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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. It s hardly a performance enhancer. I dont see how inhaling smoke is going to benefit an athlete.
  2. and also inside the schools themselves
  3. bizarre what people choose to pick up on when they feel a need to attack someone. Seems a little desperate to me.
  4. i feel for you. My Dad passed after a battle with covid and there was no way for me to return. Very sad indeed. I took my family to a temple and paid respects there. A sort of token effort if you see what I mean, but if my Dad was looking down ( I dont necessarily believe in an after life) Im sure he wouldve understood. We had a family meal afterwards, sort of re affirmed our family bonds which my Dad wouldve approved of. I returned home last year and we spread his ashes to his choice of music so paid my respects with my son and family there. Sorry for your loss, I hope things work out for you.
  5. you may want to be careful when going on to the balcony together
  6. Get less for shutting down an airport or "shutting down" Bangkok!!
  7. i wouldnt want to be seen in public with them but very comfy for sleeping. i do feel like the "quintessential gap year, travelling on the bank of Dad, kho san rd dwelling, roti eating backpacker" though!!
  8. i d prefer the smell of weed to the smell of general polution / car fumes etc. anyday
  9. I get the impression you could relate any topic or news story to yourself.
  10. im not a solicitor and Ive never been in a similar position - but did you take photos of the villa afer he left?
  11. until they see the bags, big hooter and further down, the big belly underneath.
  12. That s a good question. I cant say for sure if I asked him about a degree as it was some time ago. I recall thinking about mall language schools as I knew a company taking on almost constantly at the time. My thinking was maybe he could do something to find a way home. But - as you put it – “inflicting” him on kids would not have been a great idea. Didn’t come to ‘owt anyway but point made!
  13. My curiosity has gotten the better of me. How does an American Lasagne differ from an Italian lasagne?
  14. I visited home for the first time in 16 years last April. This summed up the trip. Nice seeing old mates, family (what s left of em) and scarfing sausage rolls but I was reminded every time i went outside of the front door exactly why i left in the first place. It's grim up north mate.
  15. I had a dream once that Greggs opened up a Bangkok branch.
  16. There was an English fella begging in Nana once. Late 20's or early 30's with a similar story. Lost everything to theft and just wanted to go home. I was working for a teaching agency and said i could set him up with soem smart clothes and some food and expenses to cover him until he got paid, therefore he could earn his fare home. I was willing to do it as one day you never know, it could be me. He point blank refused to work, just wanted cash. Unbelievable. Having said that , i would never judge someone without knowing his story.
  17. yep. Theres 2 open between Nana bTS and soi 4
  18. the pillow just wrapped itself around my wifes face , unexpectwdly, your honour.
  19. The rescue speedboats then searched the vicinity with the assumption that the speedboat might have drifted away due to the ocean waves. At 5:15 PM, the marine rescue teams spotted the victims floating with life jackets in a weary condition, reported the rescue teams. read the article
  20. As a brit , I ve never attended a "frik'n" flamingo tea party, either. If you could explain what one is, then i would be grateful. You sound a tad angry, maybe you should switch to decaf.
  21. ok - I ll start.... Americans wouldnt know a cup of tea if it s*** in their hair!!
  22. Also depends on what newspaper you read. Daily Mail readers are led to believe there s a near zombie apocolypse occuring in the UK. Broken britain etc...
  23. let s see after the 31st!
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