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Everything posted by ChumpChange

  1. alcoholism, delusion, denial, all sad, but seemingly useful outlets for you.
  2. if the shoe fits... well, i'll let you have this round because I couldn't have described you better myself. Kudos!
  3. You gotta know that boob has already had 10. Ten by ten is how he rolls and trolls.
  4. i know, it hurts when people keep you honest.
  5. as a planet, yes, earth is the same home for everyone. and we do all breathe the same air. it all came from the same source. the fact that certain elements get added or removed along the way doesn't mean it isn't the same. anyway, this again goes beyond my original philosophical point.
  6. it takes work and the pay is shiit. trust me, you wouldn't want the job.
  7. my post was meant to be philosophical. but, yes, unfortunately some of the man-made institutions do pose such limits.
  8. wow, are you a real, living, breathing bob fan? lol, didn't know such a thing exists. well, then, you just go girl!
  9. at the end of the day these debates are based on people's narrow minded racial and/or nationalistic beliefs. we all live on planet earth. we are all human. we all share the same home, breathe the same air. the rest of your beliefs are just useless, man-made institutions and civil structures that bind you to a false understanding of who, where, and what you are.
  10. disagreeable is discourse. it's what forums are made of. nearly all of your posts are about you disagreeing with something in Thailand. never mind, I shouldn't even bother. you can't tell anything to a guy with two black eyes because he's already been told twice.
  11. your fantasies run rather deep, no?
  12. fan is far too kind of a view of my feelings about you.
  13. yup, indeed, all your topics are lame. the one-star champ.
  14. "bob smith and the art of one-star topics"
  15. see, I knew you were writing a book. boring though. guess you ask dumb questions when you are on the piss.
  16. who said Thailand is my home? this is getting boring.
  17. Anyone here that's flown in or out of Swampy has been around 1,500 women in the same building, at the same time, and all at once.
  18. 1500 is an obvious typo. He meant to type the number without the two zeros. 😉
  19. Coming soon to a Bangkok pharmacy near you? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/health-news/psychedelic-drug-mdma-faces-fda-panel-in-bid-to-become-first-of-a-kind-ptsd-medication
  20. That sentence made me laugh. It's the polite way of saying "get the fulk out of your job if you can". 👍🏼
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