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Everything posted by pegman

  1. YIKES! I'm in the alert area. Althought it's huge. About 6x the size of Germany. Took place on a small isolated First Nation reserve that is known for drugs and violence. Guy was charged with 2 first degree murders and an attempted murder shootings there a year ago. That's similar to war zone south Chicago numbers. The Mounties will be flooding in from all over the country so hopefully they're not on the loose for long.
  2. Well Yingluck was effective, legitimate and hot as hell.
  3. New York ought to start sending bus loads of their newly paroled violent offenders to Texas
  4. No worries, the West just need to hammer Putin with another round of sanctions and that should finish off their own economies.
  5. Spend it where it is really needed like on trades schools/apprenticeship programs. Ever tried to find a properly qualified electrician?
  6. How: The insurrectionists were told to do what they did by their Messiah. Why: So there could be a coup d'état with their Messiah remaining as leader
  7. I think you may have omitted a word but I understand the point you were going for. Unions are needed to make gains for workers then maintain them. I've seen first had what a well run union can accomplish for workers having worked for probably the best union leader my country has ever known. My avatar is a portrait of a great pioneer of American unionism.
  8. Chinese cities aren't on the list of Eastern Europe or western African cities either so why would they be on a south east Asia list? Are you by chance an American?
  9. If you had ever experienced a winter from where I am from in Canada you wouldn't be asking that
  10. There is a Chinese EV manufacturer with a new concept that may very well be a game changer. Electric cars are sold without an expensive battery. Instead they are setting up battery changeout stations where you pull in and out in 3-5 minutes with a fully charged car. This is done on a subscription basis kind of like basic cable. The two big obstacles, original purchase price & time to recharge, to mass purchasing of electric vehicles are therefore eliminated.
  11. The new law allowing drug prices to be negotiated and Roe being overturned will both push up the Dem's popularity
  12. The Covid outcomes in the United States were among the worst in the world so I would take this as low level praise.
  13. A bunch of nonsense from this guy. Who is giving him legal advice Rudy Red Whine?
  14. I think it was a great triumph for the good doctor to keep the death toll to a bit over a million considering about 40% of the population and politicians there are covidiots. The sane 60% should be commended
  15. The term used for the USA by the Economist Group is "Flawed Democracy". It is placed in the same category as Thailand. Self proclaiming you're a great democracy doesn't mean you are one. Hell, Trump continually states he was the amount the greatest couple presidents. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index
  16. Not how it works. He is required to truthfully testify at the Trump organization trial on the same charges in October. There is zero chance he will not be asked about Trump's knowledge of what took place. If he chooses not to answer truthfully his trial judge can resentance him up to 15 years
  17. She seems to be determined to take on the mantle of Republican Party primary chief Trump troller. I have my doubts that he runs whether by his choice or that of others but regardless best of luck to Liz.
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