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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. The difference between an agnostic, an atheist and an antitheist.

    Agnostic - Claims that we can never know if God exists, or not. Basically, a fence-sitter.

    Atheist - Does not believe there is a God.

    Antitheist - Not only do they believe that there is no God, but, believes that all religions are intrinsically bad and that mankind would be better off without religion. A good example would be the late, great Christopher Hitchens.

    If we can't get our definitions correct, we shouldn't use the words.

    Don't care about the dictionary definition, but my version of agnosticism is one that believes in a higher power ( God, Gaia etc ) but rejects ( organised ) religion as being usurped by men for their own benefit, ie, has faith but not religion.

    You should care about "the dictionary" as that is where you find the meaning of words. It bizarre to have the view "i make up whatever meaning i like for words" as you so nicely pointed out with your own meaning of agnosticism.

  2. What i meant was a pill that has basicly "all" the needed minerals and vitamins a grown man would need each day... such as zinc, magnesium, iron, selen, coppar, calcium, vitamin A-E yadda yadda.

    I think that Centrum has most or all the important things


  3. Lets take an "average" somalian "refugee"...

    How come instead of traveling a few hundred kilometers (i don't know the distance but yeah...) north to "Somaliland" they absolutely want to or have to come to northern Europe which is several thousand kilometers away from their own country? Could it be that a single mother of three children get more benefits and other "aid" per month than a "normal" man or woman working in Sweden gets after taxes? Naahh.... no way that could be it...

    How come four persons took a taxi, yes a taxi, from Italy to Sweden so they can stay in Sweden instead of Italy[1]? Could it be that if you get "asylum" status and study SFI (swedish for immigrants) you basicly have lifetime money coming each month to your bank account? Because if you never pass the tests in SFI (even deliberately) you can still start the same beginners course next term until you get pension.

    About 50-55% of immigrants have a job after about a decade in Sweden. Just this single fact merits that the only thing we should do with the "Mediterranean issue" is to help people so they do not drown, transport them to secured facilities in southren Europe where they wait to get deported to their home country or where ever they came from.

    [1] http://www.dt.se/dalarna/alvdalen/forsta-flyktingarna-pa-plats

  4. well, yes and no.

    The body needs glucose (sugar) for for the brain, heart, liver, general use, etc etc.

    If you stop eating at all or stop eating carbs there is no glucose. First of all the liver has saved 2000 kcal on glucose which it will release. Muscles have saved it but they don't release it.

    Than after 2-3 days you switch into ketone body burning. Which SLOWLY replaces glucose burning in the heart brain, etc. After a week a good part is ketone bodies but you further optimize, after 1 month it is even more.

    But you can replace only 70, maybe 75% of the glucose with ketone bodys. For the remaining 25-30% the liver changes amino acids into sugar.

    To prevent that you eat your muscles, you can

    a) add a tiny amount of carbs after 1-4 weeks.

    cool.png you simply eat more protein so the liver can do it from the surplus protein, don't need your muscles

    But if you have fat on your belly you don't need to eat more fat, because there is no shortage of fat....you simply eat your beer belly.

    So if you want to loose fat fast you first stop eating any carbs. But you eat fat and protein whatever you like. You do weight training but not too crazy.

    After a while (which differs from person to person) when you feel OK with the diet you start to reduce the fat. Than you'll loose weight very fast without (much) hunger.

    Downside: there is not much you can eat...chicken breast, can of tuna in water, protein drink, salad, no fat yoghurt. That will be so boring that after a while you would rather drop meals than eating that crap and than you are on a slippery way to overdoing things.

    To my knowledge, when you hit ketosis for instance the brain prefers ketones over glycose. But i think we are pretty much on "same page" just slightly disagree on when and how much ketones/glycose are used or "needed" smile.png

    (reply to what i made in bold)

    I do the opposite, i eat very fatty foods such as 25% minced pork and such so i get lots of fat that way instead of pouring olive oil (or other oils) on top of my food.

  5. I have been to probably 10 different pharmacies and other shops to try to find multivitamins but i haven't found any. Basicly the only "stuff" i see on the shelves are Vitamin C and Zinc and some brands that have those two and just a few more other minerals/vitamins in them. And it's pretty damn "shocking" to see that they want outrages amount of money for a bottle with 50 tabs (something like 2 days salary for a thai person).

