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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. there are on - line options. I follow this lady on facebook and get some great advice from that. https://learnthaiwithmod.com/
  2. nikmar

    an awful day

    i dont know, look tot he positives. You found friends when you were in need and have a story that youll laugh about in the future over a glass or two - maybe with said friends.
  3. i wish my wife would be in a bit more of a rush sometimes. 2 hrs wandering tesco lotus is no fun!!
  4. K Samet - santhien beac is pretty and reasonably quiet. lovely sea as well.
  5. you a man or a mouse!!!! Tell him "NO" and maybe be so bold as to ask for some repayment. Are you scared of hurting his feelings???
  6. oh behave.
  7. more likely to be in rememberance of the 19th May carackdown by military on red shirt protestors 2010
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Thai_military_crackdown i think it's something to do with this
  9. Even that was questionable - Prayut promoted the constitution as the answer to all thailand's woes, but, giving any negagtive opinion on it was deemed illegal or resulted in "attitude adjustment".
  10. I have a son growing up oin thailand so if it affects my son, then i have an opinion.
  11. lucky you. my wife's infatuated with all things Loong Tu.
  12. https://thaivisa-express.com/first-time-child-passport-baby-born-thai/ yep.
  13. learn something new every day ????
  14. I thought Ecstasy was an 80's thing. Never heard of it in the 70's
  15. i liked to experiment when i was a young man but that does not sound like fun at all.
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