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Everything posted by pegman

  1. There are a whole bunch of African countries that have called in Russia and its mercenaries to take care of ISIS. Get a better news source!!!
  2. Latest western polling of Russian people has Putin approval rating at 86% in February. About when Biden was at 37%. But you people keep on believing the western propaganda media about how much Putin is hated by his own people. https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/#:~:text=In February 2024%2C over eight,partial mobilization in the country.
  3. Will have to wait and see how things develop on this. ISIS is always quick to take responsibility for every bad thing that happens to one of its enemies.
  4. Feel sorry for this young countryman of mine. Having spent most of my work career around trains I know you need to be very aware of your surroundings at all times.
  5. The dictator\comedian ain't going to be happy with this news.
  6. I think in the States it goes by the term "campaign contribution" rather than "bribery"
  7. Well the Swiss had been hogging the limelight the last while so some diversion was needed.
  8. Seems you have been lapping up the propaganda nonsense in the western media. Try watching some YouTube videos of professor John Mearsheimer. He is very knowledgable and honest.
  9. Seems you're very selective when it comes to minority rights. If you don't see yourself in the group needing protection from wrongful bias it doesn't exist.
  10. "Despite US pressure"???? Under Biden there has been nothing but disaster after disaster for US foreign policy. Now the IDF is about to invade Rafah against the protests of the Biden administration. Bibi knows full well that Biden cannot do a thing about it without his top rank donors abandoning him and the Israel lobby media showing their wrath.
  11. Some from the UK at that. I believe it is called reciprocity
  12. Both need to be sent to trial and hopefully get dealt with severely considering their actions. A nice long stay at the Bangkok Hilton may bring some humility to these two clowns.
  13. I think it would be best if this guy spent say nine months in the Bangkok Hilton to learn some humility. Then deport his butt back to his homeland with a lifetime ban on returning
  14. Where are trans criminals in Thailand placed? I have spent about 4 years in the Pattaya area of Thailand. In all my bar hopping and going to malls I never once saw a LB in the men's room. Neither did I ever hear an out cry about them going to the ladies room. This story likely ran in a Tory yellow press rag trying to start a culture war with there party getting obviated in the polls with an election due. Just checked, it ran in The Telegraph so my instinct was correct.
  15. Tough to have much sympathy for these pro genocide zionist students when compared with what is happening in Palestine.
  16. This American proxy war will continue till the last Ukrainian soldier is dead or the US State Dept Neo-cons are turfed with Biden.
  17. Likely no level crossings if they demanded elevated track.
  18. If Thai authorities want to gain some credibility maybe put up $1 million reward for information leading up to the arrest of Red Bull Boss
  19. So Thais are human after all. Who knew?
  20. Just 1 does not seem realistic.
  21. Good to see your change of attitude. Now let's have some justice for Yingluck by bringing her back home.
  22. Perhaps the greatest English language investigative reporter in my long life time, Seymour Hersh, wrote a year ago that Ukraine president V. Zelenskyy had transfered at least $400m to banks in Cyprus. Likely a few times that by now. Still peanuts to what Putin has grifted the last couple decades.
  23. Title should be edited to read "Avdiivka has Fallen". The Danish YouTube Ukraine War commentator Weeb Union reports 100's or more Ukrainian soldiers left behind. It was reckless not to have pulled back a couple weeks ago when it was obvious the town could not be defended.
  24. I'm here for the anti-Thaksin fanatic outburst. Where did he go?
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