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Everything posted by candide

  1. The military mafia is the armed component of a network of oligarchs....
  2. Well, a real news would be Trump saying something which is not absurd!
  3. I think that it's more symbolic than really useful. They want to show they are able to replucate what the U.S. Is doing in Taiwan. However, the last thing Cuba may want is a conflict with the U.S. Cuba is also playing its own game.
  4. Ok. I recognise I am not a specialist. So what would be the significant advantages drawn from being in Cuba, in terms of intelligence activities?
  5. The table is not particularly questionable (the gini coefficient is the most used method). Anyway, what's your point? That inequalities are usually higher in large cities, and that large cities tend to vote for Dems?
  6. Ahem.... https://citymonitor.ai/neighbourhoods/us-income-inequality-cities-revealed
  7. So it would worsen Trump's bad reputation? Trump already torpedoed his reputation by himself some time ago....
  8. And what would China do? Invade the U.S.? Western companies have been investing in China for years (incl. Trump). Why shouldn't the Chinese invest in Western countries? And the wide open borders is right-wing propaganda B.S.
  9. Nowadays, satellites and the Internet are probably the most efficient ways to spy on a foreign country. Is a presence in Cuba really useful to China, or is it rather a symbolic move?
  10. Not a wise Republican, but a dumb MAGA fan, and there are many of them. Ex. Who would have thought someone would be dumb enough to wait outside Obama's house to get him?
  11. We are talking about this, right? "Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden,” So, according to you, when Trump (or anyone else) makes such a B.S. claim, the Presidency should reply rather than ignore the creep? Really?
  12. Other politicians have made the B.S. claim that their main political opponent was sniffing coke? I didn't know that.
  13. Trump's usual m.o. He also frequently used: " I've been told that..", "people say that.." It seems he sometimes listens to his lawyers' advices! ????
  14. How many times have the MAGAs been close to....? We already had the Kraken, the elections audits, the IG investigation, the Durham probe, the Senate led committee, etc....
  15. Who knows it has not been planted? Stupidity has no limit. Someone would surely be stupid to hide one's cocaine in the WH, just as someone would be stupid to plant cocaine in the WH.
  16. Says someone who seem to be obsessed enought to use Biden's picture with his alias. Projecting much?
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