Yes, I had two officers visit my home in SURIN Province some 8 years ago. We had to call the village headman to confirm my good behavior etc.,
They stopped procrastinating when I produced photos of my house during it being built. I have no idea why this whole procedure was necessary as I had been renewing my Retirement Visa annually for the previous 7 years. They left happy with some T bags. I discovered later that both officers were visitors from BKK. They were thirsty!
How many years has it been since we were told that the 90 Day reporting system had become available online?
Perhaps employing one of the Foreign Digital Nomads to redesign the whole process starting with System Definition and User interfaces and implementation may resolve the current problems.
If the IMO and Foreign Office have their own WAN it might be that they have not considered resilience as part of the System Definition prior to implementation.
But we must also consider the fact that more success online means less tea money.!
How does the initial application for a O visa work regarding 800k deposit in bank. Given that one has only just entered the country on a 30 day Exempt?
Me too. I prefer the simple honest rural Ban inhabitants. Almost everyone in the village mucks in together for any occasion. Used by autocracy, bemused by bureaucracy, and conned by, Thai style 'democracy',
Are there any plans being put forward by the new Thai administration for entering Free Trade Agreemets with UK and EU?
What would be the pros and cons and would the benefits far outweigh the consequences of so doing?
I recall a statement made in 2016 by the current PM asking the Thai rubber industry to diversify and expand manufacture of products made from the Thai latex. What results?