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Everything posted by pegman

  1. These cases seemed strange from the get go. All inclusive vacation packages are on offer the world over. Likely the courts were being used to hammer the competition of friends of the junta.
  2. The villain is now on Koh Tao, Death Island. Will be interesting to see how he makes out there, or doesn't
  3. You could ask his brother's, the previous mayor, former driver had he not been assassinated after the godfather, their father, was rearrested. Don't mess wth that clan.
  4. In North America the move away from diesel electric locomotives is just getting underway. Union Pacific has ordered 20 battery powered units from Caterpillar. Canadian Pacific has been testing a hydrogen fuel cell locomotive retrofitted by Ballard Power. A number more have been ordered.
  5. I'm sure from your tone that you are very proud that the U.K. was a complete basket case dealing with the COVID. More deaths per cap than nearly any other industrial country. Where the class system meant rules applied for the general public but not for their betters like Boris. Sounds like you should have stayed there.
  6. Are there 70 countries in Africa? My brother has been wintering in east Africa and hasn't reported any shake downs
  7. This may just be some sort of semantics within the central group of companies. There is nothing in the Canadian financial news about this. You would think there would be seeing that it was owned by a Canadian family.
  8. This picking on Canadians must stop. A couple of drunk, loud and belligerent Brits get in a scuffle. How often have we heard of that before?
  9. It takes time to divide up the anticipated spoils. Seems getting rail lines built is another thing communists do better.
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