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Everything posted by ChumpChange

  1. Hub of financially unfit expat sob stories.
  2. The other thing is that the place isn't good value for money at all. It was a bit 20 years ago, when the Peso was weaker than the Baht and when many things there were either the same price or cheaper than in Thailand, but, now, fookin faghettaboutit. You will pay more there for the same things and often they will be less desirable in one way or another. So many whiny old lumps in the hub of retired moaners act as if they are fed up with Thailand and that they are going to run away to some greener paradise over in Flippers. Spend a year there and you'll come running back. Nevermind a year, I'll bet you a Khao Pad most will want to pull out after 6 months. Add to that the fact that the financial requirements for money in the bank to get a retirement visa in the Philippines is almost 2 million Baht equivalent. Go for it!
  3. Go pump yourself in the Manila metro if that's what makes you feel alive. After mopping floors for 8 hours a day that probably seems thrilling to you. I'm my case, I'd probably fall asleep from boredom.
  4. Useless tangential what aboutism. At the end of the day, the streets of Manila are more dangerous than most SE Asian cities and the place is a toilet.
  5. Anecdotal. Speaks nothing to the persistent violent dangers of physical harm during a robbery if living in Manila.
  6. The majority of violent crime in Thailand is related to domestic violence, romantic relationships gone bad, jealousy, business or financial disputes, etc. So, very often, the people involved in violent crime know each other. Is most other countries violent crime is more random. Gang violence, robberies, etc. This means that the chances of a foreigner (who is minding his own business) being violently attacked in Thailand is much lower than in the Philippines. Also, alcohol is a major contributor to emotional outbursts of violence in Thailand. Meth is also another big contributor. If there was greater control over these substances then you would probably see a significant drop in domestic violence in Thailand.
  7. Also can't vote, can't serve for jury duty, can't own a firearm.
  8. Not a hoax, not a witch-hunt, not a conspiracy, found unanimously guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers. Finished. ✅
  9. Q. What do you advise to a criminal who's already been convicted of 34 criminal felony counts? A. Nothing, he's already been told 34 times.
  10. Always losing. I like world leaders who aren't convicted felons.
  11. At the upcoming sentencing hearing: "Will the convict please rise".
  12. Problem is nobody is gonna want to occupy it after bob has been there. The bed will be covered in tranny dust and skids.
  13. Never knew they made safes that small just to hold dust.
  14. Bob leaving Thailand is actually the best news I’ve had since Mrs. Smith finally promised to stop popping by my place and expecting me to knob her every time Bob goes out on Tranny Patrol.
  15. Perfect place for you Bob Scat. Food is shiite, prossies up the wazoo, English accents annoying AF, filth of the highest order, violent crime highest in SE Asia, awful infrastructure, typhoons, religious evangelism, wholesale poverty, what's not to love about it? Just promise us you won't come back. And, if you forget to write us about it, no worries; nobody will even notice. Good riddance.
  16. But I suspect there were a lot of dirty floors at the hospital needed mopped that missed him.
  17. Should have rolled over to Soi 6. I heard it's kicking over there.
  18. You must be a real crowd pleaser in Soi Ladyboy. I thought they call it a mangina though???
  19. 40-50 year old ladies calling a geriatric daddy isn't inappropriate. The "big" reference must be akin to the oversized appendage that protrudes between your waist and your sternum.
  20. 🔔 end bob. 😂 Jimmy must be one of your rented friends. Does he call you boss too?
  21. That's not how it works. Any fantastical rubbish you post is solid fair game.
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