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Everything posted by candide

  1. No. Using Ocean's razor reasoning would lead to conclude it is exactly what it is: a lame and laughable claim made by Trump.
  2. Oooops! They had to wait that long to get the content and be able to do their own analysis. Until then, they could only report what others (the NYPost, Trump, experts, Hunters) were stating.
  3. You should get informed about them, It's fun! Just an example among many: Marjorie Taylor Greene Blamed Wildfires on Secret Jewish Space Laser https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html Mind you! The GOP selected her for the House intelligence committee. ????
  4. Sanity? Like believing in the Big Lie, pizzagate, etc...
  5. Of course, no mention that, unlike the NYPost, they did not receive a copy of the laptop's content. BTW, I don't remember mainstream media claiming it was disinformation (for the same reason, they had no access to the content of the laptop, so they were not able to draw such conclusion)
  6. The EU not only applauded but also put pressure on Ukraine before Biden "EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country. “All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.” https://www.ft.com/content/e1454ace-e61b-11e9-9743-db5a370481bc
  7. Which distorted view? The red shirts have been effectively shot (ok maybe around hundred people doesn't qualify as massacre). Suthep did try to overthrow an elected government (even only a caretaker government ) in order to replace it with an unelected government of his choice, and did all he could do to block elections of a new government. After he failed to do so, and after the courts fail to oust the whole government, then the coup occurred in order to make sure the people would be prevented to elect a new government in July 2014.
  8. I may be wrong, but I think the yellow establishment may let him get elected PM, and then find a way to nail him later using the numerous ways put to this aim into the Constitution. It's too early for them as they are not ready to cope with it. The yellow-green network has lost its traditional popular support in Bangkok, and the army corps stationed in Bangkok are not under the direct authority of the army chief any more.
  9. Actually, It's already a debunked story, according to the information collected by........ the GOP-led Senate committee in 2020! ???? Just a short extract of the testimony by Blue Star Strategies CEO: "MR. FOLIO: Of course. What were the specific concerns that the company--or I'm sorry--the specific allegations that concerned the company? MS. TRAMONTANO: Well, they were concerned that Ambassador Pyatt had singled the company out as a corrupt company and that Ambassador Pyatt had either stated or alleged that the decision in the UK court was not valid." https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2020-08-28-Tramontano Interview with Exhibits.pdf
  10. I am a bit confused. Who are the "freedom haters" you mention?
  11. What is Blue Star? Was Hunter a member of Blue Star? Has the agreement been signed? When? timeline Feb. 3, 2015 — Obama administration conveys harsh criticism of Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office for its coverup of Zlochevskiy/Burisma Feb. 10, 2015 – Viktor Shokin takes office as Ukraine’s prosecutor general, replacing Yarema. Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma Fall 2015 – Biden, along with the EU, publicly calls for ouster of Prosecutor General Shokin for failure to work on anti-corruption efforts. https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  12. A country with around 40% of its foreign trade with another entity, is de facto economically dependent, whatever the political status.
  13. Basic principle: not make a deal with a satellite country before the core entity. If the U.S. Strikes a deal with the UK first, it will de facto become the starting point for negotiations with the EU, which will legitimately ask for more.
  14. It is unlikely that the U.S. will make a trade deal with UK before an EU deal.
  15. So he was linked to the CCP! I have no doubt that MAGA folks, who are outraged about someone working with even only a private Chinese company, will be scandalized! ????
  16. There's no reason why Thaksin could not have been outboard, it just needed people would have stopped voting for him or his party. About the junta linked corruption, unlike Thaksin, it has not really been investigated. Thaksin was not more corrupt than most other Thai politicians or businessmen. About the absence of wide investigation about the war on drugs, have you forgotten that Thaksin has been "asked" to do it.
  17. It's a false equivalence. Thaksin had autocratic tendencies but (he and his party) always came to power by elections. And unlike the military clowns could have been outvoted. As to corruption, the military was exonerated of any responsibility and de-facto has not been investigated. Forgot about Prayut's nephew, the army park (cannot spell the name), military procurement, Prawit's watches, R&R scandal, and other buried cases, really? About he war on drugs. You don't know why the army-backed governments never dared to pursue an investigation and quickly buried the case, despite the fact that it looked like the ideal case to nail Thaksin. Really?
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