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  • Birthday 01/31/1940

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    In Thailand until late March 2025

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  1. THanks. There'snone so blind as the blind.🙄
  2. One dollar bills? To get a decent return on the the skills and costs of their skills and material, convincing couterfeiters would produce higher denomination bills. The paper on which the bills are printed is the most difficult to replicate. If the bills are found to be genuine will that, and the release of the women be announced to the press?
  3. Three grains of rice......to pledge? She's good at that but only deals in thousand of Tonnes.
  4. ......and they crashed into her.😬
  5. He seems to be popular in Oxford:
  6. Is that 180 days to live?
  7. I guess they couldn't locate the elevator stuck when descending 'between the second and third floor' because, according to one of the victims "We were going up from the 11th floor when the elevator stalled," recounted Bunyasri 😋
  8. Yellow 'H' Fronts are back in fashion?
  9. The Thailand figures did not surprise me but the Katmandu pollution level did!
  10. A number of Gulf sharks were mutilated in his honour. 🙄
  11. Maybe the ex Minister, the one acknowledged as a horology expert, may have seen a Richard Mille timepiece in his travels.
  12. Ayatollah don't Khomaini closer warns Donald.
  13. The "I am just the driver" story was unconvincing. The RTP know more about this trio than the report contains.
  14. A post above raises a more important consideration, that of glaucoma. Another 'silent' disease that can go unrecognised but lead to serious consequences later. If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, it must be treated and brought under control before any cataract surgery. Five years ago, in Thailand, I went to see an othamologist due to deteriorrating vision. When he told me I had glaucoma I was surprised and then concerned when he explained the likley outcome if it had not been diagnosed in time. He also told me I had cataracts in both eyes and that was what was affecting my vision. Pressure was 35 in RE and 31 in LE. I went through the pressure reduction treatment until they stabilised after a year and then had the cataract removed from my RE which was the worst affected. Recovered comfortably in a few days. Then, continuing the glaucoma drops I returned to live in UK and, last year had cataract removal LE. Took much longer to recover but eventually vision stabilised and synchonised. I now have good unaided distant vision, improved close-up vision occassionally using specs for small print. I am in a Glaucoma Screening Programme at a local hospital with bi-annual appointments. Only use glaucoma drops in RE daily. If you suffer from dry-eye along with cataracts, there is an additional procedure that can be carried out during cataract surgery which can restore thhe eyes natural lubrication and drainage. Adds about 10 minutes to the cataract removal. Fixed my problem and avoids separate surgery. Worth mentioning this at your preop if you have dry-eye. I encourage all readers over 60, even if they are not currently having vision problem to get a pressure check regularly. It could save you grief later.
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