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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. Rimmer


    Multiple anti mask troll bickering posts have been removed also replies.
  2. Rimmer


    Troll post removed
  3. We just cut down over thirty foxtails they are even worse than coconuts as they have many finger roots spreading out where as a coconut has more of a ball root system. Cut off at ground level with a chainsaw if you don' t have one find someone locally, if done close enough to the ground you can run the mower over it without harm to the blades. Or cut off close to the ground and use a carpenters chisel hole saw in a power drill to put down a lot of one inch holes, fill the holes with salt, the root will die after six months or so. Or cut off close to the ground, make the holes as above then pour cooking oil on it, let it soak in and then put burning charcoal on it and let it smoulder, should take a day or two. If you can make a chimney from an old metal drainpipe around it this helps. If you are in a hurry cut off flush to the ground, make the holes as above then use a circular saw or a chain saw to cut cross ways across the top of the stump like you are playing noughts and crosses, this will make a lot of little cubes that you can lever out from the top with a crowbar, if you cant lever them out drive a large axe sideways and hammer it into the stump sideways breaking off the little cube pieces as you go. If digging it out you really need a longer piece above ground to rock it out of the hole around it. No easy solution very sorry its time consuming and a lot of work. I'll upload some pictures when i find them.
  4. A post with an altered quote that altered the meaning has been removed
  5. A misleading post has been removed, please take note of the following: UPDATED NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTING ON THAIVISA AMID COVID-19 - 25 MARCH 2020 In addition to the guidelines posted below and those detailed in the Thaivisa forum rules and following the announcement that Thai government will invoke emergency powers in order to help deal with the COVID-19 situation in the country, Thaivisa requests members posting on the forum to abide by the following: Do not post news or any form of content, including video, audio, images, social media posts that contains messages that may cause people to be afraid or intentionally distort information, causing misunderstanding during the COVID-19 pandemic. Any posts or topics which our moderation team deems to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or has been posted to deliberately distort information will be removed without warning. You may also be subject to a posting suspension or have your profile permanently suspended from the site. Thank you for your co-operation.
  6. A rather nasty and uncalled for smart alec troll comment and a reply have been removed
  7. A post has been removed: In using ASEAN NOW you agree to abide by the following terms: 1) You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any one member of the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. By law, the Thai Royal Family is above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. To breach these rules will result in an immediate ban. Linking to external sites which break these rules will be treated as if you yourself posted them.
  8. A post discussing another member has been removed: 25) No public discussion is allowed with regard to other forum members
  9. A personal attack and name calling has been removed. A post citing a year old study has also been removed
  10. A couple of troll comments have been removed, give the brown envelopes a rest please or face suspension for trolling
  11. Asean Now doesn't do hunches specially ones that are liable to spread rumors. //CLOSED//
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