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Everything posted by candide

  1. What a contrast with the previous President! Table from ch.2 of the report https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2023/06/27/confidence-in-biden-to-handle-world-affairs/
  2. I think it will depend on how the investigations and trials will evolve. If he is convinced he needs a pardon, he will become DeSantis best friend.
  3. So familly members logs are not disclosed, it makes sense. MAGAs are so desperate for having nothing, that they are ready to grasp at any straw
  4. The Burisma conspiracy theory has been debunked long time ago, and it is not illegal to make business with Chinese companies. As usual, you've got nothing!
  5. In a way, It's quite cool to investigate Trump. He cannot stop opening his big gob and provides himself the evidence needed to incriminate him! ????
  6. He was a government official dealing with SA. I'm not saying it's necessarily corrupt but there's a clear conflict of interest, and conflicts of interest should be investigated by House committees. As to Hunter, as far as I know, his business is also legitimate.
  7. How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis? Hint: It’s not because of his track record as an investor. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-04-11/how-did-jared-kushner-get-2-billion-from-the-saudis Not saying it's corrupt but it seems to me it's the right price at WH level. Not a few miserable millions. Of course, when a government official receives billions of $ from a foreign country, the House committee looks elsewhere. Better look at a private citizen with no record of any transaction with the government (Hunter).
  8. The deal is indicated in the laptop documents you seem to trust. It was about the creation of a JV. Nothing illegal in creating a JV with a Chinese company, as 1000s of companies did. According to Hunter's lawyer, the money was about consulting fees and various cost to prepare the deal. But if you have evidence that it was illegal please give us your evidence.
  9. No involvement needed to make a threat. I'll tell my father! It' been working since kindergarten.... On top of it, there is no evidence that there was anything illegal with this 'deal'.
  10. 1. You mean when Hunter paid for some house repairs? What a shocking case of corruption! ???? Not to mention that Joe paid him back.! 2. So Hunter made a threat to someone who owned him money, while his father held no official position (in 2017) and Trump was President! Another shocking case of corruption! ???? In brief, you have nothing!
  11. From your link: "Shapley testified that he, in October 2020, complained that he still had "not been given access to the laptop." Shapley noted that Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf admitted that she did not see the laptop because "prosecutors decided to keep it from the investigators." It's really shocking to see how Biden's weaponized DOJ was able to restrict the scopa of this investigation! Oh wait! It was on October 2020! ????
  12. From the linked article: "He said some of the decisions made in the case "seem to be influenced by politics," citing an example of DOJ officials having supposedly "dragged their feet" over a request for physical search warrants of addresses in California, Arkansas, New York, and Washington, D.C., in March 2020." So in March 2020, Trump 's DOJ interfered in the investigation, in order to protect Hunter Biden..... Ahem! That's a bit incredible, isn't it?
  13. Trumps reply ???? “The Deranged Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith, working in conjunction with the DOJ & FBI, illegally leaked and ‘spun’ a tape and transcript of me which is actually an exoneration, rather than what they would have you believe,” Trump wrote. https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-responds-leaked-audio-025702780.html
  14. Considering that a large share of MAGA folks not only believe in the Big Lie conspiracy, but also believe in the pizzagate and birther conspiracies (among others), how would you call these morons?
  15. Millions of $ may look like an important sum to you, but It's peanuts for consulting and law firms. Moreover, it would be a ridiculously low price to corrupt someone at the WH level. As Trump and Kushner examples with Saudi Arabia and Qatar have shown, the price of corruption at the WH level is in billions of $, not millions.
  16. Come on! Haven't you watched "Back to the Future"? ???? Same story with the so-called IRS whistleblowers. Most events brought up occurred in 2020.
  17. Exactly. Trump refused to testify! Trump will not testify or provide any statement at impeachment trial, lawyer says https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/impeachment-managers-request-trump-testify-under-oath-senate-trial-n1256751
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