    So, any tips for web site in Thailand where i can order "real" multivitamins that have more than 2-5 minerals/vitamins.

  6. whey is not recognized due to the massive amount of processing it goes through prior to humans ingesting it .... Pea and Hemp are plant proteins, not from an animal ...so yes Pea and Hemp is real food !!! as for my diet ... i eat well ...but i never touch anything CP produces...again i can understand how pissed off you may be over spending so much money on useless supplements , but the goods news there are lots of natural alternatives to whey ....here is a free tip # increase your good fats ....then your muscles will have a safety barrier if your low on fuel ....

    Errr... what? If person X isn't eating enough protein then the body will catabolize muscles to get amino acids regardless how much or what kind of fat you eat. Even if you in some bizarre and misinformed way are talking about keto diet then you are still wrong as saturated fats are used first as fuel in a keto diet.

    have you tried it ? or do you just read about it ? you may be surprised !!!

    I rather not let my muscles, that i have worked pretty damn hard for, go to waste to prove something to you that has already been proven many times.

    Here are some very undisputed facts:

    Fat is not protein or vice versa which in turn means -> fat can never ever build muscle.

  7. whey is not recognized due to the massive amount of processing it goes through prior to humans ingesting it .... Pea and Hemp are plant proteins, not from an animal ...so yes Pea and Hemp is real food !!! as for my diet ... i eat well ...but i never touch anything CP produces...again i can understand how pissed off you may be over spending so much money on useless supplements , but the goods news there are lots of natural alternatives to whey ....here is a free tip # increase your good fats ....then your muscles will have a safety barrier if your low on fuel ....

    Errr... what? If person X isn't eating enough protein then the body will catabolize muscles to get amino acids regardless how much or what kind of fat you eat. Even if you in some bizarre and misinformed way are talking about keto diet then you are still wrong as saturated fats are used first as fuel in a keto diet.

    Exactly, you always need amino acids to repair things and there is a permanent change, so you always need amino acids. Specially the liver needs it. If you don't eat enough you need to take it from the muscle to survive.

    If you eat less or just less carbohydrates the body makes sugar from amino acids...not enough protein....take it from the muscles.

    Of course if you are well fed and don't make any sport you can continue with less protein intake, specially if you are older. But that is not what we want....to sit well fed lazy on the couch.

    Animal protein is the best protein.....

    The issue of the body starting to "eat" (wrong word but meh..) your muscles on very low carb diet can be avoided by going very high, as in 75%+, of you calories coming from fat and the rest from protein. The body will after a while (very different time table for all humans but "normally" within a week or so) turn into only using ketons (which come from fat) as "fuel". As it is far easier for the human body to convert fat into "fuel" then it is turning protein into fuel it will always do just that.

  8. A. 800K baht is not a substantial amount of money. Presumably it is less money than what is needed to survive for one year in your own country (otherwise you would not be in Thailand).

    B. The 800K deposit does not need to remain in the bank, untouched. You can withdraw from the account as necessary, only having to top it off again at 800K when you (re)apply for an extension of stay. The 800K must be in your account for 3 months prior to reapplying for an extension of stay.

    C. The bank manager does not make any profit when you, or any one else, makes a cash deposit.

    D. Think about what I wrote in item A above; the money you are talking about is not that much, thus it does not make you a special person who deserves preferential treatment. You are just another person/customer. Get over your ego.

    Don't know which planet you live on but 800k baht is quite a lot of money for almost all the humans on the planet (Tellus) i live on. That's about the money a normal worker could perhaps save in Sweden working a normal "shitty" job in about 3 years and only if the person didn't have huge loans because of car/house/apartment and never ever did anything special after work nor weekends.

  9. whey is not recognized due to the massive amount of processing it goes through prior to humans ingesting it .... Pea and Hemp are plant proteins, not from an animal ...so yes Pea and Hemp is real food !!! as for my diet ... i eat well ...but i never touch anything CP produces...again i can understand how pissed off you may be over spending so much money on useless supplements , but the goods news there are lots of natural alternatives to whey ....here is a free tip # increase your good fats ....then your muscles will have a safety barrier if your low on fuel ....

