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Everything posted by pegman

  1. How would one buy a position like that without great wealth?
  2. It is dispicable what the Brits & Yanks did to this journalist.
  3. I was about to ask who are the dimwits that get sucked into this scam run by Jones but seems one has come forth and identified himself.
  4. So what is the price of an unplugged new iPhone in Thailand?
  5. Not quite, more like >$1T
  6. From the day entering office Biden has gone around sabre rattling stating the USA needs to lead the world. What he's telling us is he wants to rule the world. Sullivan is a hard-core neocon along with Blinken. I wouldn't believe a word those two guys say. When I want an honest assessment of what is happening in the world I go to esteemed academics like Jeffrey Sachs & John Mearsheimer who are nearly daily on one YouTube channel or another. Former top CIA analyst Roy McGovern is also worthwhile watching.
  7. Why not send them Down Under like the old days?
  8. Good for Thailand that is an enormous market.
  9. Happy Days!!!
  10. Like this guy more every time I see him.
  11. Yanks having their own playbook used against them is hilarious. Child's play compared to this: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957
  12. I think these numbers are about as credible as when the BBC and British Ministry of Defence guaranteed that there were WMD in Iraq. Unfortunately the Ukrainians are severely outgunned. If there were 16k Russian soldiers killed since April then Ukrainian soldiers killed are probably in the six figures since that time.
  13. I've only ever run into one Democrat there. Place is crawling with Republicans though
  14. I must have missed when a democratically elected government was overthrown by Mr Thaksin
  15. A 45-year-old convicted of petty theft from a Walmart should not be throwing stones in glasshouses. If one was looking for low character in that family fingers would be pointed at the big brother. The New York Post is owned by that carpet bagger Rupert Murdoch. It is a yellow trash tabloid not to be taken seriously. Owned by the same outfit that paid $750m for lies about the last president of election vote count. Nothing in that publication should be taken at face value,
  16. For very good reasons. That tin pot General ought to be on trial for treason over the 2014 coup.
  17. So noted now you and your buddy Suthep can take a hike
  18. That's utter nonsense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversy_in_Russia_regarding_the_legitimacy_of_eastward_NATO_expansion#:~:text=So%2C on February 9%2C 1990,at a meeting with Soviet
  19. More commonly known as Sin City Air
  20. Waiting to hear what Abhisit's take is on this.
  21. You seem to forget that was under another kingpin. The new guy and Thakin have been pals forever. Also puppetmaster Prem finally hit his expiry date. These tin pot generals were never much without him
  22. Is there any propaganda you don't swallow?
  23. Expect our farm sector to be hammered by this.
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