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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. nikmar

    Waifs and Strays

    hi again, quick update. he sgot an old abandoned house to sleep in and neighbours are helpng. he s got food and somewhere to go for showers etc. it seems the neighbourhood is pulling together a bit for him which is heartwarming to see. i ve been to visit and provided food, toiletries he s got some clothes to wearas well. Poor kid has the square root of zero to his name. ive been in touch with a couple of places and recieved some advice fro a remarkable lady in Pattaya. The upshot is , we have been told to call back to a centre in Klong Toei on Monday. He s safe, clean and fed for now and will survive the weekend. He has been offered casual work for a little money as well. i ll see what can be done at the centre on Monday. Excuse spelling mistakes - i left me bloody glsses at work didnt I!!
  2. nikmar

    Waifs and Strays

    thanks for all replies. very helpful. Im going to see what I can do over the weekend for him. That is if he's genuine. I wouldnt mind a chat with the people he s supposed to be staying with to try and ascertain the score, so to speak. I ll let you know if much transpires. Thanks again
  3. Hi, I hope this is in a relevant forum. Long story short – my 15 year old son has a friend from childhood. He used to live with his aunt in a nearby soi and they used to play together when they were young. He s had it tough. His parents are in jail – both of them. For what I don’t know and he was a difficult kid to manage according to his Aunt. Very hyper, very intelligent but not exactly trustworthy. He stole little bits and bobs, small money and could just be difficult to handle. Quite an adorable kid though. Certainly had some life about him. Anyway – he moved on after his Aunt died to another relative. This was a while ago. Last night, he telephoned my son and said he had run from his home as he was being beaten and generally abused by an Uncle and was hiding in a temple. He has asked to live with us, which is impossible for myriad reasons. He’s 16 or 17 now and still at school. Whilst I cant give him a home, I feel awful for him and IF this is true I would like to reach out and point him in the direction of help. Where do I go? Police? Some sort of social service? Would anyone know of an organization that can help him. Im not so gullible, this could be some sort of attention seeking or money grabbing exercise …. He is no angel, but my son is generally concerned and I don’t want to turn my back on someone in genuine need. Any suggestions are welcome.
  4. cant answer that. i was told at VHS office thatit could take between 13 - 16 wks. But I got the email t come pick up the new passport after 4. Maybe im blessed or something :))
  5. last month - my sons first passport took about the same as well. applied about the same time.
  6. apologies, i didnt see that you lived in Phuket. if you can get up to bangers for the day, its really quite a simple process. the people in the office do a good job as well.
  7. mine took 4 weeks but , as i live in BKK, i didnt need an agent
  8. https://www.ajarn.com/blogs/bangkok-phil/renewing-a-uk-passport-in-bangkok all info you need to do yourself is here. i renewed mine and got my son's first British passport before new year. no need for an agent , it's all quite straightforward.
  9. absolutely - and how many people are actually surprised. The irony being that Prayut performed a coup to break up a "corrupt" regime and reform Thailand. Now, the only tangible difference is that the corruption is just more blatant. Absolute joke of a government headed by an absolute joke of a PM. That Rangsiman Rome fella looks to be quite sensible. Actually speaks with logic and thought.
  10. my niece and her friends are all 20 something girls. never smoked before, barely touched alcohol. there s people in my office as well. they are enjoying the edibles. ????
  11. one thing I ve noticed within my own, admittedly limited, circle is that people i know would never dream of touching weed are now trying, experimenting and getting in to it. my neice and her friend are good examples. it's like a new toy for them - ""oooh cookies ..... ooooh ready rolled joints"
  12. just recieved my 15 yo son's first British Passport. Took about 4 weeks which was a surprise as they quoted 16. if it's a renewal then I cant see how you will have a problem. I also renewed my own. https://visa.vfsglobal.com/tha/en/gbr/hmpo - these are the guys who deal with everything - their contact details are here. https://www.ajarn.com/blogs/bangkok-phil/renewing-a-uk-passport-in-bangkok - I followed this advice.
  13. i would tell them they can stick their durian where the sun isnt shining - but it smells like they already have!
  14. smoke ganja instead!!!! It's actually sold for it's health benefits !!!
  15. A nice pair of mammary glands to be more woke!! she s trangender??
  16. @GammaGlobulinim curious - are you a jazz fan? You mentioned to me a while ago that you dont listen or rate music that was produced under the influence of drugs. im 99% sure that jazz was drenched in heroin. Charlie Parker being a good example, Coltrane before his "religious moment" and many more.
  17. Underground is the seventh studio album that Thelonious Monk recorded for Columbia Records. It features Monk on piano, Larry Gales on bass, Charlie Rouse on tenor sax, and Ben Riley on drums.[2] This is the last Monk album featuring the Thelonious Monk Quartet.[2] Its cover image depicts Monk as a French Resistance fighter in the Second World War, an homage to longtime patroness and friend Pannonica de Koenigswarter, who had served in the resistance, and whose likeness also appears on the cover.[2] It won the Grammy Award for Best Album Cover from Wiki
  18. Monk had a very hard hitting angular style that fitted in perfectly with Charlie Rkusse swirling tenor sax
  19. ive always enjoyed Sangthien Beach . Not a massive beach but pretty and quiet. agood couple of bar / restaurants and just a quick jaunt over to Vongduan Beach for more restaurants.
  20. understood - but she runs that risk everytime she goes out. I get your apprehension though. My wife drives a Honda Scoopy about on the Bang na trad rd.
  21. i could understand if it was you going on one of these things, but surely, it's up to your wife. I'd enjoy the few days peace if my missis went ????
  22. nikmar

    kin khao - poll

    It's a bit like asking a forign national how many times he hears "let's go" or "ok" in the UK. Why the question??
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