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Everything posted by pegman

  1. Spent some time last night watching the post news conference commentary of CNN & MSNBC. Basically the same message. Don't believe you're lying eyes or deceiving ears. Nietzsche's herd mentality on full display.
  2. Or maybe just another American lemon like Boeing 737 Max
  3. Trump need not worry. The prior 2 terms before Hoover got elected had Republicans in the presidency
  4. What I find strange is seldom, if at all, is it reported by these yellow journalism publications that Virginia Roberts actually worked for Trump when all this supposedly took place. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Giuffre
  5. Americans ought to be ashamed of themselves for supporting the despicable apartheid regime of Israel.
  6. World is likely a safer place with the insurrectionist\con-man rather than the neo-con in the oval office now.
  7. It will be Biden's worst nightmare if Trump is not on the Nov ballot. That is if Joe does not pull the plug which I find unlikely. Running vs Trump is his only hope. Someone like Haley will destroy him.
  8. Just about anyone would be better than either of them
  9. Apparently there are some winners in this proxy war. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/29/biden-admin-map-states-benefit-ukraine-aid-00129068
  10. Is there an official rate schedule for motor-bike taxis? I remember seeing a posted list with prices by destination @ the taxi stand across from VT2a. Only place in Pattaya I ever saw one.
  11. 1m dead muslims in Iraq say pot calling kettle black. Since all those attributes also applied to the Americans should they not be unwelcome too?
  12. So you don't think Putin was baited by Biden declaring, once he came into office, that he wanted Ukraine in NATO? JFK threaten war over less in Cuba. What do you and your NSA pals have to say about a military coup about to happen to turf Zelenskyy? For the last year I've been watching the Military Summary Channel on YouTube. Run by I suspect a Ukrainian analyst who prefers not to say where he is from so as to be seen as neutral. According to him the word in Kyiv is that the Ukrainian president will be soon gone from position.
  13. Otherwise known as Biden donors. Big oil and national media have made out like bandits too from the proxy war in Ukraine.
  14. Yes, triggered by any illegal occupation and an apartheid system of governance.
  15. The economy was humming under the Yingluck govt that's what. As soon as your Greens conducted their coup they put foreign business interest on notice that they were going to change the law so that Thais must controlled all boards of directors. That caused companies like Toyota and Mitsubishi to threaten closing their plants. Soon after exports tanked. Next step was threatening harm to migrants. The effect of that was closing pretty much every construction site in the country down. I live by the construction site of the Caribbean condo complex in Jomtien Beach at the time and about 300 Cambodian workers disappeared overnight. The generals had to do some quick backtracking. And that was just a start of their bumbling.
  16. Who knows what goes through people's minds prior to these things happening. He had enough of this world for some unknown reason. Especially tragic when it is someone so young. Sympathy to his grieving family.
  17. No doubt you had the same opinion of Yingluck. History I think shows how out to lunch that take was. Your Greens that replaced her were a total disaster.
  18. In Iraq it was a huge win for Iranian influence there.
  19. Well the Yanks spent $1T in Afghanistan and the goat herders there still sent them packing did they not? With the NeoCons fully in charge of the US State Dept expect a few more war fronts started before Biden leaves the stage. Blinken, formerly of the NeoCon CSIS, will not be satisfied until Ukraine is fully destroyed to avenge Kyiv's treatment of his great grandaddy in 1904. Nuland, 2nd in command and family member of the nasty NeoCon Kagan clan, has plenty of Republican friends from her years with the G.W. Bush admin to keep that bunch on side.
  20. One of many reasons to ban guns.
  21. Didn't the army have the build contract at one point? I remember a debate at the time about how ethical using conscript labour was.
  22. Why call them journalists when in fact they were contract employees?
  23. The concept there seems to be that police officers can fight crime while also committing their own crimes.
  24. Thailand police departments and the military pay peanuts. Without corruption both would fall apart like a house of cards. If you are a member of either service you were expected to play the game. Otherwise there would be no advancement for you. I see Big Joke as no different than say Sonny Corleone. Being part of either of their respective organizations comes with the assumption that they are dirty.
  25. Well next door here in the Great White North, Canada, we had a third deaths per cap than the USA. As for the Trump vs Biden debate it seems to be a choice between bad or worse. $$$ will likely be the deciding factor like most things in that unequitable country. It is grouped with Thailand by the Economist Group as a "Flawed Democracy" for good reason. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist_Democracy_Index
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