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Posts posted by simtemple

  1. 2 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Ridiculous the sentence handed out. No one can serve 374 years, why not just say life imprisonment and never to be pardoned. Yet Mr Hiso in Mercedes Benz kills innocent people gets a small fraction of jail time.

    Because the recipient of a life sentence does not usually serve the term of his/her natural life. The recipient of a 374 year sentence is likely to die in prison.




  2. 5 hours ago, neeray said:

    Representatives of TAT, The Mayors Office, maybe DLT etc will all be on hand soon for a photo op as the flowers, candy and 1,000 baht compensation check are presented.

    A similar event happened to me at unlit road works on Siam Country Club Road. In various states of injury, my passenger and I had to ride to Pattaya Hospital, Soi Buakhau. Although the bike was insured, Hospital Admin insisted that I paid cash for our medical treatment. This allowed them to avoid involving the police. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

    Unfortunately, is often alcohol involved when people drive to a funeral.


       That doesn't create better drivers. It's so sad to read these news of people who wanted to attend another funeral and got killed on the way.


    I remember a horror crash in our province where seven or eight got killed by a train, Also on their way to a funeral.


       Does the big P even understand what'[s going on here and how to solve the problem(s)? I pretty much doubt it. 



    The common denominators are fatigue coupled with distraction.

    The road safety eggsperts at Land Transport Thailand haven't heard of the dangers of fatigue or distraction yet. 


  4. The question is what impact will the Grand Solar Minimum, coupled with a severe economic downturn, the likes never before seen, have on Thailand and the rest of the World.


    Chinese scientists warn of global cooling. 



    2020s Worst Recession in US History. 


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