    Errr... what? If person X isn't eating enough protein then the body will catabolize muscles to get amino acids regardless how much or what kind of fat you eat. Even if you in some bizarre and misinformed way are talking about keto diet then you are still wrong as saturated fats are used first as fuel in a keto diet.

  10. I personally use pea protein and for years prior used brown rice protein and in the past have used Whey as well, but the only way Im using Whey these days is if it is free from artificial flavours and colours and is raw undenatured, the crap they sell in tubs marketed at bodybuilders is rubbish, if your care about your health its better to use a cleaner protein source.. I also have a problem with protein saturation, its BS your body doesn't need massive amounts of protein, all you are doing is putting excessive strain on the kidneys..

    I eat around 120-150 grams of protein each day and about 25-30 gram of those are from whey. I'm quite sure that i would sooner die or get serious helth issues from a lightning strike at the same time i won lottery before anything would happen with my body because i drink 1 or 2 shakes of whey each day.

    What is "excessive amount of protein"? According to the "swedish health department" about 0.8 gram of protein for each kilogram of body weight "is enough". Sure, it's "enough" for all the "dad bod" people but not enough for anyone that strength trains and actually want to get som muscles from the hard work at the gym.

  11. This link explains the difference between Native Whey and normal whey, I personally prefer Native Whey as it's much more absorbable and nutritious


    I didn't even read that text as it's a web site selling their own products and most likely saying "our stuff is the best stuff". Maybe link to some study at something like http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?

  12. If whey really was dangerous and had side effects then millions of people around the world would have these side effects. But guess what, there are none. Well, besides the obvious issue with dumb people that can't eat things as their body don't tolerate it and still eat them.

    Countless studies show that whey protein is one of the best sources of protein for a human to digest, especially after weight training. I'll stick with that science over the "OMFG you're going to dieeee maaaaan!!!?=#¤"#".

  13. As a farang, what would know about discrimination in the UK or any other western country?

    What? Translation please.


    You being a white person, what would you know about discrimination in the UK or any other western country?

    White people not a minority yet? Sorry didn't realize.

    White people are already a very small minority in the world.

  14. Are you claiming that All Obesity is caused by eating more than you burn each day?

    If so, you would be WRONG. Overeating is NOT the only cause of obesity.

    Nutrition is far more critical than calories. Its nutrition that enables your body to function effectively and if you must consume more calories (providing its from real wholesome food) then so be it.. You will be rewarded with a healthy body in part because the nutrition allows your metabolism to function normally as the fat burning furnace that its meant to be.

    Correcting a sluggish metabolism through good nutrition is often enough to correct weight problems.

    If overeating was the only link to obesity then some diabetics whom I know that eat very little and actually suffer from malnutrition as a result of insufficient and inadequate food, would not be grossly overweight..

    So please explain to someone whom has completed 4 modules on nutrition (doctors do approx 2 hours of nutrition at university), how people who don't fit your calorie intake/expenditure paradigm can possibly be overweight. I think you should consider the possibility that your opening statement is not entirely true and other factors are increasingly involved.

    If you eat 3000 kcal while your maintenance level is 2500 kcal then yes, you will get fatter over time no matter what. Or are you saying that energy can disappear or be created? If so, i guess the Nobel prize is waiting for you...

    Not only are you incorrect, (unless its your terminology thats wrong), but you also failed to answer the question.

    How does someone who eats far less calories than their body uses at rest, able to gain bodyfat?? This is the question you have not answered, nor will you be able to sufficiently satisfy this question.

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is what you are probably referring to and is the over-riding factor here.

    What your saying is (if I understand correctly) is that on any given normal day, if you consume 3000 calories when your BMR requires 2500 calories in order to perform all its vital and some non-vital processes, then the result is weight gain. This too is not entirely true for numerous reasons.

    1. There is no accurate way of determining a persons BMR which still baffles science today because there are too many variables that can't be accounted for.

    2. You have no way of knowing exactly how many calories you burn since you dont know how well, if at all, you digest your food and absorb all of the calories that passed your lips. Even if your intestinal microflora was at the top of its game, its still not possible to completely digest everything you eat and thus there are calories that 'go missing'.

