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  • Birthday 01/31/1940

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  1. The poll did not reveal that the other 84.6% voted for Keir Starmer.😀
  2. What card did Tony draw from the Tarot deck?
  3. There are vacancies in the RC clergy......
  4. I guess the "Here kitty kitty" chant didn't work.
  5. Look on the bright side. If he did open the door he would be the first one out.😀
  6. ..........known affectionately as Off, ....... Although many people call him Eff......🫢
  7. This is a report on what a sub-committee are doing, What then, is the main committee doing?
  8. According to the report, the m/c rider was a 22 year old male, the 14 year old girl was sitting in front of him.
  9. Apart from the Chinese smuggler, have the batteries been charged?😋
  10. Looking at the OP image the Immigration Officer seems not to notice the highly suspicious illegal sneaking past on her left. "Did you pack that bag yourself Sir?"
  11. Because he knew it would not resist the impact of a locomotive.😋 Train drivers always sound their loud horns when approaching crossings and bridges known to have pedestrians. Also they reduce speed. The victim, reportedly, was a frequent visitor to the bridge yet seemed not to know the daily schedule of trains.

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