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Everything posted by candide

  1. The Arab Peace Initiative (Arabic: مبادرة السلام العربية; Hebrew: יוזמת השלום הערבית), also known as the Saudi Initiative (Arabic: مبادرة السعودية; Hebrew: היוזמה הסעודית), is a 10 sentence proposal for an end to the Arab–Israeli conflict that was endorsed by the Arab League in 2002 at the Beirut Summit and re-endorsed at the 2007 and at the 2017 Arab League summits.[1] The initiative offers normalisation of relations by the Arab world with Israel, in return for a full withdrawal by Israel from the occupied territories (including the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights, and Lebanon), a "just settlement" of the Palestinian refugee problem based on UN Resolution 194, and the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Peace_Initiative
  2. Potential insurrectionists may have drawn some lessons after knowing the sentences given to the Jan.6 rioters.
  3. We all know what is first needed: reduce the number of generals and equivalent. Not having more generals than China could be a first step in the right direction!
  4. Republicans sabotaging themselves again! Thank you Trump!
  5. Biden didn't say " Grab them by the pussy", publicly or privately. It's a lame comparison.
  6. The 'plan' of the RAF was to provoke a repression, which would then provoke a counter-reaction by the people against the State. That was completely stupid in the context in which they were operating. In the case of Hamas, it looks like they have a similar plan. They knew Israel would attack and invade Gaza territory. Provoke a strong reaction from Israel with a lot of collateral damage, even occupy Gaza again, which would increase support from Arab and Muslim populations. Of course, they don't care about Gaza's inhabitant's lives. For most of them they don't even care about their own lives. They are not looking for peace because conflict is their 'raison d'être', Their goal is to exacerbate conflicts and antagonize public opinions.
  7. It seems that Hamas is following a similar strategy to that of the RAF (Rote Armee Faktion) in the past (for those who remember this time).
  8. It seems to be a recurring behaviour for Trump: negotiate an agreement without the presence of the other main interlocutor. He also made a peace plan by only consulting Netanyahu, without involving the Palestinian Authority.
  9. And why did Trump want the National Guard for? ???? Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally https://www.reuters.com/world/us/congresswoman-says-trump-administration-botched-capitol-riot-preparations-2021-05-12/ In his simple mind, he may even have thought that the N.G. would have sided with protesters.
  10. The same debunked B.S. again! Pelosi was not in charge of security at the Capitol. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/07/27/fact-check-nancy-pelosi-isnt-in-charge-capitol-police/8082088002/
  11. Hunter Biden judge agrees to drop old gun count after indictment replaces scuttled plea deal https://news.yahoo.com/hunter-biden-judge-agrees-drop-173428671.html
  12. What is left to negotiate, in terms of land? At least with the current government. Basically, one side can say what it wants and, if it is not accepted, can get it anyway in an other way thanks to its power. Leaving, in any case, the other side with a fragmented territory, which is unsustainable from an economic point of view, because it doesn't include the wealthiest parts of the West Bank. Practically, the options currently available to the Palestiniansare either to be legally depossessed legally, or to be illegally (according to international laws) depossessed.
  13. Ok, but there are also specific factors. The main one currently being the high power imbalance between the Israel and the Pakestinians. There such a power imbalance that there cannot be any fair direct negotiation, without involving third parties . For example, it has been possible with Egypt because Egypt was powerful enough. Actually it only occurred after Egypt regained enough power, if I remember well.
  14. That's quite rational. There was no context and that's why the context has been edited out! Oh wait! ????
  15. No need to edit videos in to make up accusations when It's about this ex-POTUS! ???? https://scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed
  16. You are right about public opinion in Western countries, probably not in Arab or Muslim countries. For reasons I evoked, they have laid à kind of trop, and Israeli authorities are also aware of it Hamas is certainly not looking for a solution. Unlike Fatah, they don't even want a two States solution. As other extremists organisations, they are more looking for exacerbing the conflict and justifying their existence
  17. Of course, they know it! And it may well be part of the plan. An Israeli attack would further antagonize public opinions, both inside and outside Palestinian territories, to the benefit of extremist players such as Hamas. There is also a faction inside Hamas thinking that instead of managing an open air prison on behalf of Israel, they'd better leave Israel manage the mess itself.
  18. Exactly. It is really abject. The corpses are not yet cold and he's already trying to get a political advantage from it!
  19. https://www.politico.eu/article/worlds-cartoonists-on-this-weeks-events-101/
  20. It's one view of reality, which is coherent and well articulated. However, there are other views: - one view is that, if other Eastern Europe countries had not joined NATO (and the EU for the political and economic aspects), they could also have been attacked or put under Russian rule. There is no guarantee that it would have led to a more peaceful situation. - another view is that Russian (and in particular their successive governments) are largely responsible for this situation. The Soviet Union was in decline and so is Russia. Incompetent leaders such as Putin have been unable to develop their country and the well-being of its citizen. No one is attracted by Russia. Just compare the standard of living and political system in former Warsaw treaty countries with those of Russia. Of course, they are not ready to accept they are in decline but that's mainly their fault (at least their government) - There is also the legal and ethical view. These countries, including Ukraine, did not secede. They legally left according to the treaties signed. Ukraine left the Soviet Union, just like Russia did before, according to the treaty designed by Stalin. Legally and morally, Russia has no right on them.
  21. So Biden said he'd build no wall and then builds a 20 miles long wall. Storm in a tea cup....
  22. It looked like they were religions. Hence the expression "personality cult"
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