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Everything posted by pegman

  1. It's caused by Brexit and the West's sanctions on Russia that are more punitive on the countries applying them than their target. The solution of the Tories and their tabloid supporters is to hammer the unions and their members.
  2. I live 60 miles north of the country line and never cross it for that very reason
  3. I believe the opposite. The more time that goes by the further the investigation uncovers facts pertaining to his crimes. This guy is going down and going down hard. Only reason he won the first time was the moronic Democratic Party ran one of the most hated political figures in the country against him. Then he lost by millions of votes to Sleepy Joe of all people.
  4. I don't think they think Trump is innocent. They just don't care. Whether it's his persona or lack of personal correctness a certain segment of American society just like him and don't care what bad things he does. Their excuses for his actions are a form of trolling the rest of us. There is a antiestablishment way of looking at things that they have. A lot of American folk heroes were some of the most despicable characters around. Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, Charles Lindbergh, The James Gang, Billy the Kid, Wyatt E and the like were terrible people but much beloved by some people. Best to ignore them and let the good guys do what the law requires
  5. I take you mean that in a bad way. Kinda like when Hitler was on the cover of Time mag as man of the year for all the wrong reasons.
  6. I've been thinking more along the lines of a Russian sub off the coast of Palm Beach. He could take a row boat out from his club for the rendezvous. Someone else would have to come to row for him because as everyone knows the tub of lard refuses to exert any energy himself.
  7. Seems the Feds took Trump's passports. That can't be good. Can it?
  8. No worries the rains are coming. https://www.express.co.uk/news/weather/1655109/uk-weather-met-office-yellow-warning-thunderstorms
  9. Well actually it was Rudy who came up with it while into his third bottle of red.
  10. Yes, many of us are with a 20-something A-Go-Go or 2 after taking the magic blue pill
  11. My assumption was that any entity that wanted some or all of these documents would have paid for copies of them by now.
  12. It just boggles the mind to see some Republican congressmen and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News personalities show more loyalty to that disloyal clown than to their own country
  13. Is Trump in for the Rosenbergs treatment if convicted of selling nuke secrets? He has been a big supporter of capital punishment in the past. Seems a former CIA Director thinks that that would be a good thing. https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbcs-beschloss-former-cia-director-hayden-suggest-trump-executed-having-nuclear-documents
  14. Those cheques have been long since been cashed by the likes of Trump and the other banana republic president
  15. If he could shake his Secret Service detail he might try to slip away
  16. If Trump took nuke secrets he could very well be indicted before his lawyers can respond to the judge's request by 3pm Friday. He will die in prison for that offence
  17. Likely American donated missiles. They want to keep this war fairly balanced so as to continually weaken Russia. Whether that takes the fighting to go on till the last Ukrainian is irrelevant to the American war mongers. Their munitions manufacturers and big oil companies are making a killing out of this.
  18. Not in Pattaya. All routes ฿10. Thought you would have learned that while wife hunting.
  19. Buriram & Surin have their share. My preference is smaller ladies.
  20. Fed tries to cool the economy down but has the opposite affect.
  21. Do you have any sort of proof or at least a credible reliable news agency link which backs up your claim that Interpol was actively looked for Boss?
  22. Of course not. The temples. Some great ones in the Pattaya area.
  23. When hasn't he been free? Just more rampant corruption in this banana republic.
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