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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. i did a similar thing with a girlfriend once when i was a younger and greener man. i learnt my lesson and moved on, a little less green! good luck ????
  2. i always though the "Lucky Man" scam was inventive. Feels good to be told "you are Lucky Man Sir!!" ????
  3. 178 out of 39,909 vehicles were found to be emitting smoke in excess of the legal limit. Waiting at a bus stop in Udom Suk last night i counted way more than ten vehicles emitting masses of black smoke in 15 minutes. Not so sure about the figures there!!
  4. i love ice cold water first thing, ice and a slice of lime in it - gets things ticking over again. My son's taken to warming milk up with a spoon of honey or nutella in it to have with breakfast. not trying to give recommendations - like the other posts - just saying that there are many alternatives.
  5. Maybe it would be a good idea to check up on the stray dog population on Ko Samet - i maybe over playing it here but you wouldnt want him / her to get rabies , in a fight, pregnant or something.
  6. The RTP really dont help themselves much do they? Well , maybe they "help themselves" a little too much ????
  7. Prawit picked him. Prawit's brother is also a member of the senate. i think , but Im not 100% that Wissanu's brother is a senate member as well. it stinks a lot mate.
  8. i was going to say that maybe it would have all been caught on CCTV and the police could prove their innocence by releasing the film. errr..then again.
  9. and the "good image of Thailand" and "international standards" etc
  10. During the PDRC demonstrations orchestrated by my wife's hero - Sutthep - Dr Seri ( I forget his full name ) gave a live interview on a stage to Jonathon Head and stated "Thai people accept some corruption but Thaksin went overboard" . Corruption is condoned, and the only surprise here is that people are shocked. Prayut is just paying lip service to it for appearances sake.
  11. Im going home for a visit in April. Im taking my son for his first visit. im really not sure if im looking forward to it.
  12. I cant see this happening, there is no way Prayut will stand there and answer questions about his nephew's connection to grey business!!
  13. that s about the size of it i think. im sure i read a few years ago that he was going to set up a "training seminar" to teach the media how to pose "good" questions to the PM. Sort of like "Tell us how good you are and how you benefit the country." It seems that when anyone poses some critical questions they get slapped down. Not unlike the 2 young girls on hunger strike at the moment. Asking pertinent questions concerning the monarchy, and they get arrested. No wonder they dont teach critical teaching skills in schools.
  14. outstanding - many happy memories from my youth listening to Gong in my friends room with a couple of joints. absolutely years since i listened to Flying Teapot and all. Gonna attempt to educate the missis tonight!!
  15. ban haa arai waaaa ??? seriously, try talking. Be smiley, win them over with charm and wit.
  16. maybe some nationalities are more equal than others ????
  17. Heartbreaking. I hope she has found peace.
  18. My cat would whore herself to a street dog for tinned fish. Sardines, pilchards. Like the tuna can post. I think tinned fish smell stronger.
  19. nikmar

    Waifs and Strays

    Further update for thr interested. We got a government organisation to take an interest. the problem is he s 15 / 16 and not a child. Alos , obviously, the main priority is young girls in trouble . But there s people aware of his situation and some one is going to visit him to advise. Meanwhile, he is helping a local food seller for 2 squares and 50 bt a day. and people are watchnig out for him. after talking to someone, he seems a lot happier. thanksfor all help and support. It s looking just a little bit brighter.
  20. ive got to hand to the Maj Gen. ive had a dismal and depressing weekend, all topped off nicely with a row with the missis last night. But this lifted the gloom. Police work for the public! Excellent. Could almost be a Morecombe and Wise or Two Ronnies sketch.
  21. nikmar

    Waifs and Strays

    Schooling os the thing here. He can survive here but he s an intelligent kid who d do well if he had access to a good education. Im hoping the organisation im taking him to on monday can help him there. Im also wondering about counselling as he may be more traumatized than he s showing. The bloody government dont seem to care enough to provide for street kids.
  22. nikmar

    Waifs and Strays

    Lovely idea. Lets see how it goes on monday , and what i can provide. Thanks
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