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Everything posted by DTL2014

  1. doesnt have to ....but if you prefer cosying up to china go for it. we already know we can plug the gap with wealthy europeans if you simply book the entertainers of the countries you are trying to reach - its not rocket science.
  2. i think you are right to ask this question : because a marriage would signify 50-50 split of property . i've had friends tell me that in italy or france your wife can have an affair , and if you have kids ..then she would get the house.and you have to move out .That's pretty tough but it does obviously take into account the welfare of the woman and kids.It ignores that one member of the relationship might be using the property as a signifcant part of their investment make up .. Making marriage almost a certain financial disaster or worse -mental anguish leading to health complications..marriage is a contract...if it is to survive ..then pre nup is a pre agreed solution to how to carve up the assets in the event of a separation or divorce.break it down to whats mine, whats hers ,whats ours..is how i understand it..
  3. seriously good news - mushrooms have been found to effectively control alcholism.
  4. what happens when it misses? will it take out the space station or a couple of satellites?
  5. maybe he was taken over by a troublesome spirit who is at odds with the spirit at this shrine - is the only possible explanation.
  6. i hope they use their new australian anti money laundering software to locate the police group that takes money from call centre scams .Because if they do it for gambling sites then its highly likely that they look the other way for scam call centres too. A huge thanks to this team in successfully shutting down these operations.
  7. could be PTSD? we dont know what kind of pressures he has been under...or withdrawal..it's a bit much to put local plod in front of a menacing threat like this. Perhaps they should have a swat team made up of thai kick boxers properly trained and equipped in all tourist hot spots.
  8. it's not such a bad post - think about it : rates of poverty have risen alarmingly in Uk during the cost of living crisis.If you were a stay at home person with a medical condition on benefits , no job , 20 fags a day ....you would indeed save 6k per year easily living here.you would eat less processed food and more fresh fruit smoothees.she could have mentioned the favourable climate,generally high levels of safety from muggings,quality of life,access to medical care....So its a win for UK tourists and a win for the thai tourist auth.Even if one UK person read that and it offered them a way out of a desperate situation...as a reminder this could be new migratory trend .Take switzerland for example - high cost of living ...leading to "swiss" old people homes based in thailand for a fraction of the cost...She could have mentioned medical procedures too...tits ,lips,teeth and hair.hips and knees..might even take the strain off the NHS..?
  9. since he denied it - will he get double the sentence if found guilty?
  10. nothing to do with school kids - it was mentioned last week that this military junta law was invoked in 1972 ,primarily to stop the Generals from getting drunk in the afternoon and not coming back to work..
  11. but westeners will still be singled out for extra fees
  12. Please publicise the police response to this incident.I would like to know how the chief handled this one, and whether he still has his job?
  13. bloke on right just come from sunbathing in the park ? we're going to need some more signs..
  14. and while we are on the subject ....why can't a performer get a temp licence to perform ? seems like they deliberately fudge this issue every time ....it's tough being a promoter of Thailand.
  15. Far from protecting the monachy - this will weaken it further and is only kept to control opponents.why cant they make a distinction between the LJ law and the monachy itself?everything is regulated these days ..why not the monachy?what i find unconstitional is the disbanding of a party that won the popular vote.what we learnt last week was that much money is siphoned off using corruption in Royal Projects to dupe people.Although the 2 stories arent linked - it does go to show that by critiquing an idea or testing it...does actually help to improve it.Without removing this law - no improvements.MFP was , as the voters showed - merely trying to make improvements as requested by the electorate.
  16. happens alot in Thailand - ghosts grab the steering wheel...just need a few fire crackers and a bottle of mirinda
  17. i hear that mushrooms are a good way to treat alcoholism and help repair neurons in the brain...some good documentary's on mycelium.The real crime here is the categorisation of a naturally occuring medicine by people who have no clue.
  18. That's all well and good - but now we are living in Thailand - i want to know how much they are offering for our vote ? The current rate over here is about 2500 baht but that would have to be negoiated up to reflect their ability to pay.Of course in order to vote i would have to first be recompensed for not being able to vote at the last 9 elections first..
  19. Sounds like a trip of a lifetime....it's people like this that keep the world spinning..!
  20. He gets my full support and should David Cameron's return inspire him to do the same... why not take the helm of MFP or merge the dems? They could use some experience in their team..
  21. apart from the fact that my best mate works in a large cat sanctuary (in costa Rica) and the shares i bought in ITD are now worth bugger all...i think it's time for Prem to get back to work - he may well get along with Sretta as they are both in simlilar fields of business.A few donations to cat sancturies or land purchases to safeguard corridors for these majestic beasts will demonstrate that there is a heart somewhere buried deep within that rotund exterior
  22. we need free visa for the europeans and americas too ..- then we might see some profits ..its been a long wait
  23. That's right he did accept the top job - and he was the best man for the job at the time.After the continual fraudulent actions of the red shirt govt and bought elections from leaders involved in enriching themselves on land deals.Who then held the country to ransom with their barricades in centre of bangkok.you supported that did you? because thats the main reason a military intervention had to happen.so the red shirts are just as responsible for propelling him up to the top job btw. and subsequent military party.no fake g2g contracts during his tenure..
  24. however i would like clarity on income v investment.Usually if one has a registered company , any money brought in is considered investment in the running of a thai company.
  25. i thought she was one of the good ones - certainly she was a force for good - in pathology.If she voted against Pita then i totally understand this incident.I hope the cameras are ready when she returns - we will need an explanation for the way you voted?Who you colluded with to pervert the course of democracy.All those who voted no or abstained are an obstacle for democracy.They should only be allowed to visit Russia,China,N Korea,Myanmar,Cambodia. will they release a full list of the no voters ? its going to be interesting finding out why they have put their own asses on the line - and for whom....certainly not for the benefit of the Thai people.So what is their agenda?
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