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Everything posted by candide

  1. Most of the examples cited occurred under Barr's and Trump's mandates. So they were fascist according to you????? Clear double-standards: investigate Hunter but not Jared or Ivanka, and pardon corrupt Trumps aides such as Manafort or Flynn!
  2. Apparently, my question was not clear enough. We have a court (which are generally yellow in Thailand) (on top of it, established in 2016) going against the yellow EC when the EC seems to carry the will of the establishment. Some divergence inside the yellow-green establishment?
  3. It has been discussed many times. Other parties were also practising vote buying. Its effectiveness has also been questioned, in particular considering the high number of votes (ex Yingluck got around 40% more votes than Abhisit). I agree with you that both groups are crooked (to a certain extent). However, I prefer the one which always submitted to the vote of the people, and could be voted out.
  4. Knowingly misleading post. Of course, you did not mention this part of the article you linked. "[T]he Department expects that you will decline to respond to questions seeking non-public information likely covered by one or more components of executive privilege or other significant confidentiality interests, in particular information about deliberations or ongoing investigative activity in law enforcement matters,” Jones wrote. “You should instead refer such questions to the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs,” the FBI lawyer went on."
  5. A reminder: Parnas was sent to Ukraine by Giuliani to get dirt on the Bidens, so he got Burisma executives interviewed. And he brought back this: "But Zlochevsky, as part of the record released by Raskin on Thursday, was asked about any contacts he had with then-Vice President Joe Biden or his office between 2013 and 2019, and if Hunter Biden facilitated those contacts. Instead, he answers that “no one from Burisma ever had any contacts” with Joe Biden or those working for him while Hunter Biden was on the board. He also answers “no” to a question about if Joe Biden or his staff helped him or his company, and that Burisma did not approve or ask Hunter Biden to conduct meetings he had with the State Department in 2015." https://www.politico.com/minutes/congress/06-29-2023/raskin-comer-back-and-forth/ NB Republicans have pointed to Zlochevsky as the Ukrainian executive referenced in an FBI document, known as an FD-1023, who told the bureau’s confidential source that Biden and his son Hunter Biden had accepted a bribe.
  6. “Under the United States Constitution, I have the right to protest an Election that I am fully convinced was Rigged and Stolen, just as Democrats have done against me in 2016, and many others have done over the ages,” Trump wrote. ???? https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/18/politics/trump-special-counsel-probe/index.html
  7. Actually, climate change may have a significant impact on properties in more tempered regions, when houses are build on clay soil. https://news.sky.com/story/climate-change-millions-of-homes-at-risk-of-subsidence-by-2070-warns-british-geological-survey-12310644
  8. Another fact-free assertion...... Here are the facts: "In the spring of 2020, the areas recording the greatest numbers of deaths were much more likely to vote Democratic than Republican. But by the third wave of the pandemic, which began in fall 2020, the pattern had reversed: Counties that voted for Donald Trump over Joe Biden were suffering substantially more deaths from the coronavirus pandemic than those that voted for Biden over Trump. This reversal is likely a result of several factors including differences in mitigation efforts and vaccine uptake, demographic differences, and other differences that are correlated with partisanship at the county level." https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/03/03/the-changing-political-geography-of-covid-19-over-the-last-two-years/
  9. He has done very little, indeed..... Just lead economic growth among G7 countries, record low unemployment, increase industrial sovereignty ( ex semiconductors), increase energy production and record energy exports, improve infrastructure, stimulate energy transition, etc... How did he earn money? You can check his tax returns which have been made public for around 20 years. For example, he earned $10 million with his last book.
  10. So Barr's DOJ and a Republican prosecutor would have covered up for Hunter Biden.... Ahem!
  11. I think only around 40-50% of them. That's the percentage of GOP voters who believe the Big Lie, the pizzagate conspiracy, and similar B.S. They also may not be mentally ill, just plain dumb.
  12. Lol! Trump got played by Kim. https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-kim-jong-un-played-donald-trump Make no mistake, the collapse of this week’s U.S.-North Korea summit in Hanoi is a win for Kim Jong Un. Trump and his officials are already spinning this as a draw, stating that North Korea has promised to continue its testing moratorium, claiming unspecified progress was made inside the talks and promising the negotiations will continue. But by securing an extension of the process while giving up nothing on denuclearization, Kim can continue improving his country’s nuclear and missile capabilities, benefit from an ever-eroding sanctions regime and enjoy his elevated status as a newly respected member of the international community. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/trump-got-played-by-kim-jong-un--again/2019/02/28/784a3228-3b8f-11e9-a2cd-307b06d0257b_story.html
  13. Of course, he's a crook! He used to work for Trump! He may be wrong, but he also knows the Trump family swamp quite well.
  14. Tu quoque Jared mi! ???? Donald’s former attorney Michael Cohen recently said in an interview with CNN, “The entire familial relationship has gone south. You see Jared and Ivanka stepping away… I do believe that Jared and Ivanka were the inside moles. https://news.yahoo.com/entertainment/donald-trump-former-lawyer-made-140000767.html
  15. Together with Epstein. Lawsuit document archived in link below .https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjynLO8vJKAAxVO9zgGHQtXA384ChAWegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw2A-P0GCUETmFTOtiarupfU
  16. It is not surprising, considering that a similar number of Republicans believe the pizzagate conspiracy theory.
  17. "I also remember Trump being called racist when he stopped travel to certain countries that had covid." You also remember Trump's propaganda but not reality. The reality is that Trump was being called racist for banning flights from Muslim countries, not China.
  18. Please, show us a quote of Biden "opposed to stopping flights from China!".
  19. Considering that the yearly run rate for visitors is at around 1.25 million, it is surprising it did not occur more often than that.
  20. There's a chance to get a bipartisan consensus about his own nose! ????
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