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Everything posted by candide

  1. Nor does Poroshenko Republican Case Against Biden Beautifully Goes Up in Flames on Fox News https://news.yahoo.com/republican-case-against-biden-beautifully-201940033.html Nor did the IMF the Dept of State the EU, anticorruption organisations in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Parliament, etc... You still don't seem to understand this.
  2. From the BBC article "That is a fantasy world, not the real world." The judge determined that Mr Trump: Overvalued Mar-a-Lago by 2,300% in one financial statement Overvalued his penthouse at Trump Tower in New York by claiming that it was three times its actual size "Absurdly" argued that calculating the area of the penthouse was subjective, ruling "a discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud"
  3. He was asking dumb questions and was a total embarrassment.
  4. "A New York judge has found Donald Trump and his adult sons liable for fraud, saying the Trumps provided false financial statements for roughly a decade. Judge Arthur Engoron’s ruling came days before the civil case involving the New York attorney general’s office and the former president was set to go to trial." New York judge finds Donald Trump liable for fraud https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/26/politics/trump-organization-business-fraud/index.html
  5. Another win for the GOP! Republican Case Against Biden Beautifully Goes Up in Flames on Fox News https://news.yahoo.com/republican-case-against-biden-beautifully-201940033.html "Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Monday completely—and hilariously—destroyed one of Republicans’ main arguments to prove that Joe Biden is corrupt."
  6. Different polls have different results but the trend is currently in Trump's favor. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls#google_vignette
  7. Ahem! That's your evidence that Biden is corrupt? ????
  8. Ok. However, a significant share of the current legal immigrants have started as illegal immigrants before being regularized.
  9. Yet, if the legal immigrants (who may have been illegal previously), are added, It's nearly 50% and more for crop agriculture (57%). It also depends which type of agriculture (product and type of farm) and where. "In many states where agriculture is especially important, immigrants make up even larger shares of the farm workforce. In California, immigrants make up more than 80 percent of the state’s agricultural workforce. Other states like, Washington State (72.6%), Florida (65.4%), and Oregon (60.7%), also have higher than average shares of immigrants in their agricultural workforce." (To compare with 16.5% in Minesota) https://research.newamericaneconomy.org/report/immigration-and-agriculture/
  10. The salary is not the main factor for not participating in the labour market. "Right now, the labor force participation rate is 62.8%, down from 63.4% in February 2020. There's not just one reason that workers are sitting out, but several factors have come together to cause the ongoing shortage. The U.S. Chamber surveyed unemployed workers who lost their jobs during the pandemic on what is keeping them from returning to work. Twenty-seven percent indicated that the need to be home and care for children or other family members has made the return to work difficult or impossible. More than a quarter (28%) indicated that they have been ill and their health has taken priority over looking for work. In addition to the factors outlined below, the survey also revealed some are still concerned about COVID-19 at work, indicate that pay is too low, or are more focused on acquiring new skills and education before re-entering the job market. (Not to mention early retirement) https://www.uschamber.com/workforce/understanding-americas-labor-shortage
  11. He's not even hiding being fascist They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post Sunday. Trump pledges to investigate MSNBC parent company for ‘threatening treason’ https://news.yahoo.com/trump-pledges-investigate-msnbc-parent-125418602.html
  12. The current system for nominating Commission members may not be optimal. However, it keeps the Commission under the control of the members states. A system of elected Commission members would generated other problems. To start with, it would mean the EU would de facto become a federal State, which it isn't. That's the main issue. They would derive their power from the people, not from the member States. Additionally, it would be difficult to find a system generating consensus. How would it work? A Conservative list against a social-democrat list? A Northern Europe list against a Southern Europe list?
  13. EU laws need to be approved by the Council and the EP, so the Commission has to involve them in the design process. EU members are nominated by the member States composing the Council. It's true that the more member States the more difficult it gets. Hence this proposal, which allows for different levels of involvement.
  14. The cohesion of the U.S. social system (despite a very competitive work environment) has always relied on the following: - the latest wave of immigration usually starts with small jobs, - it allows the previous waves (or their children) to go up the social ladder (I.e. they become supervisors, open businesses, study, etc...), - then a new wave arrives and takes the small jobs, etc...
  15. Better drink the blood of a few kids in the basement of a pizzeria which has no basement, in order to get young again!
  16. There can be variations between different polls, as the margin of error (to make it simple) is usually 5%. However, the current trend if or the average of all polls is that Trump is currently around 1% above Biden. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  17. No. No one denies it. Trump is currently around 1% above Biden on average. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls Only GOP disinformation is dismissed as GOP disinformation. And there's enough of it.
