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Everything posted by candide

  1. Now you introduce facts in the discussion! That's not fair! ????
  2. From Sun's book too: "He had a call with two generals at about 2:35 p.m., about 20 minutes after the attackers broke through the doors and lawmakers were rushing to safety. He said that Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt said he didn't like the optics of sending uniformed Guard soldiers to the Capitol but would put them at roadside checkpoints. The comment is shocking because it's exactly what Donald Trump and Republicans have claimed Nancy Pelosi said before the attack. It turns out, it came from Trump's allies instead." https://www.rawstory.com/january-6-sund-book-revelations/
  3. Which media lies? Testimonies under oath. In summary, you have nothing.
  4. The funny steering wheel story has not been confirmed. However, the most important, that Trump was angry and wanted to be driven to the Capitol has been corroborated by other witnesses and evidence. Testimony and communications from Secret Service agents and former White House officials shared Thursday showed former President Trump was intent on traveling to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3687026-testimony-underscores-trumps-desire-to-go-to-capitol-on-jan-6/ https://news.yahoo.com/witness-says-trump-irate-secret-010406520.html
  5. Useful advices here! How to Drain a Swamp First, dig a trench. https://slate.com/technology/2016/10/how-to-drain-a-swamp.html
  6. They did not completely get it wrong, as it is what is shown in the report (see the graph in my previous post). They just did not notice that in was calculated in the model with constant price level, in order to neutralise the effect of inflation.. So 33b in constant price is broadly equivalent to 100b at current price level.
  7. From the CER report cited in the Independent, the 33 billion figure is not cumulative (unlike your Covid figure), From what I understand, in it also in constant 2009 prices. https://www.cer.eu/insights/cost-brexit-june-2022
  8. BBC News - Russian troops able to freeze sperm for free - lawyer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64107729 ????
  9. A liar, a cheat, a crook, and probably a traitor. A dignified MAGA rep. ????
  10. B.S.! It's not about believing MSM, etc... It's about believing scientifically validated data and analyses.
  11. An interesting analysis of the relative level of inaction about Brexit in the political sphere. Britain weathered political turmoil in 2022. But Brexit remains the elephant in the room Analysis by Luke McGee, CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/27/europe/brexit-2023-intl-analysis-cmd-gbr/index.html
  12. So being global has nothing to do with globalisation? Kind of contortionist? "the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized especially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets" https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/globalization
  13. Me stupid! I thought "global Britain" was a key theme of Brexitism! ???? https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/content-series/inflection-points/boris-johnson-transforms-global-britain-slogan-into-an-inspiring-strategic-plan/
  14. Which % in London, which voted against Brexit?
  15. If you are so eager to know, then why don't you start by reading scientific publications about it? A large amount of data is already available, and has been investigated. Some links have been already provided in this thread. Here's a meta-analysis of the different studies. It also references most of the scientific studies made so far. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/12/2/e050278 As mentioned by Bkk Brian, it takes long time to do a serious scientific investigation, such as the one I linked, and to have a Grand Jury making this assessment instead of scientists is a joke.
  16. Do you think this issue has not been investigated by scientists? That a politically motivated show will bring up any new reliable knowledge about it?
  17. It was obvious to anyone with a brain. However, Brexit is an act of faith and no rational argument may matter.
  18. It's a lie. It has already been pointed out to you, and you knowingly repeat the same lie. Posting it over and over will not make it true. The report doesn't ommit this fact. Posting on his social media site, Trump called the report “highly partisan” and falsely claimed it didn’t include his statement on January 6 that his supporters should protest “peacefully and patriotically.” The committee did include that statement, though, and noted that he followed that comment with election falsehoods and charged language exhorting the crowd to “fight like hell.” https://www.euronews.com/2022/12/23/house-committee-report-says-donald-trump-lit-the-fire-of-capitol-riots
  19. Well, the good side of it is that, if it didn't happen, we would have missed this! ???? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/24/josh-hawley-republican-senator-ran-running-capitol-attack-kansas-city-star
  20. A good highlight of key points in the report Jan. 6 report says Trump floated plan for 10,000 troops to protect him - recap of findings https://news.yahoo.com/jan-6-committees-final-report-134753140.html In particular: "Two days before the Jan. 6 assault, then-President Donald Trump persisted in his desire to accompany demonstrators on a march to the Capitol, suggesting that 10,000 National Guard troops could provide protection for him and an entourage. According to the committee, White House Senior Advisor Max Miller “shot it down immediately” out of concern for Trump’s safety, indicating that there was no additional conversation about the National Guard protection plan. “Just glad we killed the national guard and a procession,” Miller later texted to Trump aide Katrina Pierson. The episode stands out, as there is no evidence that Trump ever called on the National Guard to put down the eventual riot at the Capitol, contributing to the long-delayed military response to the violent assault"
  21. Lol! The GOP report! While it is true that Trump evoked sending national guards to the protest, he never made a formal request (testimony linked in my post to which you never replied). Moreover, according to the Miller, it was to protect protesters, not the Capitol (linked in Heybruce's post to which you did not reply). As concerns Pelosi, she is not in charge of the Capitol police (links in a previous post, idem). She has a vague supervision role, and McConnell has exactly the same role on an equal level (strange, only Pelosi is mentioned by the right-wing). Pelosi never turned down any request for national guards. There is no proof of it, including in the linked article. It seems you are keen to ignore facts brought to you when they don't fit your propaganda narrative.
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