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Everything posted by candide

  1. But only after analysing the system in a lab for months.... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  2. A useful timeline https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/14/politics/timeline-trump-stormy-daniels-hush-money-dg/index.html
  3. That was expected as the constitution was written under the military Junta.
  4. Not an election as we understand it. More like a selection. If you want to understand how it works, it's all explained here: https://www.ilaw.or.th/articles/20706 Quote: What the constitutional drafters envisioned as an election among an exclusive club of the nonpartisan experts will turn out to be an election for the elderly, wealthy, and well-connected few.
  5. No problem. Just spend 300 baht less everyday in tourism oriented businesses: choose cheaper rooms, cheaper meals, less drinks.... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  6. Not true. The changes have been made under Trump. Edit Actually it took 4 years to progressively implement the system, until the switch on 1 January 2021, so nothing to do with the Biden administration. https://bjs.ojp.gov/nibrs-estimation-project
  7. The "recent changes" occurred on 1st Jan. 2021 (so still under the Trump administration, BTW). It means the 2023 data are comparable to the 2021 and 2022 data.
  8. Ahem! Thailand will be one of the most affected countries, by extreme heat, floods, and rising sea level. In particular, if you own a property in Bangkok and want to transmit it to your descendants, you'd better check where it is located. On top of it, the city is slowly sinking.
  9. No, it will be 'stats rigged by the left-wing'! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  10. On top of it, legal arguments are usually too long to be displayed on the memes they get from social networks, which seem to be their main source of information (as we have observed yesterday)! ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Or baseless deflection...or baseless deflection...or baseless deflection... (only 3, ok for Menendez)
  12. The Trump brand depreciated the value of the property. It's an obvious capitalist reaction to remove the name in order to increase its value.
  13. Due to the nomination process, the Senate will likely be controlled by the conservative elite. However, as I understand, the new Senate will not elect the PM any more.
  14. It would have been interesting to know for which party they would vote....
  15. Obviously, you haven't looked at recent polls. Anyway, it would be the same if the property were called Biden or Obama. Whatever the name, It's not in the interest of sellers that the name of the building may displease around 50% of potential buyers. I guess that when they bought it, Trump wasn't a politician.
  16. It seems so easy for a kid to get a gun in Texas that it Isn't even mentioned how he got it
  17. It's actually also motivated by capitalism, as it affects the value of their properties.
  18. Interesting.... Is patriotism gaining momentum among right-wingers? https://nypost.com/tag/marjorie-taylor-greene/
  19. Putin's problem is that his Russia has no soft power. Russia is a failed State which attracts no one. Ex in Europe, which people would prefer Russia's boots and economy, to the laws and wealth of the EU?
  20. It's not the Dems who are destroying values, it's Trump and his puppets!
  21. When you have to resort to hypothetical events, we know what it means....
  22. Trump's "vision"ยก Ahem! Trump was rather erratic, but led by three principles: - undo what Obama did or initiated, ex NAFTA, replaced by something similar under another name, TPP... - rather than multipolar, he was against multinational organisations because he thought that USA, as the largest economy, could exert more power in bilateral negotiations. That's why, for example, he did not like the EU, the UN, etc.. - the third principle was show-business, that is mediatic coups. However, he completely overestimated his capabilities, and was fooled by Kim, Putin, Xi, and also Netanyahu (luckily, his aides convinced him to prevent Netanyahu from annexing the territories in the "peace" agreement.
  23. He certainly knows how to read but that's his trolling m.o. to distort what has been posted.
  24. Not all Trump voters are MAGA. The % of Republicans who believe the Pizzagate conspiracy theory would be a reasonably good approximation
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