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Posts posted by fgmr

  1. Pak Cheong Immigration, with whom I have been renewing my Retirement Visa since 2007 and again when they re-opened the office a few years ago have advised that my application is under consideration and I can expect a visit from Immigration Officers at my home. I must then show them my Thai Bank book and report back to the Immigration office on 26th October when I will be told if my application for another year has been accepted.

    I produced the Affirmation of Income letter from the Embassy and the original pension providers annual letters advising me of their monthly payments, These documents were used by the Embassy to provide the Affirmation Letter. This income has always been well above the minimum requirement of 850,000 baht and I have never been asked to provide a local bank book. When I advised them that there was very little money in the Thai bank their response was, "Just need Bank Book. Please make copy for officer when visit."

    I was told that the Immigration Officers when visiting will be seeking the opinion of neighbors as to my character and conduct. These responses will be used to decide whether I will finally be granted a visa.

    What appeals procedures exist in the event that some local decides to have a go. I can think of several persons who may feel they could get their hands on my property through making it impossible for my GF to stay in it should I be forced to repatriate.


    Is this change being applied nationwide?

  2. Waiting for the English translation of this gibberish.

    Ok, the man is a bilionner planning soon to fly the Thailand Australia routs, has 3 beauty clubs in Bkk and 2 radio

    stations and this is just the beginning, as Branson known to be the fox in the hen house attitude

    when it come to business savvy....the more the better I say,,


    What happens when the fox sees a load of Fighting Thai Cockerels instead of hens?

  3. Has a fuller account of this journey been penned anywhere? For instance:-

    What type of vehicle? Was it petrol or diesel. Octane levels can vary as can availability?

    What travel documents were necessary, Visas, vehicle insurance etc.?

    What time of year was the journey made?

    How many stops, where?

    Travel overnight or only during daylight hours?

    Was camping equipment necessary?

    If the vehicle was registered in India how long can it remain in Thailand before it has to return before Import Duty etc has to be undertaken in Thailand.

    I am wondering if it would be worth bringing a Range Rover via this route?

  4. Sounds fair enough to me

    Why should she get special treatment? That's the way the judicial system operates in Thailand. There's no pretrial discovery. The parties just show up with their own documents and that's what goes into evidence. She has grounds for appeal when they reform their pretrial discovery, civil and criminal procedure codes. She can wait, but those reforms will probably never come. Its an antiquated justice system - just look at the B2 trial.

    Sorry about lack of background info. What was the B2 trial?

  5. If corruption was actually prosecuted, they would run out of room in the prisons to hold all the politicians, government officials and top businessmen in the country.

    How many new prisons are being built to accommodate the influx? Who is responsible for appointing all the additional staff required to man these sites?

  6. Ok,back on topic........Evaluate the Best Shot Competition

    I did underestimate how popular the competition would be,and maybe set the amount of likes too low (and who was it that said getting 10 votes would be difficult?)

    No problem,just means more happy people getting their photos into the gallery,which of course means me putting in more time to transfer them.Think the last comp

    in total took me just under 5 hours (split over 3 days).facepalm.gif

    This is where it could getting interesting!!!

    It seems that news of our competition has reached the folks at the top (don't know how that happened biggrin.png ),and they have kindly agreed to sponsor the competition

    by the way of a prize/prizes for the winning shot/shots thumbsup.gif ,when I know more I will inform you.

    This gave me the idea of setting up another topic 'Best of the Best Shots'(pinned, same as the gallery).The top/winning pics from every month would be added along

    with a link back to that months competition.

    Your thoughts please.

    I would like to suggest that the top winning pics are brought together to form an annual calendar perhaps another Title to the one already issued by ThaiVisa!

  7. Tabian Baans are proof of registered residence with your Local Amphur.

    For certain procedures in Thailand at government departments you will need proof of residence.

    That means continually providing a document either in the form of a letter from you Amphur, or a Certificate of Residence issued by either your local Police Station, Immigration or your Embassy. These forms of document though only have a limited life of acceptance ranging from 1-3 months depending on the department.

    All Thai citizens are issued and registered in a Blue Book.

