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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Oh! I thought he was shoving a knife up a sting ray's rs. On the audio a parrot fish can be heard asking "Who's a pretty boy then?"
  2. Is it air-conditioned?
  3. Clearly he had a certificate prescribing the leaf for medical therapy since, as we know, recreational use is illegal.......get well soon.....????
  4. The printers name 'Bank of Toyland' was the give away......
  5. A wooden som tam pestle. Next time grab the granite pestle,
  6. If the BiB checked under the taxi hood they would find another ICE.....
  7. Shoot. I was hoping you would explain to me what the meaning of life is......????
  8. How about issuing each customer with a key for each fire exit (against a deposit of course) and a waist belt with a holster containing an axe. Customers should not be admitted unless they are equipped with an air breathing set too.
  9. An earlier report stated he flew in on a chartered plane. Thai TV showed him emerge from the terminal and climb into a blacked out limo then drive away in a convoy of "'minder mobiles' the last two being identical yellow SUVs. Why hasn't Sri Lanka revoked his diplomatic status?
  10. Thanks, vehicle fires such as this are frequently the result of improper conversion to LPG/NGV.
  11. So, not a diesel model or an LPG conversion but gasoline engine. Matters not; the old short circuit will get you every time......
  12. Does 'God's waiting room' practice social distancing and have free WiFi? Asking for an enemy.....
  13. Yet, the operator ignored the overload audio warning........surely it had not been disabled.........? ????
  14. They have/had 12 already.
  15. A three inch long snake must be new-born.
  16. The planes come equipped with anti-monkey missiles. The new ammunition depot to be built in Lopburi will store the tens of thousands of reloads.
  17. Then they can join the queue behind the Royal Thai Air Force.....
  18. Both on the stairway to the stars. ????
  19. Yes, everyone knows human passengers ride in the back. The makers pander to that by installing a rudimentary seat but no safety belts. As in most cases, the police enforce laws selectively and lower priced pickups sell so manufacturers will not change the configuration unless forced by law or falling sales. The model is the next step up from the motorcycle with the illegal sidecar. ????
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