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Everything posted by pegman

  1. That is a bunch of nonsense. How people can swallow the rubbish fed to them by the western propaganda media is beyond me. You would think these fools would have learned something from the WMD in Iraq fiasco.
  2. It's amazing how the Russians for the last couple years are continually taking ground against the Ukraine army using shovels and wood armoured tanks.
  3. Funny how he didn't tell the public about all these plans while he was running for election.
  4. Whatever he was looking for he obviously got from the promoters. It didn't take long. Neil has a tremendous amount of respect within the Industry especially from fellow musicians.
  5. Their loss. Seen him play in his hometown couple times the last few years. Has not lost it at all compared to some of his old compatriots. Good ol' Canadian Prairie boy who won't put up with any BS
  6. 4.5 years out but clown car Murdoch media makes out the election is in 4.5 weeks. A Reform dog and pony show is Rupurt's wet dream come true
  7. American is a race? If so then more like the dumbest.
  8. We got plenty of rifles. Real men too. Not the pussy type like at the Arizona bar.
  9. No just put a 25% export duty on it.
  10. Come on they did show Grenada who was boss during Rotten R.R. time. Not sure who was calling the shots since it came out later he was senile at the time. Likely same reason Musk is now
  11. I've been doing some .308 target practicing in case you Yanks want to give it a try. Last time you invaded us your White House got burned down real good. One thing I learned while living in Pattaya was at the start of any trouble in a bar the Yanks were under the table or out the door. Recently a gang of gypsies were pushing around the managers of a crowded bar\restaurant in Arizona. One guy in the whole place stood up to them. A Canadian who took on all 9 while the couple hundred Yanks hide behind their women folk and kids. Bunch of pussies. We are having a good laugh up here in the Great White North at the nonsense coming from Private Bone Spurs.
  12. Has it found a cure for cancer?
  13. Nonconfidence vote succeeds. Macron is a dead man walking. For the good of the country he ought to resign.
  14. Another nonsense claim by Ukraine. They are in full retreat so how are they going to be counting the Russian soldier bodies? British tabloid journalism at its finest
  15. Just another example of the how to incompetence of Biden and its crew. Allow your top donors to determine who your most important cabinet secretaries are and these things happen.
  16. Just another Yank who can't mind his own business. Didn't take him long to pick up the trait
  17. US Congress owned lock, stock and barrel by the Israel Lobby. How pervasive is it? I highly recommend this book detailing the subject by highly respected political science professors at Harvard and the University of Chicago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Israel_Lobby_and_U.S._Foreign_Policy
  18. It's a wonder they get the audience they get since it only projects solely the views of the small ethnic group, who make up 2.4% of the American population, that are the top shareholders and managers of Warner Discovery. News channel is a misnomer as it is more of a political views channel. Same goes for Fox News and MSNBC.
  19. Larry Fink's purchase of Ukraine only holds if there is a Democrat in the executive branch.
  20. Their respective support for genocide in Palestine is a wash. Seems to me the election comes down to abortion vs open borders. Similar to the media in the USA pollsters are on one side or the other so cannot be trusted. If you choose to I have a WMD in Iraq story to sell you. Any accuracy to it being a tossup nationally she is in trouble. If you add up the half dozen states with the widest margins from 2020 Biden was up by 10m votes. She would need about a 4% margin to repeat his win. The person whose judgement I trust most is political scientist from the University of Chicago John Mearsheimer who says his gut judgement is a Trump win.
  21. Are these guys the Clan equivalent in Thailand? Did they also protest when the Cave kids were given citizenship?
  22. No sign saying Men's or Lady's Room. I've heard of urinals in Ladyboy bar's Lady's Room
  23. Between vacations and living in Thailand I spent about four years there. In that time I never once came across a lady-boy in a men's washroom. Either they don't go or they go to the women's washroom. Never heard of it being an issue there. Seems another case of conservatives sticking their noses into other peoples business. How many women are complaining as opposed to men?
  24. I'm a social democrat so I would never vote Liberal but at least he is better than that pencil head Pierre. We do not need a Trump lite in Canada. Still two years left in their mandate so it is possible for there to be a turnaround.
  25. The junta did threaten to do that after their coup. Construction sites all over shut down. After their back tract it took weeks for the migrants to come back.
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