    Foreign Condo owners are issued a Blue Book but their name will not appear in the book.

    Foreigners with PR status can be added to there wife's Blue Book.

    At all other times Foreigners will be issued a Yellow Blue.

    A Foreigner cannot hold and be named in a Blue Book as the principal resident.

    Land can only be registered in a Thai name. When a home is built on the land it is issued an address registered by the Amphur, connected to that land.

    A Blue Book is not proof of ownership of the land or the house, but proof of the residents occupying that house, but they may also own both (deeds are the proof of ownership).

    The law on issuance of Tabian Baan's to Foreigners is within the amended Civil Registration Act 2551.

    Section 21. Section 38 of the Civil Registration Act B.E. 2534 shall be repealed and replaced by the following:

    “Section 38. The district or local registrar shall issue a household registration for persons without Thai nationality having been permitted to stay temporarily and those having been giving leniency for temporary residence in the Thai Kingdom as a special case in accordance with law on immigration and the declaration of the Cabinet and their children born within the Thai Kingdom. In a case of permission of temporary residence overdue, the registrar shall immediately dispose of such persons.

    The Director of Central Registration shall make profile registration for persons without Thai nationality besides those under paragraph one in accordance with the declaration of the Cabinet.

    So in theory if you have temporary permission to stay in Thailand then you are entitled to a Tabian Baan.

    Unfortunately each province appears to set different requirements for issuance.

    This may be down to the fact that they actually don't know the procedure and are afraid to drop a clanger and get in trouble, or they simply can't be bothered with all the documentation so make it as awkward as possible in the hope you'll succumb first.

    Fortunately, my local Amphur is well versed and the Boss speaks good English.

    They will issue a Yellow Tabian Ban to any foreigner holding a Non Imm Visa or Extension on production of the following documents;

    Original Documents.

    1. Passport.

    2. Translation of Passport Home Page into Thai, with attached photo.

    3. Certificate of Residence (Obtained from Police station)

    4. 2nd Passport Photo for application form.


    1. Passport Home Page.

    2. Passport page of current Visa or Extension

    3. House ownersTabian Ban (signed with tele number)

    4. House owners ID card (signed with telephone number)

    I did the translation myself using Word and IM Translator.

    The only other requirement was for my landlady, the homeowner to be present and countersign the application form.

    I've personally found possessing a Yellow Tabian Baan invaluable in terms of saving time and money. It's saved numerous trips to Police or Immigration to get proof of residence as and when needed. My book has been accepted without question by every government building I've visited without the request for any further proof. It was issued free of charge and has no expiry.

    I'm afraid that's as much information as I can give you. Good luck.

    Thank You very much for a very informative response. I shall now visit my local Amphur office and start to play merry hell with them for refusing to issue me with the Yellow Book.

  8. Would British subjects please note that the Yellow Book, is unacceptable to HMPO (The British Passport Office) as proof of residence, if it was issued and dated more than 1 year ago. They will reject it and ask for additional proof of residence.

    Please explain; why would the Passport Office need your place of residence? Is this a requirement for renewing one's passport? I was issued a new passport in 2008 by the FCO at the British Embassy in Bangkok and this was never required!

    As to the Yellow book, I visited the Amphur Office with my girlfriend and was told I could not get one as I was not married.

  9. Honda Scoopy doesn't have a drive chain, it has a drive belt.

    Probably lost all his money gambling or at the local

    I think it would have been a chain to secure his motor bike,it would not be easy to take

    drive chain of motor bike and you could not use a lock with it,Thai reporters you never

    get the full story.

    regards worgeordie

    Oy cannie lad, how true and thus it shall ever be with most reporters worldwide. Amen.

  10. '' pork jerky ''

    i've met a few of them in my lifetime,

    have you considered some form of canoe to leave the area,

    what goes through my mind is (during a flood) sewerage,

    mosquitoes, snakes invading your hone, going stir crazy, i

    don't think Thais have yet grasped the concept of a bomb

    shelter mentality, ask what they would do and you do the same.

    A serious enquiry requires a similar response. Perhaps you need a bomb shelter very near you or perhaps you are already a resident!

