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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Tony Winsome soon to be Tony Losesome.
  2. If they were to buy black hair dye in 200 litre drums it would be cheaper.
  3. I trust the trip to Jakarta will be timed to coincide with the Indonesian annual stubble burning smoke screen which blankets Singapore, Malaysia and Southern Thailand.
  4. Yes, the medical term is amputation, whatever that is........
  5. Kratom exported to UK. My wife buys it in a local Asian Min-Market and makes an infusion with the leaves which she drinks before bed to overcome RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome)........and it works.????
  6. It's full of dykes you can stick your finger into.......
  7. Good! Together we shal rid the nation of this scourge.
  8. My wife's sister, a Thai national, is planning to visit the UK for up to three months later this year. There will be a need for her to have medical insurance cover for that period. Can anyone please give me a lead, based on personal experience, to a reliable insurer either Thai based or UK?
  9. Five thousand Baht. Just enough for a tank of fuel for their bike......
  10. So that's where all the parrot fish go.......
  11. I suggest first using soft power to leverage it into a position for a committee to declare it a hub.
  12. ......and the trigger change on the handlebar gave a sense of power.........????
  13. Thanks for the comprehensive response. The on-line application made on a UK Government website provides visit details and evidence to the UK Immigration and also links to VFS Bangkok who issue an appointment date and time to gather the applicants biodata (photo/fingerprints) I need then to to send the applicant my original sponsor letter for her to upload with her other required documents. She is not English speaking and will be travelling alone. This is her first UK trip. My wife will meet her at LHR but in anticipation of being questioned by the UK Border Force agent should I provide a letter of introduction with our names and address and contact numbers stating she is to be met at the exit?
  14. I have locked my Weetabix away; this cereal thief will never find it....
  15. Ceramic tiles on the ceiling? With that weight to be supported by the flimsy framework it must have been at the point of collapse before the rain!
  16. My wife and I, both UK nationals living in UK, are inviting my wife's widowed sister to visit UK at our expense. We will provide a letter of sponsorship to her sister to support her application for a Standarrd Visit Visa. Apart from pledging financial support and attaching signed copies of our UK passports, what other 'evidence' would the VFS agency in Bangkok require? Clearly, with the current time taken to process visa applications, it is not sensible to book a return flight yet, from what I can glean from viewing the UK Govt Visa Application site, they are asking for travel dates. Any pointers willl be appreciated.
  17. No test runs permitted at the stalls selling vaping devices?
  18. Good to see he is excercising his right NOT to wear a face covering........
  19. Just checking to ensure there's enough water for the old buoy to bob around in.......
  20. Probably because she wasn't stripped naked and examined before boarding in Dubai. What prompted someone at the Thai point of entry to do so is not explained. I hope she didn't brush shoulders with Tony in Dubai.
  21. Yes. If you were downwind of a young me relieving flatulence after consuming six pints of draft Double Diamond you would have something to gasp about.......????
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