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Posts posted by simtemple

  1. 3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

    Do they get to join the Tasman Travel Bubble now ??


    3 hours ago, Eibot said:

    Why should they? It's not very excited news to report that Thailand, at the other side of the world has no new infected. Scaremongering and panic is what makes people click.

    I don't know. I'm too busy watching Americans die. It looks like they've lost control. 82,000+ dead and rising. Meanwhile Swedish doctors have a government directive to literally kill  elderly Covid19 victims. 


    • Confused 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Oldie said:

    There are restrictions and laws and on top of it big warning signs at the beaches here in Pattaya. It is up to you if you ignore all this. But please don't complain about consequences afterwards. This would be extremely naive. But obviously there are plenty of people like this. 

    They are all subject to a 100,000 baht fine or not less than twelve months in prison. It's a pity the don't also get 50 strikes of the cane for crass stupidity. 

  3. 4 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

    Does that suggest that Pattaya has a huge covid19 problem?

    It would be interesting to know the real transmission and mortality rate for Pattaya. Herd Immunity is sure to have failed in Pattaya, the same way it  has failed in Sweden. 





  4. 9 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Well they've stopped testing. It's herd immunity folks. That means according to figures I've seen says it's around 80% of population that needs to be exposed and with a death rate of those infected going at around 20% well ... good luck.

    28 might as well be zero. This is very difficult to believe. As for worldometre testing in Thailand hasn't moved since early last week. Serious critical the same indeed everything is pretty much the same apart from infections.

    Sweden and the Netherlands are applying Herd Immunity and the deaths to date are 899 and 2823 respectively. The lives of the vulnerable are clearly dispensable. 

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  5. I think Herd Immunity is the ideal solution for Thailand. Like the Swedes let the chips fall where they may. The Swedes have culled off 870, so far, and are now finding unintended consequences. They may end up killing thousands and It doesn't kill only "old people" . The reality is that it's killing all age groups with men statistically higher. If your unfortunate enough to end up on a ventilator you've got a 70 to 90% chance of dying. Those who survive will have permanent lung damage of a severe nature. 

    If you have a desire to survive, it would be advised to quaranteen  yourself until this is over. Advice from a highly qualified doctor may also prove useful:


  6. 9 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Surely immigration knows where these passengers went to from their arivals cards,. Why do they not contact trace them and test them, with repeat testing done to confirm any negative results, along with self quarantine.

    Thailand has never been big on tracing carriers of infectious diseases. Ask anyone who has contracted a veneral disease. 

  7. On 4/2/2020 at 2:13 PM, Guderian said:

    More dodgy numbers, or are the social distancing measures actually starting to work?

    Let's hope it's the latter!

    According to the papers this morning, the measures in the UK have reduced R0 from 2.6 down to just 0.62, a level at which the contagion will fizzle out. I really hope that Thailand is following a similar path.

    Herd Immunity in Sweden has resulted in 308 deaths so far. Lockdown and social distancing in Philippines & New Zealand 106 & 1 respectively 

  8. 1 hour ago, GordyS said:

    If you look at the whole world there are only a few countries at present getting absolutely hammered by this.


    HK still only has 4 deaths

    Singapore - 3 deaths

    Japan - 130 million people and only 54 deaths


    Every country using different testing levels and cause of death.


    Hard to work out at the moment if this is worth closing the world down for 

    New Zealand has a population of approx 4.8 million. Transmission and mortality models, based on hospital resources, suggested that approx 80,000 New Zealanders would die if they didn't implement a stage 4 lockdown. To date one death has occurred. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    Socialising is clearly risky, but people should be able to exercise in order to stay healthy. I'm looking forward to striding along our empty promenade or cycling the barren streets. No risk to me or anyone else, whereas a few days stuck in doors with Thai TV and I'd be munching chairlegs.

    You just need to encounter one person with the virus. How do you think China stopped the virus from  spreading throughout China: Complete lockdown! Currently Indonesians are dying in the streets. I can quite easily imagine that happening in Thailand too. 

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