    In trying to stay wysiwyg within this topic, a modern tech query requires a modern solution. forget the canoe, does anyone know where I can get an amphibious ute in Thailand?

    Why are you still in in Thailand? Ah! perhaps you have yet to build another Noah's Ark, or is it more likely to be a rented kayak! Is it a long drop from that condo where the ozyjon is rare?

    Now, be nice to me Ozzy when you reply.

  11. I do not know if all jet-ski rental business are scams, I assume that some must be genuine people just trying to earn a living.

    The problem with mandatory insurance is that no insurance company will provide insurance to these beach operators, so the answer is to either ban all jet skis or work out some solution that does not require the impossible insurance.

    If you ban all jet-skis then that's not really fair on the honest vendors. Its never fair when the criminal minority mess things up for everyone.

    Perhaps a system of licensed operators with instant removal and destruction of any jet-skis offered for rent by an unlicenced opearator would be ideal, but that opens the door for even more corruption.

    Put the legitimate operators on some remote beach and let TAT do the requisite marketing. Ban all jet-skis from the main tourist resorts. The tourists involved in this sport are a minority. Lead them by the nose or anchor or flyopflops to their noisy intrusive sport. They can then enjoy their sport without a care and let the majority have a relatively peaceful snooze on the beach.

    Persistant beach hawkers next. "nice amulet, good luck charm, long life necklace, buy now, cheap, cheep ,cheep". Thanks but I know a nice quiet swimming pool.

    Mai pen rai.

  12. And it is not necessary to be critical of questions people just ask out of interest. A reply is good, but advice from someone who does not know my situation is unwarranted and uncalled for.

    Yeah, but it's funny heh. Buy yourself 2 ice buckets of equal size, 2 10 baht bags of ice, put ice in said buckets. One you keep water in, one you don't. Report back.

    More rare than diamonds! COMMON SENSE.

  13. The first thing the Gov of Kampooch must do if they want to promote tourism

    in Anlong Veng is to somehow come up with a prophylactic against a certain

    strain of Malaria found only in this region which is resistant to all known

    antimalarials...even the artemesinin based AM's. The only known pseudo

    preventative is Doxycycline (aka Vibramycin) & it's not a good idea to be

    taking antiB's for any long duration unless fighting a bacterial infection.

    Plus the Vibramycin regimen is not 100% effective on the strain in A. Veng.

    Secondly the government is gonna have to demine the entire region because

    tourista's have a tendency to wander off on their own to have a look.

    Speaking of having a look...in Anlong Veng there is nothing to look at save

    for a bridge that "THe Butcher" had built. The butcher is Ta mok. Then there's

    always the jungle I guess but in there be land mnes. Oh..there's Ta mok's house

    ...more like a large shed IMO but some touristas may enjoy looking at large


    Been there, got malaria, saw the Butcher, filmed him & left without incident

    ...way back in 1994. I'd rather sit on the balcony of my apartment in Phnom

    Penh with a G & T watching the Mekong, Sap & Bassac rivers flow....with a fat

    blunt in one hand & straight pizza in the other.

    Good luck to Kampooch though for trying to make a buck from the nasty days

    of old..they really do need the money. I wish them well...seriously.

    Thank you, most informative; I do hope members take note and pass the message. How do I share your message on Facebook?

  14. I think it an absolute scandal that UK pensions do not transfer at least for a reasonable period of years to a spouse of any age. Typical of UK penny pinching and degrading of the benefit system. I mean they are pretty damn quick to strip people of their inheritance even though they are not living in the country.

    And, whilst we take nothing from their welfare system, we still pay Income Tax and get no State Pension Increases when living in Thailand.

  15. Normally a 24 crate of Singha sorts my aches and pains out.

    Also manages to put the wife on mute too.

    My wife is allergic to chili which causes tongue, lips etc., to blister.

    Keeps her mum for 48 hrs. While she persists in partaking of spicy foods I have a relaxing time with my drinking 4 legged partner who prefers Chang Classic, not too cold. Watching him slurp he gets rid of all my aches and pains just relaxing watching him prepare for the next morning's hangovercoffee1.gif

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