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Everything posted by candide

  1. “I watched him show documents to people at Mar-a-Lago on the dining room patio,” Grisham, who served as Trump’s chief spokesperson from July 2019 to April 2020, said in an interview on MSNBC. “So, he has no respect for classified information, never did.” Former Trump press secretary says he showed classified documents to people on Mar-a-Lago dining patio https://news.yahoo.com/former-trump-press-secretary-says-162649700.html
  2. They may be well meaning. However their well meant conception of politics is that Thailand would be best ruled by an establishment of unelected people.
  3. Pathetic! The usual Trump's) fake claims. "After the end of his speech at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Biden turned around and gestured toward the onlookers to his right, who rose to applaud him. He wasn’t trying to shake hands with an imaginary person." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/apr/19/facebook-posts/biden-was-gesturing-towards-his-audience-not-shaki/
  4. And it's not specific to the U.S. So U.S. businesses won't be disadvantaged compared to their competitors. Ex. https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-proposes-ban-all-consumer-most-industrial-and-commercial-uses-methylene-chloride#:~:text=Still%2C use of methylene chloride,one consumer use in 2019.
  5. A right-wing propaganda fake claim based on edited videos...
  6. And as a mighty USA, leader of the free world, he seems to be doing quite well. In the U.S: economic growth, record low unemployment, increased energy production and exports, infrastructures, I industrial policy (ex semiconductors), green policy, etc... Outside the U.S.: uniting NATO against Russia, leading position against China, and significantly improving the image of the U.S. in other countries....
  7. The truth from Fox News which paid $787.5 million fine for lying? ????
  8. While most of them are children of immigrants, mainly from Northern Africa, it is mainly based on a kind of solidarity between people living in what would be called 'projects' in the U.S.
  9. Now, guess who has really a problem with China? Trump campaign advisor who allegedly saw classified map works for China lobbying firm https://nypost.com/2023/06/29/trump-aide-who-allegedly-saw-classified-map-works-for-lobbying-firm-that-serves-china/ "According to a 37-count indictment brought earlier this month by special counsel Jack Smith, a “PAC representative” — reportedly Wiles — visited the 77-year-old ex-president at his Bedminster, NJ, golf club in August or September 2021 and was improperly shown a classified map of a foreign nation."
  10. It seems there is another condition: "The third reading also requires a majority vote of the parliament. However, that majority must also include one-third of the Senate, and 20 percent of MPs from all political parties which do not hold positions as cabinet members, Speaker of House of Representatives, or Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives." https://prachataienglish.com/node/9086 I am not sure how to interpret this other condition, as it is translated in English from the original version. Is it 20% of all MPs, or is it 20% of MPs in each party?
  11. And what was illegal about the deal between CEFC and Hunter and his partners?
  12. Please stop complaining about something which did not happen. Your post was fully quoted and not edited. I just highlighted the convenient use of "could".
  13. Actually, in their army clan, Prawit us Prayut's boss.
  14. Interesting In the letter, Lowell questions why Republicans circulated reportedly fake images of the alleged WhatsApp messages involving Hunter...... "The screen-grab images you posted are not real and contain myriad of issues," Lowell explained, adding that the alleged WhatsApp messages did not resemble the platform and appeared altered. "[B]oth images portray the message in a blue bubble, when WhatsApp messages are in green; one image super-imposed the Chinese flag for the contact ID," Lowell described. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-bidens-lawyer-explodes-ways-means-committee-obsession-doj-investigation After Jim Jordan caught lying about a testimony, who would be surprised?
  15. Lol! It took a year because initially, only the NYPost got a copy. Complain to Giuliani about it.
  16. "EVERYONE must be held equal under one law". We can at least agree on that. There's no reason why Trump should be exempted because he is a former president and also a presidential candidate. The law applies to anyone, including him!
  17. My point was that his old friend (not sure he's still a friend, but he was), is certainly no friend of MFP and would not do anything to help MFP.
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