    3. HIIT performed on a regular basis has the ability to increase BMR's and extend additional calorie burning for as much as 24 hours after exercise is completed. It's then possible to create a calorie deficit as time progresses, providing the routine continues.

    What we do know is that referring to BMR and calorie expenditure in regards to weight loss is fundamentally flawed because the equations don't account for the multitude of variables including the unpredictable nature or unforeseen thoughts, & movements of the person in question that affect a true BMR calculation. Even mild excitement can affect the results which requires absolutely no stimulation and complete rest, which we never really do.

    Understanding the full extent of the issue requires a change in perspective and the removal of so many people involved in the health and fitness industry who do more harm than good including doctors and bigpharma funded scientists and researchers, and if we continue to rely upon their answers which are half truths at best in many circumstances then we will continue to struggle with obesity as a civilization.

    Oh and I care not for Nobel Prizes or their religious science. bah.gif

    I'm not incorrect, if you eat more calories than you use it will eventually lead to you getting fatter or obese. Show me any scientific study where the test persons were confined into a facility where they were given any and all the food they ate for a period of time and it was under their used energi each day and it still lead to increase in weight.

    People have no fracking clue how many calories they eat or drink each day (if they don't weight it) and it has also been scientifically proven that people grossly underestimate how many calories they eat and drink each day. So to say "How does someone who eats far less calories than their body uses at rest, able to gain bodyfat??" is pointless because of the meantioned reason.

    And no, i wasn't talking about BMR as that would mean a person who basicly is immobile in a bed when i wrote "maintenance level". Most (all) people i know do actually get up from bed, take a shower, work, walk, run, train strength, scratch their balls and so on and all these things burn energi and this is what i mean with "maintenance level".

  15. Obesity problems are mostly associated with a non-functioning metabolism.

    Obesity is caused by eating more than you burn each day.

    You can lose weight by eating less, exercising more, or both.

    I live in CM, cycle up the road to Wat Doi Suthep, or run up the trail, problem solved.

    Don't even have to do it every day.

    Are you claiming that All Obesity is caused by eating more than you burn each day?

    If so, you would be WRONG. Overeating is NOT the only cause of obesity.

    Nutrition is far more critical than calories. Its nutrition that enables your body to function effectively and if you must consume more calories (providing its from real wholesome food) then so be it.. You will be rewarded with a healthy body in part because the nutrition allows your metabolism to function normally as the fat burning furnace that its meant to be.

    Correcting a sluggish metabolism through good nutrition is often enough to correct weight problems.

    If overeating was the only link to obesity then some diabetics whom I know that eat very little and actually suffer from malnutrition as a result of insufficient and inadequate food, would not be grossly overweight..

    So please explain to someone whom has completed 4 modules on nutrition (doctors do approx 2 hours of nutrition at university), how people who don't fit your calorie intake/expenditure paradigm can possibly be overweight. I think you should consider the possibility that your opening statement is not entirely true and other factors are increasingly involved.

    If you eat 3000 kcal while your maintenance level is 2500 kcal then yes, you will get fatter over time no matter what. Or are you saying that energy can disappear or be created? If so, i guess the Nobel prize is waiting for you...

  16. Strength training without carbs?

    With all due respect, you have NFI!!!!

    Rice, yes even white, is a quality carb, and can be consumed in proportion to ones weight / needs, but to try and workout with weights on zero carbs, you'll find you wont be lifting much. On top of that, its unhealthy to eliminate carbs, just as its necessary to consume a certain amount of fats in your diet.

    OP, try out different suggestion made by people here and see what works best for you, but one thing I can recommend is don't cut out carbs.

    NFI... i guess that means "no f***ing idea"?

    Well, that should then be used on you as a normal human being can very well do strength training only when eating protein and fat. I have done it and many million others have done it and still are living to tell about it. There isn't anything magical about carbs... it's just easier for the human body to use carbs as a fuel "to do shit". Both fat and protein can be turned into glucose and if you eat basicly "zero" carbs each day that is exactly what will happen.

    Let me finish by saying: there are no essential carbohydrates that anyone has to eat.

    You should read this[1] and this[2].

