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Everything posted by candide

  1. How can the fact that Cohen was jailed for participating in it be considered?
  2. Crickets.... It seems UK is also a banana Republic (Kingdom) according to JonnyF criteria! 😀
  3. What is also particular to Thailand is that It's a coronaviruses' nest! https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12985-015-0289-1
  4. In your country, is it allowed to threaten jury members, witnesses and court staff?
  5. Sure! It makes sense to head towards a closed border which is intensively scrutinized by both the Russian army and the Ukrainian army! 😀
  6. All deaths are counted, right. However, the way to calculate the "excess" may differ. From your link: The numbers can be adjusted for what was to be expected from population predictions, even though such data does not exist for all countries, and the choice of method leads to varying results. When Statistics Sweden compares excess deaths with projected deaths based on population trends and age, at 4.2 percent Sweden still has fewer excess deaths than its neighbors, but the difference with Denmark (4.3) and Norway (4.5) becomes insignificant. Finland’s rate is almost twice as high, at 8.2 percent.31 The result is slightly different when the website Our World in Data uses the Human Mortality Dataset and compares excess deaths with the previous five years rather than the previous three years. Then Denmark has a lower rate than Sweden, with Norway close to Sweden and Finland higher than Sweden.32The Economist has its own method for measuring excess death and comes to a similar conclusion.33 And, as a reminder, Sweden had a much higher death rate in 2020, when it implemented only very few restrictions. The death rate started to decrease only after it started to implement extensive restrictions (and extensive vaccination, too). So it's not true that Sweden had no restrictions during the whole time.
  7. The data confirms that restrictions (incl. lockdowns) saved lives. As I mentioned, the death rate decreased in Sweden after it started to implement stricter restrictions from 2021. It only applied lax restrictions in 2020. Sweden has also one of the highest vaccination rate in Europe. It us also geography bound and culture bound, as low death rates for Sweden neighbours are showing. For example, I doubt that voluntary restrictions would work in Latin European countries in the same way as in a Protestant Nordic country such as Sweden. As to excess deaths measures, the article you cited notes that there are different ways to calculate them, and it affects the results. Ex. Here, Sweden has a higher death rates than Norway or Denmark https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?time=2023-01-01&facet=none&country=DNK~SWE~NOR~DEU~FRA~ITA~ESP~NLD~BEL~CHE~AUT~LUX~GBR~PRT~FIN~IRL~USA~AUS~NZL&hideControls=true&Interval=Cumulative&Relative+to+Population=true&Color+by+test+positivity=false&Metric=Excess+mortality+(%)
  8. It seems you are quite selective about which statistics you share! 😀 Taking Covid death rates as measure doesn't show the same outcome. If you look at historical data Sweden had a much higher Covid death rate than its neighbours in 2020, so lockdowns implemented by its neughbours have been efficient). From 2021 they introduced much more restrictions, and the death rate fell. (even if not a full-lockdown). Another aspect is that Sweden has one of the highest Covid vaccination rate (too bad for the antivax nutters 😀) Another more general comment us that Nordic countries have lower death rateS, bothered us also a geographical/cultural factor.
  9. The usual nonsense... The effect of lockdowns and vaccine have been extensively analysed... Talking about idiots... 😀
  10. Not surprising! He already claimed that the 2012 election was rigged, that the 2016 election was rigged, and ultimately the 2020 election was rigged! 😆
  11. The hearings are about making a false equivalence between Trump and Biden.
  12. In summary: - the initial attempts by Trump and Giuliani, since "Crowdstrike is Ukrainian", "the server is in Ukraine" and the following B.S. (ex. the fired prosecutor who was not investigating Burisma) originated from Russia (in particular from Derkach who has been deprived of its Ukrainian citizenship for being a Russian operative), - the first GOP core witness (Lutz) happened to be working for China and Iran - the second GOP core witness was lying and happened to have transmitted Russian disinformation. Who's really surprised to know from where Trump and the GOP get their fake information?
  13. You would have thought.... but there have been plenty of cases of Islamic terrorist trying to flee after the attack.
  14. You mean the post to which I replied was supposed to be humorous?
  15. Could it be that, unlike the right-wing untertainers, the MSM have been waiting to see real evidence? FD-1023 anyone? 😀
  16. You've been waiting for the Kraken and other similar attempts... You've been waiting for the IG investigation... You've been waiting for the Durham investigation... Then you've been waiting for the core GOP witnesses who eventually happened to work for China and Russia. You've been waiting for the FD-1023... It looks like you are never tired of waiting... 😀
  17. No brown envelopes needed when the order comes from an astropheric level....
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