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Everything posted by candide

  1. Trump's "vision"ยก Ahem! Trump was rather erratic, but led by three principles: - undo what Obama did or initiated, ex NAFTA, replaced by something similar under another name, TPP... - rather than multipolar, he was against multinational organisations because he thought that USA, as the largest economy, could exert more power in bilateral negotiations. That's why, for example, he did not like the EU, the UN, etc.. - the third principle was show-business, that is mediatic coups. However, he completely overestimated his capabilities, and was fooled by Kim, Putin, Xi, and also Netanyahu (luckily, his aides convinced him to prevent Netanyahu from annexing the territories in the "peace" agreement.
  2. He certainly knows how to read but that's his trolling m.o. to distort what has been posted.
  3. Not all Trump voters are MAGA. The % of Republicans who believe the Pizzagate conspiracy theory would be a reasonably good approximation
  4. Speculations posted in this thread are meaningles since the regiments stationed in Bangkok are not under command of the army chief any more, but directly under Royal command. I have an idea of a possible interpretation but I prefer not to express it. As if Thaksin or PTP had any say on this matter....
  5. Isn't it the reason why another testimony would be necessary?
  6. In case Trump's lawyer would claim that his 'mushroom' is not as described by Stormy, his wife may be called to testify in order to corroborate (or not) Stormy's testimony! ๐Ÿ˜€
  7. The usual MAGA way of argumenting: making up laws, deflections, and false equivalences....
  8. From what I read in the French news sites, the guy is an Iranian opponent to the current regime, and the explosives were fake.
  9. So there are 311 patriots in the House. It could have been worse.
  10. What have you done? Now the MAGAs will complain that the money goes to the military industry! ๐Ÿ˜€
  11. Not me, forum rules. So you have nothing to substantiate your claim. That's what I thought....
  12. Where are my LSD pills? I forgot where I put them! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  13. Lol! It's you who made a claim, you need to back it with evidence, not ask other posters to do it for you!
  14. Interesting. Do you have statistics about it? ๐Ÿ˜
  15. This will be another Trumper-free thread! ๐Ÿ˜„
  16. Sure, it's the posters' fault and not the fault of Trump and the other GOP politicians who are continuously claiming the Big Lie! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ As if one of the major U.S. political issues could be ignored in topics about U.S. politics...... BTW, why is it you never make this type of comments to MAGA posters when they post about it?
  17. It is the major component of Trump's campaign. How can it be ignored? If Trump hadn't been continuously claiming the Big Lie for four years now, nobody would have been arguing about it over and over. Of course, we never read that type of comment from you when MAGA fans post about it....
  18. So Putin's Special Envoy to the United States Congress is angry! How surprising? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  19. The 2017 tax cuts have never been compensated by increased tax revenues. That's why the debt increased despite a worldwide context of economic prosperity pre-Covid.
  20. What about Trump and other MAGA politicians repeating the Big Lie over and over?
  21. The MAGA cult has certainly no exclusivity on conspiracy nutters, but there are much more MAGA conspiracy nutters. One just need to have a look at the percentage of GOP voters who believed the Pizzagate conspiracy or believe the Big Lie!
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