    [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluconeogenesis

    [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glucose

  17. I have a single entry non-immigration o visa from Savannakhet for the reason of "being father to a thai citizen". I have around 3 weeks left on my stay and i'll soon head to Phibun mangsahan to make a 60 day extension.

    What i'm curious about if this is the correct papers i need with me:

    My child, her thai passport and copies of passport.

    Original tabien baan and copies of it.

    Original birth certificate and copies.

    My passport, copies of my passport as well as copies of the visa, latest entry stamp and TM6 form that's stapled in the passport.


    Do i need any papers of the mother of the child?

    Any issues that my passport will expire end of September 2015 although the extension of 60 days will end around 20-23 August?

  18. Sure it is just look how Thai government is treating foreigner citizens :

    Land lease max a poorly 30 years.(why we cant own a one rai plot in our name?)

    Business for foreigners we can only own 49% of our business in Thailand while we invest 100%.(Thai shareholders control ur business)

    If we marry a Thai in Thailand then we remain an alien here..

    If we marry a thai in Europe she becomes a European.

    That how they serve u here ! Its THEM and us.

    Do you own a 1 rai block of land in the old country?

    Why pay 100% of the capital in a business when you are only required to pay 49%...have you ever owned a business..anywhere?

    What passport is a European passport?

    Maybe its more US and them?

    I sincerely hope you are not one of the majority of whining Europeans complaining how foreigners come to MY country etc etc etc.

    At least the Asians (and it isn't restricted to Thailand by any measure) who want to control their future...they have looked and learned from the disasters in the West.

    Be thankful you are welcome here under such onerous conditions.

    Anyone holding a passport from any EU member state are european passport holders. In my swedish passport it even first says "Europeiska Unionen" and then "Sverige". Not that i agree with that but that's not the point.

  19. For a beginner i would say...

    Always take your protein "directly" (as in within an hour or so) after workout as 20 grams of whey protein is enough to maximize muscle protein synthesis. Personally i wouldn't do cardio and weight lifting same day as those two are very different things and send the opposite signals to the body of what is happening and how the body will react. It really doesn't matter what "program/guide" you follow as in the first 6-12 months any noob will see some quite "drastic" results in body composition if his/her diet is correct.

    It's quite adequate if you get around 1-1.2 gram of protein per kilo of body weight as in if you weight 80 kg then 80-100 grams of protein is enough. It's only when you start to hit intermediate level that you possibly need more. Don't forget that fat is essential to life and should be atleast 50-60 grams each day.

    Thing is that people really have to understand that they have to have realistic goals of what is achievable.

  20. Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

    Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.


    Which of these juices has high protein levels?

    non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....

    That's not quite correct h90...... (although I find most of your posts quite informative) there are many high protein nuts, beans. vegetables Cheese, not to mention fish --- in fact the protein powder you started the post of with doesn't come from a lump of meat does it.

    If we want to just get tied up in numbers & forget about the nutrients----then

    Tofu is low in calories for the vegetarian protein it packs in. Here's how it compares to H90s steak . For each 100 calorie serving, tofu contains 11 grams of protein. By comparison, 100 calories of ground beef provides 8.9 grams of protein.

    Though the word "protein" usually conjures up images of meat, but fruits and vegetables can also be good sources of protein; they are lower in saturated fat and higher in dietary fiber than animal sources and when regularly eaten can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, according to the American Heart Association. Plant proteins, unlike animal proteins, only contain some of the nine essential amino acids that we cannot make ourselves, so they must be combined with other protein foods in order to ensure adequate intake.

    Orac as far as non meats are concerned, Simply look for the foods that have high ANDI scores, and you’re set! This is not a protein guide just the best vegetable possible for your to eat.---Juice

    ANDI stands for "Aggregate Nutrient Density Index," a scoring system that rates foods on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient content. ANDI scores are calculated by evaluating an extensive range of micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities. Look at the score for fruit--say the very best fruit that you can eat Cranberries, 207---then look at Kale ..(something that is thrown out in the country I came from) ,its off the scale as they can only measure up to 1,000--- So the mantra really is == Green is Good

    Green Vegetables

    *took away long list of food*

    That is the first time i see anyone talk about how many grams of protein there is per 100 kcal. It's pretty standard that you say 100 grams of this and that has so and so many grams of protein and so and so many kcal. And how many kgs of "green" do you have to eat to get 150 grams of protein each day and how much more expensive is it compared to say chicken breast, egg, pork and beef?

