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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. how many of us cant get by without the telephone. Permanmently fixed to most of the world's hands.
  2. how on earth is this in any way offensive or inappropiate for the younger generation??
  3. I kissed a bar girl on Cowboy once. I had spent some time with her, bought her drinks and tipped a little. When i paid the bill, she insisted on a smooch. I was surprised considering , 1. i had paid and was leaving , 2. im an old fart and she was 20 something and beautiful and 3. I smoked and was full of beer - my breath was awful so I said that she didnt have to. But she insisted. Not just a friendly pucker on the cheek either.
  4. having a routine works or me. Every morning. Having a Thai wife who wouldnt know a routine if it sh#t in her hair is not good for my OCD.
  5. I really wouldnt want to say that on ko Tao.
  6. exactly - im not so scared of dying, however, i have had a few unhealthy habits in my time and the time that preceeds my inevitable departure may not be good. Not scared of death but very scared of the consequences of my past lifestyle.
  7. i grew a bit weary of life in Bangkok, then i visited my home for the first time in 18 years and after 1 hour, i realized why I preferred Thailand. miserable weather and miserable people, the women looked awfull and the prices were shocking. i did enjoy a return to good ol' english sausage rolls though. Sorely missed.
  8. his interview with Billy Connolly is legion.
  9. you could just be honest - say youve stopped for health reasons and seperate yourself from people who try to persuade you otherwise
  10. how many witnesses were there - family of his "dead" friend even so - easily remedied - witness "a" , witness "b" etc. Absolute bow lox
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