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Everything posted by candide

  1. There was a deal which was close to completion, but Trump crashed it because it had been initiated by Obama. Same as the TPP.
  2. Lol! The EU is the economic entity with the largest number and scope of trade deals in the world. And there are more in the pipes. https://policy.trade.ec.europa.eu/eu-trade-relationships-country-and-region/negotiations-and-agreements_en
  3. I think It's also about power and influence. He gave these people, who had no power and influence in their life, the sentiment that they had a political power, and not only the elite. They have been able to influence political themes and promote their beliefs, whatever <deleted> it may have been, they have been kingmaker at primary elections, etc... of course, they have been often following instructions and even been scammed, but it doesn't really matter to them. Even if Trump leaves, they will want to keep that influence.
  4. Finally, it seems the old fox has been right to stress the risk for democracy!
  5. Has it been proven right? Whoever is POTUS, I think the rationale remains the same. Giving a "good deal" to UK before completing an agreement with the EU is bad tactics.
  6. And you conveniently forget to recall the context! Obama argued that he had a right to respond to the claims of Brexit campaigners that Britain would easily be able to negotiate a fresh trade deal with the US. “They are voicing an opinion about what the United States is going to do, I figured you might want to hear from the president of the United States what I think the United States is going to do. “And on that matter, for example, I think it’s fair to say that maybe some point down the line there might be a UK-US trade agreement, but it’s not going to happen any time soon because our focus is in negotiating with a big bloc, the European Union, to get a trade agreement done”. He added: “The UK is going to be in the back of the queue.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/apr/22/barack-obama-brexit-uk-back-of-queue-for-trade-talks
  7. Right. The GOP thought it would bank on stressing traditional conservative values and policies: anti-abortion, anti-green, anti-woke, anti-LGBT, pro-gun, pro-religion, etc.... They forgot that, by definition, young people are often less conservative than older ones. It's not their "world". The GOP emphasis on values actually gave causes for young people to get interested in politics again
  8. You can add to it that the GOP may not have been perceived as able to solve economic problems, it did not articulate and promote applicable policies, in particular as concerns inflation.
  9. Less than not being able to show that everything has been done by the book, because of a rushed process. Anyway, who cares about those who "suggest"? They will creatively invent their own "fuel", as they did before.
  10. Policies on short term and longer term are not necessarily the same. On short term, the only solution is an increase of global production, as capacities are fixed. On a longer term, a substitution policy can be implemented. As concerns SA, they know their resrrves are not unlimited and also invest in renewable energy.
  11. First point already replied by placeholder. Second point: weren't you complaining Biden was allegedly doing nothing to reduce inflation?
  12. Apart from Trump, the way the GOP campaigned is also responsible for its limited performance. Instead of designing workable policies and promoting them, they just campaigned on Biden bad, bad! It made it easier for Biden to counter attack with MAGA bad, bad!
  13. Well, it is unlikely that DeSantis issues won't be related to Trump in one way or another during the next two years. We can trust the Donald for that.
  14. And, as usual, Trump takes advantage of it for scamming his supporters! ???? Donald Trump tells donors to help Republicans win the US Senate — by giving his own political committees money https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-tells-donors-help-182324759.html
  15. Is Trump like a small poodle now? ???? Trump says 'I'd like to apologize to Melania' on behalf of news outlets that reported he blamed her for his failed endorsement of Dr. Oz https://news.yahoo.com/trump-says-id-apologize-melania-165604006.html
  16. The MAGA folks are now confronted to an unexpected choice! Should they believe Fox News and the NYPost (the WSJ has no impact on them), or should they believe Trump? ????
  17. If the U.S. is self-sufficient and even net exporter, I don't see how it is relevant (the trend of self-sufficiency is independent from). Now if you are able to show the net surplus of exports is due only to the sales of reserves, don't hesitate!
  18. Trump is 'livid' and 'screaming' his head off after disappointing midterm elections for the GOP, an advisor said https://news.yahoo.com/trump-livid-screaming-head-off-152742331.html
  19. Maybe you could ask yourself why you are posting inaccurate information. The U.S. is largely self-sufficient and was a net exporter of oil in 2021 and 2022. https://www.ogj.com/general-interest/economics-markets/article/14283286/eia-us-exported-record-amounts-of-petroleum-products-in-firsthalf-2022 https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/imports-and-exports.php
  20. The trap is already laid. Russia has positioned its artillery on the southern side of the river and will start shelling the other side as soon as the Ukrainian army gets near enough.
  21. I made a claim and backed it with facts exposed in a linked source. Now if you disagree and claim that there is a domestic shortage, why don't you bring up facts for a change, instead of trying to get other posters to waste their time, as usual?
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