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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. I ve always thought that he s got a look of "Father Jack" about him.
  2. smoke a joint 😄
  3. do you normally pick your nose in public?
  4. and pretty much every other Government body or organisation
  5. dont go Bob! I use your posts to stop my son from getting into the booze. "this is what you write after drink son. Keep sensible"
  6. my Dad did this with scammers. It was like sport for him. we get a lot of scammers calling. I hang up, as does my son. My wife plays a bit, a fews ago, telling whoever on the end of the line that she wanted her bag of drugs and if she was going to pay a fine, send her the drugs first.
  7. as an aside, that's exactly the same method i employ when I try to speak Thai and they dont understand me.
  8. more like "basking in the haze of smoke and exhaust fumes" recently
  9. Maybe it's you Bob. We seem to be living in the same country but also in "opposite" land. I get nothing but smiles when I spek Thai. Maybe you need to get out of Pattaya! I love your stories though. 🙂
  10. my boss needs my wife s ID card number. We get some tax returns due to being married and having a kid. Comes to about 16000 bt a year.
  11. Peace in the valley , tomorrow, but tonight .............................
  12. i have more Thai than foreign friends. in all your 30 years here, you cant have known many folk.
  13. i finish work at 6pm. Then Im on the same. Me, the weekend alky!!
  14. a bit harsh to be calling it trash - there is entertainment value at the very least
  15. simples - learn a little Thai and talk to folk. Even giving the appearance of trying to fit in goes a long way.
  16. he has no pressing matters to deal with at home then.
  17. Everyone’s different and so it goes with countries as well. I think what’s happened to the Swiss guy in Phuket is a bit over the top – not to make any excuse for his behaviour – and the Swiss guy in Trang deserves all he gets, but it’s not like he is a victim here. We all know the score here and, as guests, can’t really complain when things like this happen. As people say, if you don’t like it …… Besides, how many of us westerners would like to see our respective nations’ authorities to be a bit more hardline wih foreigners who misbehave.
  18. imagine the sheer noise generated
  19. so what do you suggest we do. Protest? Become vigilantes? Farang action groups?
  20. i always thought his neck was made of brass. He looked sprightly enough on his return!!
  21. Thanks for all answers, very much appreciated. Bottom line is , he s going to fight on Friday evening and we will take it from there. Im actually very proud as I could never have done it, i also respect the effort he s putting into training. I dont see him wanting to be a pro and any tournaments he partakes in will be few and far between. But he would still like to be a trainer - fitness or boxing or even his first love, basketball. He sees this fight as a career step and so i will be there cheering him on and probably feeling each punch he recieves more than he does. I ll let you know how it goes. thanks again
  22. That’s the thing. If he wasn’t keen to do it then I’d talk to the coach and pull him out. But he is. He wants the experience and he wants to see how he gets on for himself. Like testing himself. It s not like anyone is forcing him to do it. he also made the decision himself, without talking to me about it first. I have talked to the coach, and he maintains that my lad’s opponent is a beginner as well and it will be refereed as such. I told the boy that win or lose I’m more than proud and not to be shy to concede if it’s too much. He is really keen.
  23. I have a question regarding my son. He s 16 and 4 years ago, I asked him if he wanted to try Muay Thai lessons at a newly opened gym. First lesson was free and he enjoyed it and so for four years I ve been paying monthly for him to work with a trainer. The idea being, it will give him an activity other than playing on an I-phone and watching stupid vdos. It was never meant to be anything serious. He enjoys basketball first and foremost and saw boxing as a way to stay fit and build strength and speed. It also gave him direction, and he s been talking about wanting to be a trainer when he finishes education. I’m made up he’s got an aim in life which I didn’t have at 16. So, he asked the gym owner if he could get some experience (unwaged) at the gym. They agreed and he helps with cleaning up and has instructed a few newbies and helps with warm ups and warm downs. Little things with a view to an intern type deal when he s at M6 at school. Sorry to ramble – the upshot is that in order to work as a trainer there, he has to get fight experience which he agreed to. Without consulting me, he has agreed to his debut fight in a tournament next week as a beginner and is up against another kid of the same age but with some experience. My son is in intense training and is getting knocked about by his trainer to gain strength etc. It s quite heavy – he s got bruising and a good black eye. My question – I’ m scared he ll get injured or seriously hurt. If this was your kid, how would you feel about him competing? Has anyone seen a Muay Thai event (not pro)? Should I be concerned? Thanks in advance.
  24. maybe a wheelchair then 🙂
  25. you fancy an intellectual conversation with Gabba??
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