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Everything posted by candide

  1. Who's got no grasp? There is no evidence Trump declassified the documents, except Trump's own word (Trump's word, lol!). On top of it, according to the law signed by Trump himself, it is not even necessary for the documents to be declassified to characterise an act of felony. The conspiracy theory that Biden may have betrayed his country to get China to subsidise Penn University is absolutely laughable! China started funding Penn in 2014, while the Biden Center was only created in 2017 (according to the right-wing NYPost). On top of 115 universities got money from China, some of them much more than Penn (link in another post). So there is a traitor in each of these 115 universities? ???? To reply to your other post, Biden was not "caught". It has been already mentioned to you and It's a lie. He gave back the documents without even been asked to, as the NARA and the DOJ were unaware of their existence. You can post right-wing propaganda fake news and lame conspiracy theories as many times as you want, it will not make them true!
  2. Yet the UK agreed to most of these regulations, and also sometimes opted out when it didn't. It wasn't forced on the UK. It is also interesting to note that, when asked about which EU regulations were so unbearable, Brexiteers were unable to cite any significant ones.
  3. You wrote: "as opposed to the absolute rights and authority inherent in the Presidents declassification powers putting Biden in far greater legal jeopardy than 45" It seems you implicitly assume Trump's document were declassified. Otherwise there was no reason for you to write that Trump would be in less jeopardy than Biden. My point (in a post you trunkated) is that, as these documents were not declassified, and as Trump was not President any more, he doesn't benefit from any particular right any more and Biden is not in a far greater legal jeopardy than Trump.
  4. You are assuming Trump declassified the documents he was keeping. This is not the case, so he wasn't more allowed than anyone else to keep them, as soon as he was not president any more. On top of it, when Biden took the documents, it was before Trump signed the modified law making it a felony. The law cannot be applied retroactively, he would only risk being convicted of a plain offense, not a felony as Trump. BTW, we all know Trump is not overly bright, but to change a law to make it more tough, and then to infringe it himself..... ????
  5. However: - the Council sets the agenda on which the Commission will work. It is very unlikely it is done against the will of major countries, - why are submitted regulation seldom rejected by the Council and EP? Because they are elaborated in collaboration with them, in particular the Councils. That's the "reality of this system". Of course, everything is not always agreed by each member, but most important issues are, and even when unanimity is not required, it is often achieved.
  6. Investigated by someone nominated by Trump. It could not be done more by the book.
  7. Lol! ???? Did Biden refuse to give them back? Did Biden make false statement about it in order to keep them? Did Biden obstruct anything? He gave them back when he realised he had them, without even being asked to.
  8. A smoking gun would be an additional bonus, but is not even needed. Having a recognized expert in charge of assessing documents, in order to make sure this assessment cannot be contested, is probably enough.
  9. Right! 54 million in total over 5 years! This is very suspect!. And it''s not as if other universities also received money from China!???? Oh wait!???? Harvard leads U.S. colleges that received $1 billion from China "Trade tensions between Beijing and Washington have been building for years, leading the Trump administration to label the Asian nation “a threat to the world.” Yet the tally of gifts and contracts from China to U.S. universities since the start of 2013 is approaching $1 billion. About 115 colleges got monetary gifts, contracts or both from sources in mainland China in the 6½ years through June, according to a Bloomberg ..." https://www.inquirer.com/education/china-funding-us-colleges-universities-trade-tensions-20200207.html https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/chinas-damaging-influence-and-exploitation-us-colleges-and-universities And guess which administration started investigating it: "When the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation started looking into the Thousands Talent Program in 2015, Beijing abruptly ended all public discussions of the program and deleted all online references to it."
  10. Sometimes, the traditional rivalry between the French and the British brings positive outcomes! ????
  11. Biden influencing the Trump administration. Good luck with that one! ???? And again, influencing for what? The JV, as well as the Chinese partner, have not been involved in any transaction involving the government.
  12. Facts we know: 1. 2017 according to the email 2. Biden did not hold any official position in 2017. There was nothing to obtain from him 3. As I mentioned, no interaction between Hunter's business, his partners' and the government. No public procurement, no licence, nada! 4. To get what? Again, Hunter has not been involved with business with the government. However, he had a significant record in lobbying and investment. He may have been able to sell himself as better than he really was, that's his problem and is not illegal.
  13. I am talking about what is known and reported about the TEXT of the emails, I.e. "The second involved a business venture that Hunter tried to set up with a Chinese energy tycoon in 2017 (after Joe Biden was no longer vice president). One email mentions that the equity split would include “10 held by H for the big guy" Do you understand what venture and equity means? https://www.vox.com/22992772/hunter-biden-laptop
  14. Money for what? Hunter Biden and his partners have not been involved in any transaction with the US government: no public procurement, no licence awarded, etc... On top of it, Trump and the GOP were governing the country at that time. Joe was not holding any official position. This is completely incoherent.
  15. You obviously did not pay attention to the content of the emails found. It was not about spitting money to be received, it was about becoming a shareholder of the JV. When you create a JV as shareholder, you INVEST money, not receive money. On top of it, the JV has been effectively created and officially registered. Joe Biden was not a shareholder of this JV. So all your "if" are pointless.
  16. Who is surprised by Rocha's behaviour? https://www.poder360.com.br/eleicoes/ibaneis-declara-apoio-a-bolsonaro-no-2o-turno-nada-mais-natural/
  17. Very interesting article which covers all key issues (therefore It's long).
  18. From your Fox News article: "Those words are still true. It has all the classic earmarks," he said.
  19. It seems some BM have memory issues... Here is an exhaustive timeline showing (among other things) how Trump and his aides put pressure on Zelenski in order to convince him to discredit Biden, who was increasingly perceived as a potential election winner by Trump. https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  20. Trump Takes A Bow For Kevin McCarthy's Speaker Win: 'I Did The Country A Big Favor!' ???? https://news.yahoo.com/trump-takes-bow-kevin-mccarthys-234347443.html
  21. On top of it, Albania is not even yet a member of the EU.
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