The good news is, that in burying the masses, the fibre cables carrying data will be damaged and Internet will'go down' preventing social media posts and scurrilous accusations concerning Pattaya infrstructure with it......????
It is illegal to carry passengers on the rear bench seat which is why the manufacturers do no install seat belts. It is a cargo space
Ditto the carriage of passengers in the cargo tray of a pickup (unless it's a Bibmobile????)
Mask wearing is not mandatory but the higher echelons made a public statement encouraging the voluntary wearing now the TV companies have had to join in to be seen to setting an example so, back to square one. Someone has huge stocks they want to liquidate.
I did, 47 years ago and have never regretted it. Only one downside. Before we married she would peel my grapes for me. Now, I have to eat them whole.????