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Everything posted by ChumpChange

  1. What I said about Soi 6 was a joke based on the recent violence where a guy was kicked in the head and is lucky not to have been killed. Yes, smartphones and social media are all part of the new antisocial movement. Thais are really bad. But most other Asian countries are equally as bad. Part of the issue about Asians is they never find it impolite, even at social gatherings with other people, to pull out their phones and doom scroll forever at any given moment.
  2. Go into the myAIS app, then click on Profile, then click on AIS Network Settings. There you can IVR Language and SMS Language to English. If you do that, and you still receive SMS messages in Thai, claiming to come from AIS, then they are always an AIS phishing scam.
  3. I agree, much less smiles in the last 15-20 years. But it's not because they have become less friendly. They have become less happy. Politics has been a big issue and a major point of unhappiness for the last 15 years. Increases in crime, inequality, reduced opportunity, etc. All has played a role. Call it land of whatever you want. Continue to call it land of smiles or call it something else. It matters little. It is what it is.
  4. I heard Soi 6 is kicking, but can leave you with a bit of a headache.
  5. Yes, so now it does seem like they are all miraculously OK. The thing that really startlingly stands out though is how the "security" guards approached this thing as a rage infused brawl. They weren't doing their job. They were physically attacking a bunch of guys who didn't want to fight. And once on the ground, and begging for mercy, the guards still attacked them even more violently and kicked an unconscious guy in the head. This isn't security. This is violent brutality. And once the guys regained consciousness, and tried to walk away, the guards still wanted to have another go at them as seen in this video. Where is this in any way what a security guard is supposed to do? They were bludgeoning guys lying on the ground, who had already paid their bills, were defenseless and certainly no threat to anyone. The whole thing is so warped. And if the 3 guys were part of a conspiracy to rip off the bar for 2,800 Baht, then they should have called the police and had them arrested. Or if one of the guys really attacked one of the bar maids, then, again, neutralize him and arrest him. But I guess that's not how they do in Pattaya, the hub of safe and peaceful family tourism.
  6. Also, if the guy is in hospital in a bad way then the authorities may want to give it some time to see if he recovers before giving any updates to the media. Giving good news later and no news now is better than giving bad news now. I assume what everyone wants is the guys to get fixed up, look good and happy, then everyone comes down to the police station together for a happy group photo with everyone shaking hands and smiling. That's what they want to release to the media. And that's probably what they're all hoping for. That would be good PR for the guards, police, bar owners, etc. If the guys really are OK then that's what they are likely working towards. But who knows if any of that is possible and if the guys really are OK.
  7. I don't know any more than what's been written in the media. But if he was taken to a hospital then he was probably thrown in a car or pickup truck and driven there quickly. And whoever arranged that would know which hospital. That's all I'm saying. And they would have shared that information with the authorities. It's also not uncommon for the authorities to withhold information from the media to protect people until an investigation is concluded. So we just need to wait. It seems Pattaya Mail will keep updating the story. And if anything has been misreported so far then the media will always later say that they were given wrong information and, thus made a mistake.
  8. Anyway, let's see where things are in 24-48 hours. I'll refrain from making any more anecdotal assumptions without clear evidence either way. Let's all just hope the guy really is alright and that some clear answers about the situation are soon released.
  9. Everyone knows where he was sent to. No way they just walked off and were later spotted casually walking back to their hotel, and suddenly all 3 of them.
  10. It still doesn't vibe. Until I see actual photos/video of the guy in the white shirt standing vertical after the fight then I remain skeptical. While a person involved in an event remains totally unidentified after the event then you can say anything you want about him and it remains unverifiable either way. Show me the money bruh.
  11. The guys were badly hurt. They didn't just wander off a few minutes later and disappear without a trace. They either went to a hospital or the morgue. Then seen a couple hours later looking jolly and crossing a road? And police don't know where they are? Really?
  12. Exactly, but look at what the police were quoted as saying in the Daily Mail. It's totally sus bruh: 'Yes, we're still checking CCTV to see what happened to them. There are rumours that he is in intensive care but we haven't heard anything from hospitals.'
  13. Think about it. If the guy was alright, police wouldn't say he can't be located in hospital and is probably in ICU. Police would want everyone to know he's OK. Not too many hospitals in Pattaya and bar staff would know which hospital he was sent to. It wouldn't be a mystery where he is. What about the morgue?
  14. No, the torn shirt guy in the video is a taller guy in a black polo, not the gray shirt guy in the bar fight. Black polo guy was probably the 3rd guy who left without paying his bill. He wasn't in the fight. He isn't in any of the bar fight footage. Looks like maybe he's just pulled his shirt up a bit around his stomach while crossing the street. Probably not torn.
  15. That video footage was likely captured before his head was used as a football and not after. Gary shirt guy also got his shirt torn in the fight. Shirt isn't torn in the CCTV footage. The footage was likely captured either earlier the same day or on a previous day. Police already said the white shirt guy is likely in ICU.
  16. Not sure if the Siam Society would be interested, but could try them: https://thesiamsociety.org/facilities/library/
  17. Still, don't click on the phishing redirect link in the SMS. It could soon get remapped to a new malicious link/domain spoofing AIS.
  18. aisaisth.sbs connected to the malicious redirect link is already confirmed to be suspended. So threat is neutralized for now.
  19. What do you mean by source please? All I see is the fake sender's name as being AUTHSMS as noted above. No number is provided. The malicious link seems to redirect to aisaisth.sbs, but I think the domain is already suspended.
  20. If you receive the following SMS from AUTHSMS (as the so called sender) then don't click the link. It's malicious: AIS แจ้งเตือนคะแนนของคุณใกล้จะหมดอายุ กรุณาแลก: https//2h.ae/LiaA
  21. More in The Sun: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28150872/horror-moment-brit-kicked-head-thailand-coma/ From The Sun: The Brit is now thought to be in a coma in intensive care after a bouncer's savage attack.
  22. The police said they haven't heard anything yet from the hospitals about the white shirt guy, only rumors about ICU. But have they heard anything from the morgue?
  23. Long article titled "Horrifying moment two British tourists are viciously beaten by gang of bouncers 'after arguing about the bill' at a bar in Thailand" with many photos on the DM website about the disturbing event. A couple of brow raising excerpts:
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