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Everything posted by candide

  1. Another ridiculous and uninformed statement.🤣 Muslim extremists are against LGBT. They have been persecuted by ISIS in the M.E.
  2. Why that? Facts are on my side. The U.S. has by far the highest rate of mass killings. That's fact. The highest gun possession rate by far, That's fact. Any nutter can buy quasi-war weapons in the U.S. That's fact. You can write as much blah blah You want, it doesn't change these basic facts. 😆
  3. There are many other choices: bad loser Don, liar Don, charity fraudster Don, find me 11,800 votes Don, fake electors Don, mushroom Don, university scamer Don, I won the 2020 election Don, Pampers Don.... 😆
  4. Criminal referrals are surely a headache when one has nothing...😆
  5. Fleeing to a border which is closed and most of all under the scrutiny of the military on both sides of the border? Are you naive enough to believe that fairy tale? 😀
  6. My initial opinion was that some adults failed their duty to protect minors. He was looking like the kid in Rintintin TV show and there was no way he could have been confused with an adult. The other adult vigilante should not have called him or should have sent him home. Similarly, the policemen who gave him water should have sent him home. They didn't. Then after the trial, he started to brag about it, and make a show of himself. He showed what he really is: a little piece of fascist non-convicted killer (and a liar, as someone else recalled me).
  7. Si now you are acknowledging that there is an impact of the pandemic on the economy? It's nice to know it.
  8. So it's currently over the market performance growth under Trump at the same time. Thanks for the information! 😀
  9. So it's not obvious for you that it's ridiculous Russian propaganda?
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