  18. Again, you ignore the fact that the IMF,the EU, and the U.S. and others asked for Shokin to be fired BEFORE the dinner during which Hunter was approached for help in DC. BEFORE! Capice? You are also dishonest in the way you present Shokin. He was not one particular prosecutor who happened to be in charge of the Burisma case. He was the prosecutor general, the chief of the office which was supervising the other prosecutors and all the investigations. Not just like any other corrupt official, he was the one supposed to lead the efforsts to prosecute all the other corrupt officials and businessmen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecutor_General_of_Ukraine Ukrainian people also wanted his head https://www.unian.info/society/1170127-auto-maidan-protesters-arrived-at-poroshenkos-residence-demanding-shokins-resignation-photos.html Fired for not doing his job, just as his predecessor was fired. It's that simple! The EU, the U.S. and the IMF wanted to make sure the money they were about to give or lend to Ukraine would not en up in corrupt hands. They were against corruption, and Shokin was part of it. As to your interference claim. It's a nonsense! All institutions or States do that. They set conditions before lending or giving money, and that's their right to make sure the money is used efficiently. The IMF does that, the EU does that, the World Bank does that. And in particular, they want to make sure the money won't end up in corrupt hands instead of helping the receiving country. That's legal according to International law, and also fair. (For example, the EU recently withheld subsidies to Hungary, because Orban had introduced regulations muzzling judges and media, so that government corruption could not be denounced and punished.) Of course, you prefer to believe a conspiracy theory pushed by a serial liar, in which the IMF, the EU, the Dept. Of State, Biden, NGOs and citizens in Ukraine, would conspire to help Burisma (which was not really investigated)
  19. What I am saying is that you have been consistently ignoring facts you don't like. Fact is that the U.S. has continuously complained about the lack of action against corruption in Ukraine, and in particular criticized the prosecutor general's office, in 2014 and 2015, including Burisma. That's fact: official statements and speeches (transcripts linked in the timeline. Burisma was cited (among others). The reason of the insistence on Burisma was caused by the fact that the prosecutor's office covered up Burisma in a lawsuit by UK, a close ally of the U.S. It was not only targeted towards Shokin. His predecessor, Yarema, has also been dismissed before him. Shokin was not just a prosecutor. Like his predecessor also fired, he was the Head of the prosecutor general's office. Shokin did not bring much improvement, and instead went after anti-corruption organisations. Testimonies have been made that the investigation into Busrisma has been laid dormant. Archer also officially testified that Burisma managers were claiming that Shokin was under control. Finally (to make it short) the dinner you cite was in December 2015, and Biden and others were already asking for Shokin to be fired, before that. So It's impossible that the decision to fire Shokin may have been caused by what was said during this dinner. There has been pressure to fire him for months before that. "John E. Herbst, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine under George W. Bush, later testified before Congress: “By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin’s removal as the start of an overall reform of the Procurator General’s Office. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv.” (from the timeline linked). Testimony here "By late fall of 2015", that was before the dinner you cite. https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/031516_Herbst_Testimony.pdf Timeline https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  20. Projecting much, again? Are you claiming that the EU Commission, the IMF, the Dept. of State and Joe Biden have conspired in order to help Burisma?
  21. Trouble with the thinking part? Projecting much? What is so difficult to understand? Biden was applying the official U.S. government policy, in coordination with the EU and the IMF. Candidate Trump was blackmailing a foreign government to interfere in U.S. elections, by investigating his main political opponent, without any involvement of the DOJ (as stated by Barr). Trump was curbing U.S. official policy in his personal interest as Presidential candidate.
  22. As I have shown in a post you ignored, this is B.S. The U.S., the IMF, and EU asked for Shokin to be fired in fall 2015, before the dinner in December 2015. There can be no causal link. You also cherry-picked Archers statements. While the board was worried about the investigation, Burisma executives told them that Shokin was under control. It is also mentioned in the NYPost you linked previously: "Within Burisma, Archer said that executives told board members that Shokin was “already taken care of,” which he interpreted as meaning his threat was blunted. “That was the narrative that was fed to the board,” Archer said. “We were told that [his ouster] was bad. We don’t want a new prosecutor, Shokin was taken care of.” It corroborates what he also stated in his testimony Archer testified that the Burisma public relations team in Washington, D.C., told him at the time that the prosecutor was under Burisma’s “control” and that the vice president’s advocating for the prosecutor’s ouster was bad for the company. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/republicans-oversell-archers-testimony-about-hunter-and-joe-biden/
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