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Everything posted by pegman

  1. I'm stuck here in the great white north. Are there tanks in the streets of Thailand yet?
  2. I don't believe that was the case. Neitherwould work with any of the coup participants was what was stated.
  3. Yes, banning handguns would bring about huge change in the number of Americans dying from guns. The role model countries for reducing gun violence are Japan and the UK.
  4. Meanwhile next door in Canada AR 15 type rifles have just been banned. Hand guns, the most used murder firearm weapon. has been highly restricted since the 1930's. In 2018 there were 249 firearm murders in Canada with a population of nearly 40m. How many USA cities had more? One of the reasons I never visit that Looney Tunes country which is only 60 miles from where I live.
  5. How many times has the head of the Thai military stated that before a coup?
  6. His parties have won every fair election since 2001. Democracy is about to return to Thailand. Time for you to get the tissues handy. Verdicts from kangaroo courts are meaningless. That's why every location Thaksin has traveled to has disregarded them.
  7. If it's the will of the Thai people then it should happen.
  8. A coalition seems to be taking shape. if one party is disqualified the other gets a landslide. Both PT & MF would need to be off the ballot for the greens to retain power. Should that happen the Red Shirts & students will shut the country down.
  9. There is an institution with more influence in Thailand than the parliament. The master puppet master Prem has finally left us. This may put Thaksin in a much better position than in the past. Personally I just want true democracy to prevail. If I was voting it would be for the left leaning Foward bunch
  10. Without those Red Shirt protests there would not have been an election called in 2011.
  11. I walked amoungst the BKK intersection protesters prior to the last coup. It was populated with the general's own Yellow Shirt supporters and some southern malcontents. His latest statements therefore should be taken as a threat not a warning. it was
  12. It would have problably been best if this whole Firm thing had ended once Charles I head had left his shoulders. Very few people of the Commonwealth could care less about the Crown anymore. All the cancel culture nonsense has taken its toll. The rogue English may go for that type of thing at the urging of their trash media but the rest of us subjects are done with it. If a vote of we Commonwealth commoners were done I think Anne would have been crowned today. After her order of preference would likely be Edward, George then Harry. Seeing a couple of adulterers take the thrones today was pathetic.
  13. No worries. he already has a GoFundMe going to pay for all his costs+++++
  14. The USA's bullying routine is as old and worn out as Biden is. This story looks like it was written by the USA State Dept. Pot calling kettle black as far as propaganda goes.
  15. Everyone has a pretty good idea which of the Supreme Court justices have turned that country into a full on theocracy. Separation of church and state? Not no more.
  16. If the American public at large cared enough they would change their voting habits then.
  17. Blame the Burmese. Seems to be the default solution to these cases
  18. The gov in Thailand is led by nationalists and this plays to it's core. This sort of thing should be of no surprise with an election coming up. Go anywhere and nationalists oppose non-natives. Funny no farangs where involved only asians.
  19. Can sex toys be bought on Lazada? Asking for a friend.
  20. Sex toys are illegal in Alabama, USA too. Thailand is not the only backwards country when it come to this.
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