  21. http://healthfoodthailand.com/en/health-food-thailand-/435-organic-pea-protein-chocolate-cacao100-grams.html

    Organic Pea Protein with Cacao ..no artificial additives just pea protein and cacao ... i use and it tastes like choc milk ...

    whey protein = sugar ..... highly processed product in an unregulated sector of health , read the label on the rear of the packet and see if you can recognize some of the ingredients ....

    imo the less processed the better esp at your age

    You have no idea what you are on about.

    I took this web site and this product[1] just randomly and as you can see there is 1 g of sugar per serving. As each serving, according to the label, is ~36 g that means 1/36 of the serving is sugar which is about 2,7%. Now, i suck at math but i can very clearly see that whey != sugar.

    [1] http://fitwhey.com/product/100-Whey-Protein/#parentHorizontalTab2

  22. I was talking to a young Thai who told me he was finding it very difficult to stop smoking as it was legitimised by being government owned - 'TTM is one of the most profitable state enterprises, returning substantial revenues to the state treasury' Wikipedia' - Perhaps these hypocrites could start there. Just a thought.

    And did you realize that this young thai has a brain of about a 5 year old for blaiming anyone else but himself for smoking?

  23. I can take other examples as well...

    When the schools end for summer around beginning of june it has been a long, long tradition that classes go to church (Sweden has been christian country for about a millennium) but even this has stopped as to not "offend" a certain very vocal minority. Which minority it is i can imagine any thinking person can figure out. But then again, there are schools in Sweden that don't actually have a single ethnic swede anymore... statistics say that with the current immigration flow and birth rates Sweden will actually have a minority ethnic swedish population in about 40-50 years.

    Sh*t. Only an Anders Brevik can save you now. You wanna join the Knights Templar and get yourself kitted out quick. I reckon these schools that "don't have a single 'ethnic Swede'" should force their students to go to church. Perhaps get em to go to church on an island. It's the only democratic response that makes sense.

    Never go full retard. You just went full retard.

    Panic time brother, panic time!!!


    Just to clarify, i'm not swedish by ethnicity. Do you by the way understand the things i put in bold, italic and underlined above in my original text?

    Where in that can i see ethnic swedes (from here on just "swedish")? You aren't swedish just because you came out of a vagina in a swedish hospital. Neither are you swedish because "person X" parents came out from two different vaginas (hopefully) "a while back" in a swedish hospital. You aren't even swedish if you take the metro in Stockholm (like the current vice prime minister of Sweden thinks).

    To give the "graph challenged" something bit more tangible to look at... here. For "nordic language challenged", use translate.google.com.


  24. Why aren't we forcing muslims to eat pork or non-halal? Because they are doing exactly the same to us by forcing us to eat halal. For instance most schools in Sweden only serve halal food and if you as a non-muslim parent complain to the school, municipality (they "control" schools) or Department of Education that you do not accept that your children are forced to eat ritual food you are either ignored or thrown the RACIST-card.

    You don't have to go to Sweden to find halal tuck shops. They all are in Australia. Forget about any mention of Christmas or Easter at schools. 1.9 per cent of Australia's population are calling the shots.

    I can take other examples as well...

    When the schools end for summer around beginning of june it has been a long, long tradition that classes go to church (Sweden has been christian country for about a millennium) but even this has stopped as to not "offend" a certain very vocal minority. Which minority it is i can imagine any thinking person can figure out. But then again, there are schools in Sweden that don't actually have a single ethnic swede anymore... statistics say that with the current immigration flow and birth rates Sweden will actually have a minority ethnic swedish population in about 40-50 years.

    Sh*t. Only an Anders Brevik can save you now. You wanna join the Knights Templar and get yourself kitted out quick. I reckon these schools that "don't have a single 'ethnic Swede'" should force their students to go to church. Perhaps get em to go to church on an island. It's the only democratic response that makes sense.

    Never go full retard. You just went full retard.

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