not in their thinking.


    Most men now need a 'partner' just to be able to afford the rent on a decent place.


    OT but from the BoomersAreTumours (lol) reddit https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/the-great-boomer-deception:d?src=embed&t=598.292852



    Older Western women from the UK are heading to The Gambia, Kenya, Tunisia etc and it ain't for the beaches.

    • Agree 2
  2. 51 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    Booze & smokes are cheaper. 


    I don't smoke but I thought cigs were cheap enough in Thailand, not the 12/13 GBP I hear about in the UK.


    Booze, well Red wine is a better deal in Cambodia.


    But for accommodation, Thailand wins for variety and value for money, electricity Thailand wins price-wise, Healthcare is Thailand and so are fresh fruits and vegetables.

    • Agree 1
  3. 5 hours ago, BigBruv said:


    Back to the OP, IMHO the thrill has gone and Thailand is a bit old hat for Brits now (mongers aside).

    There's little mystery in Thailand anymore (the west has Thai restaurants and ladyboys too) - everyone knows what it has to offer.  'Wow' factors gone.


    For zoomers that's bad tinny music played at earbleed level + mindless 'fun'.

    IMHO western zoomers are a bit dead eyed cynical / sophisticated for that - esp at current exchange rates / prices.


    Middle aged Brits (mongers aside) have been enough times already and are often married so can't indulge in the only genuine world class 'hub' thing about Thailand.


    It's now for the Indians and people from other developing/3rd world to enjoy








    Think you have summed it up well tbh.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. The report makes little sense in the real world.


    Sure, the whole purpose of the real banknotes backed up by photocopies is to prove selling not possession to use.


    In the drug world, there used to be in Thailand, Pure possession ( this has now been removed and replaced) Possession to use, Possession to sell, ( having a quantity larger than what they believe is for personal use) and Possession to sell and caught in the act of selling which is the most severe.


    A few years ago, they changed what quantities you needed to have to fall into the different categories, but the picture clearly shows they have him banged to rights on the most serious charge.


    Sometimes, the culprit can ' buy his way out of one of the selling charges ' before he goes to court, meaning he is charged with possession to sell and not caught in the act of selling.


    That gets a lower sentence. But ecstasy is Class A, and Cocaine used to be Class B.


    The Cocaine is marginal, and the ecstasy is a small amount, however still Class A or Class 1.


    The money and photocopies can be a problem ( shakedown!)





  5. 36 minutes ago, ronster said:

    Such an in-depth article 🙄

    So many details missing in the story . It says they charged him with personal use , but they had photocopies of money used in the sting . Usually that is when they are trying to buy from him and they use their notes as proof . If he was caught buying from them is that not entrapment of some sort ? 



    The RTP doesn't recognize entrapment in these cases.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 4 hours ago, AreYouGerman said:

    Why does the 'cop' have a print out copy of the money and the money? This makes no sense?


    They got the money from the buyer of the drugs. Ok. So, then they printed a copy of the money? And present the money? What? 🤣


    In that way, it looks like the cops bought the drugs from him because then they found the 2,000 at his location and had a printed copy of it to proof it was used to buy the drugs. Well, and then they charged him with selling the drugs without work permission 🤣.


    Whatever, I guess.




    You are spot on.


    It is the method used to prove he was selling the drugs which carries a far more severe sentence as opposed to buying to use.


    I don't think he needs to worry about work permits where he is going.

  7. 3 hours ago, rwill said:

    Did she know about Thai's liking to do reenactments?


    Anyway she was pregnant when her husband pushed her off the cliff.  He had a large gambling debt he needed to pay off.  She lost the child.  The husband was sentenced to 33 years in prison in Thailand.  (I guess that would be reduced to about 17 years if he had confessed.)



    So I guess he's not in the above pic then?

  8. 10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Thats hilarious...    paying someone 300 baht to watch the video on your behalf - must make perfect logic somewhere in Thailand.


    Next time, I'll get my Son to watch the Online DLT video for me.... 



    BTW: What did you do while the agent watched the video ??


    Usually the renewal goes like this: 

    1) Document check

    2) In-class tests (Colour Blindness, Peripheral vision, proximity and reaction test)

    3) Video (about 50 mins)

    4) Pay for the licence

    5) Get photo take and licence printing











    I went home as I only live around the corner and they told me to return in the afternoon.


    I did that and I was the only one there.


    I then did the colour blindness and reaction tests, paid, got licence and went home.


    I got my licence there and then, but I could see a pile of documents and licences on their desk where they had told locals to collect their licences the day after.


    I honestly didn't get it either about the 300 baht and the video, but happy to give it a miss.

  9. 4 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    My point exactly. They've (almost) all gone to Cambodia already.


    PS. Soi Buakhao in Pattaya is their staging post for the great migration.



    I've seen plenty of the stereotypical beer monsters and scruffy lowlifes in Phnom Penn and Siem Reap.


    Many follow the happy hours around mid-afternoon.


    In Siem Reap, a lot hang out at the cheaper end of town for cheap accommodation, food and drink such as Sok San Road.

  10. 1 hour ago, kwilco said:

    Just cheap hotels etc. Package holidays the lower end of the market.

    It looks like the sex industry in Pattaya has burgeoning in the last year....I'd say on the back of increased Russian tourists.



    Years ago when I was in Pattaya at the beginning of the influx of Russians, when most of them who visited were very wealthy, the Russians had no interest in bar girls or the sex industry.

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